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I'm throwing myself upon the mercy of the community here. I'm perplexed and befuddled, (which may very well be causing this problem in the first place).

I've had a handful of battles begin with my morale already sliced to 96% and the opponent being awarded 4% victory pts before a turn is even begun. Yes that's right. After my initial setup my first morale posting is 96%. What gives? Did I place a platoon in a patch of quicksand and not hear their pleas for help. Do I have troops offing their CO's before the battle begins?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackthorne:

I'm throwing myself upon the mercy of the community here. I'm perplexed and befuddled, (which may very well be causing this problem in the first place).

I've had a handful of battles begin with my morale already sliced to 96% and the opponent being awarded 4% victory pts before a turn is even begun. Yes that's right. After my initial setup my first morale posting is 96%. What gives? Did I place a platoon in a patch of quicksand and not hear their pleas for help. Do I have troops offing their CO's before the battle begins?

:confused: :confused: :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've been wondering about that myself...I've

started battles with morale as low as the



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Ok, I did split up an entire platoon for screening duty. So I had 3 squads split into 6. How, or why would the game consider these squads as victory pts for my opponent. I've read about the effectiveness rate drop that splitting a squad entails, but obviouisly no casualties are taken.

Thanks for the clue though Ron.

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I'm not certain that points were actually being added to your opponent, but rather, remember that the "victory" points on the bottom of the screen are only your force's *perceived* level of victory; that is, what your little electronic soldiers believe the relative victory level is. If you have a bunch of guys split into half-squads, with the concomitant morale loss, the total impact of combined lowered morale could be attributing a percieved superior position of the enemy, vis a' vis, your guys.

This is just speculation on my part, but that is the first answer that jumps to my mind. Your mileage may vary.

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when you split squads (esp. an entire platoon!) it appears as if you have taken some casulties. rejoin all of them and as long as you have not taken any other loses, your morale will increase to 100%.

remember also that victory on the bottom is not entirely caculated by who has the most points at that point. from what i have been able to observe, the in game victory percentage is calculated almost solely on land held around victory locations; which can be very far away and still give a few percentiles. if you want to know how your doing during the game, count how many "bodies" are on the ground and how many verhicles you have KO'd. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

if you want to know how your doing during the game, count how many "bodies" are on the ground and how many verhicles you have KO'd. smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

One thing I've wondered is whether the victory points I see during a game reflect actual rather than perceived enemy losses. The victory flag perceptions are obviously subject to error, but taking those into account, the rest of the CM victory estimate often seems to be uncannily accurate, giving me credit for kills I couldn't possibly see first hand.

For example, I was recently playing a lengthy scenario on a large map where I had a TON of artillery (maybe 8 FOs). I was firing this away at likely but hidden enemy concentration but had seen very few enemy bodies. And I'd grabbed only one small victory flag. (Three big ones, obviously--in fact--in enemy hands, showed merely as "?"). Still, my victory total stood at something like 51%, with the enemy around 12%. My victory total must --it seems to me--have reflected arty casualties I couldn't actually see. Later I came around a mountain and saw how much carnage my arty had wrecked--though there must be mountaintop casualties and some deep in the city, that I still haven't observed. This suggests to me that the CM victory window was making an accurate assessment of enemy losses--more accurate than my own body count. If this is in fact what's happening, it could serve as a valuable and reliable (if gamey) form of intelligence, assuming that you've assessed possible victory flag distortions accurately.

What do you guys think?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

What do you guys think?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A very interesting observation. I'm

definitely going to be watching it in

my next games.

and thx to everyone else that answered

the original question.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

What do you guys think?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

what i said about the bodies was very light hearted, most of the time the bodies never show up until your standing on them!

now about the flags, from what i have been able to see, the flags are like little boys who want to be on whatever team is winning. if you sneak you troops up close to the flag, dont spot any enemy troops in the vicinity, that little flag will reward you by showing you occupying it. little do you know, theres an entire company on the other side of that hill. so if you make the HUGE mistake of ASSUMING anything on the battlefield, you may advance ASSUMING that its yours to find that company. while for the other player, unless he sees you, that flag is proboably showing his nationality also. dont trust them, let the end screen tell you who holds them.

as to the victory percentage on the bottom, i dont know how it is exactly modeled. but heres my guess. if your playing with "no FOG of war", it is proboably very accurate. but when there is "full" FOG, if that gave you an accurate representation of exactly what the compostition of the enemy was/how many points you had/ect., then it could be used as a "once i get more than 50% victory, im winning so i wont go anywhere" attitude. so IMO, when FOG is full, it gives you as much information as is avaliable to you. for example, if you have scouted out and know that you fully hold all flags, that 100% victory means simply that you "hold" 100% of the victory locations. as you take losses, your "hold" on those flags slips a little, so the percentage goes down. i really dont think it models COLLECTIVELY who is winning at the moment on a points basis.

this is just what i have seen from playing the game.

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