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hi,how does hide exactly works?

i mean since my unit have been spoted can it hide again in the same place?

if i know that there is somebody hiding in a house and i cant see it,how can i shoot at him?

other question,what exactly mean the icons on the map (sorry about my english,im from spain and i dont know how to explain it better),the icons that represent unseen troops,if there is no soun contact or no troo,what it is?,can i shoot at it?at least the area?,what chance of cause any effect on it?

thanks and i hope anyboy understand mu question

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what exactly mean the icons on the map that represent unseen troops,if there is no soun contact or no troo,what it is?

can i shoot at it?

at least the area?

what chance of cause any effect on it?

icons indicate a place where you have seen a enemy unit that has moved out of your sight. The icon will stay there until you see this unit at another place on the battlefield.

you cannot target the icon, but the area.

if the unit is still there it will be pinned (depending of the heaviness of your fire), and of course get injured.

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Originally posted by war_is_fun_to_play:

i mean since my unit have been spoted can it hide again in the same place?

You can at least try it. If the unit is within terrain that can obstruct sight, like woods, brushes, rocks, foxhoes, trenches, &c. and the enemy is not within close range, they have a good chance that they vanish from his sight (He still knows, where your troops should be, but he cannot see them). You can also try hiding behind slopes or even in open terrain - though its harder. Chances for success are generally higher if there's a commanding officer with "stealth" ability (guess that's what it's called) within command range.

However unless you move them away, they are still vulnerable to area fire (which the AI for a reason does not use?) - so you might try to sneak away in a case like this.

When the enemy can no longer see your unit, he will see a stationary position marker instead at the exact position, where your unit was last seen. (You can't see your own position marker yourself, so the only way to know wheter your unit can no longer be seen by the enemy is when he stops shooting at you - that is unless he's using area fire. ;) )

if i know that there is somebody hiding in a house and i cant see it,how can i shoot at him?
Shoot at the house. Putting enough firepower on a building does supress anything inside it - sometimes even a single MG will be enough.

You might shoot at the house, but some shots will go through windows or penetrate the walls and possibly hurt the ones inside (the bigger the building, the more protection it does offer for units inside it - so you will need more firepower to supress units in heavy buildings).

A unit pinned inside a building might recognize it's too dangerous to stay in it any longer and will crawl out of it. But some just won't leave until you've taken them out. Others might have already left without you noticing it. So remember to check now and then if anybody's left in there. Don't waste ammo by firing at a building just because you think a unit might be inside. However if you know that there is someone in there (shooting at you) and you want to do something about it, be determined: Use as much firepower as possible and smoke them out quickly - attacking a building over several minutes just drains your ammo. If you've got anything with a big gun in the area, like a tank, it can be useful to just level the building and use infantry to check on the remains (often there will be survivors). Or use flamethrowers to set it on fire (units will leave a burning building immediately - so have some MGs ready for them when they do).

Hope this helps. smile.gif

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my unit have been spoted can it hide again in the same place?
Unless you´re in good cover or in a marginal LOS to your shooter it´s better to break contact than to hide.

((A menos que estés en un terreno adecuado para el ocultamiento o con una Línea-de-Fuego casi oculta a tu contrincante, es mejor romper contacto que usar "hide"))


the icons that represent unseen troops,if there is no soun contact or no troo,what it is?
I do get the feeling you´re refering to the grey generic icons, not to the national symbols.

The grey ones represent knowledge of enemy troops (or tanks) in that area. They are usually sounds, either of command voices or motors, and are very imprecise. The "sound" icons represent sources of enemy fire.

IMHO it´s a waste of ammo to shoot at the grey icons, there is no reference between the place they appear and where is really the enemy.

((Me parece que te refieres a los iconos grises genéricos y no a los símbolos de nacionalidad. Los grises representan que sabes que hay fuerzas enemigas en ese area. Son sonidos, bien de voces de mando o motores, y son muy imprecisos. Los iconos "sound" representan fuentes de fuego enemigo.

En mi opinión, es desperdiciar munición el tiro a los marcadores grises, no hay correspondencia entre donde aparecen y donde están las fuerzas enemigas.))

Regards, and welcome to Combat Mission.

((Saludos, y bienvenido al mundo de CM ))


Edited to add: Consider last phrase not written.

Editado para añadir: Considérese la última frase como no escrita.

[ March 01, 2004, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: Paco QNS ]

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Member # 332

posted March 01, 2004 01:40 AM




Originally posted by war_is_fun_to_play:

i cant belive that!!!!!,ok i downloaded the full game for free as i do with every game that i have,thats all,just in case any battlefront member is reading at this,i have to say that i think that is such a good game that im probably going to buy one,just to have the retail box,the manual in paper (not in pdf) and all that,but like stavka said,does any of you know about something like this http://www.poblados.net/cmbb/guia/index.html but in english,thanks


You know what? Save your money as we don't need or want customers like you! You admit theft of the game and that makes you a common criminal. You are hereby banned from participating from these forums and I wish you well in your little pathetic convoluted pirate life.



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Traducción, por si no lo comprendes bien:

Maddmatt: ""¿Sabes qué? ¡Ahorrate tu dinero dado que no necesitamos ni queremos clientes como tú! Admistes haber robado el programa y eso te identifica como un delincuente común. Quedas expulsado de estos foros y deseo que te vaya bien en tu patética pequeña y confusa vida de pirata. ""

((Obviamente, la última frase es totalmente irónica, y me sumo a ella. ¡Adios!


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