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Forever War resumed with NG cavscout; scenario sought!

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NG cavscout has a killer rig now, as opposed to a dead one earlier, but can't find his CMBB CD, so it's off to a new theater of ops for us! Am looking for a balanced CMAK scenario which is NOT Tiger Valley and is manageable in size. Haven't played since mid November and might suffer a meltdown! TV almost killed my lampshade iMac, which wheezed along then on a mere 512 KB of SDRAM. Now, it's a "whopping" 1024 KB of same. Slightly obscure is good, since his CMAK experience far outweighs mine. Would imagine he's played the common scenarios already. Doesn't have to be in the desert, either.

Anyone with a bright idea on this scenario, please reply here.


John Kettler

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  • 2 weeks later...


It takes its name from a remarkable SF book by Joe Haldeman. Basically, it means that NG cavscout and I so enjoy killing each other in CM that we are ongoing foes whenever possible. At one point, we had three separate games going, in part to get me up to speed for the last ROW sponsored by Winecape. This thus far unheld event was going to be CMBB battles generated under the still unreleased CMC

over game. My foe and I have been in enforced standby regarding our Forever War since mid November and are itching to return to the fray.

If you like literary humor, you should realize that though I've always been at war with NG cavscout, before him I was always at war with Kingfish! He, though, now operates in such exalted realms that he no longer has the time

for playing regularly. He has turned to scenario and operation design--not just for CMx1, either.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

before him I was always at war with Kingfish!

And to date our pbem of Wild Bill's "To the last man" rates as the best CMBO game I've ever played against another player.

He, though, now operates in such exalted realms that he no longer has the time

for playing regularly. He has turned to scenario and operation design--not just for CMx1, either.

Not sure about the exalted part, maybe exhausted would be a better description. In any event you are correct about not having enough time to play. However, while I still enjoy scenario design, I am only doing it for CM1. I was invited to join the beta team for CMSF but declined due to lack of free time.
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Appreciate the compliment and the update! That was one of the most exciting and scary battles ever, with certain combinations of men and ordnance that had me totally puckered up, even cringing at times.

The duel between my X and your Y was the stuff of legend and would've looked fabulous in one of gibsonm's comics.

I see you've updated it for CMAK, too. Bet I know at least part of what's in the change notes!

"To the Last Man" (adapted for CMAK by Kingfish)


The players of the "Out of the Dust III" tournament should be very grateful for your contributions. Of course, some on the short end may curse your name! You seem to have been in high rate research and scenario production mode now for months. While we're all grateful, don't kill yourself.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


It takes its name from a remarkable SF book by Joe Haldeman. Basically, it means that NG cavscout and I so enjoy killing each other in CM that we are ongoing foes whenever possible. At one point, we had three separate games going, in part to get me up to speed for the last ROW sponsored by Winecape. This thus far unheld event was going to be CMBB battles generated under the still unreleased CMC

over game. My foe and I have been in enforced standby regarding our Forever War since mid November and are itching to return to the fray.

If you like literary humor, you should realize that though I've always been at war with NG cavscout, before him I was always at war with Kingfish! He, though, now operates in such exalted realms that he no longer has the time

for playing regularly. He has turned to scenario and operation design--not just for CMx1, either.


John Kettler

Wow, sounds like good times! Drop me a line if you need some fresh meat.


If you still need a new scenario, heres my latest.



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If you see Mr. Cavscout around, let him know that his posse of potato eaters still hold a few hamlets my Cardiff miners and their supporting armored division would like to take. I passed into the age range of the SSS while waiting for a turn, I'd like to finish the game before I pass out of it. Where ever he may be, I hope he's enjoying the snow.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Too funny!After much toing and froing, I've learned from Philippe, who translated it, that Roosevelt's Samurai is in fact PBEM playable and have plumped for that as an interim battle while awaiting the dread Kingfish rework of Fire on the Mountain. NG Cavscout has been notified he's it (playing German) but hasn't been heard from yet.


John Kettler

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NG cavscout has been heard from and is effectively hors de combat, in that his killer new rig is having big graphics problems with CMAK. He's working the problem on that end, while his father/father-in-law (forget which) is trying to resurrect an earlier PC he has which should easily handle CMAK. Meanwhile, we get to practice patience!


John Kettler

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