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MasterGoodale's threat of Cherry Waffle: Cameo Edition

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Hey maggots!!!!! I bet you thought I was kidding about my nitwit NY City and the Boroughs thereof neighbors, didn't cha?

Anybody want me to post some of what was forwarded to me recently so you can see why everybody rightfully hates New York City folk? :mad: :mad:

The maggots.

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Originally posted by no_one:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

Ho ho ho.

It is to laugh.

Shouldn't you be sending turns never_done?

Is that any way to ask for turns, Maggot?!?!?! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

Go on then Snarker...

I could do with a laugh......

Ok then. My neighborhood: It's a new community, not finished yet; roads not dedicated to the town because of the on going construction. Town will take over the roads on 30 April. School buses by law cannot travel on private roads for liability reasons. Setup: This person has done nothing but moan and groan about everything since moving here about a year ago. Called the newspapers when she found out these roads were still private and would not be taken over by the town. Wants the bus to stop right in front of her house. Current bus stop is about 1/2 mile from her house. Has not shut up about this for the entire year. Her reply to someone finding out about a local tax:

Re: [theresidentsofwhisperingwoods] Earned Income Tax

This is not "news" - most of us already know about it and have paid already. We got our earned income tax bill last month. Yes, it stinks. When asked about it, the town told my husband the money goes approximately half to the school (who already gets a good enough amount from us) and the rest goes to town maintenace (roads included) - which just adds further insult to injury when you realize we're not even considered part of this township yet as they still refuse to take our roads over. Oh yeah, that may be another newsflash for some of you - we're not apparently "up to code" as someone has made a big enough stink about a certain area in the development that they have a problem with. Yes, the problem should be addressed, BY LTS, not the town, and it should have NO BEARING on whether or not our roads get dedicated and we get the buses in here FOR OUR KIDS!!!

Same person. It's always something. Mind you we are on acre lots set back 80 feet from the road / drainage ditch:

[theresidentsofwhisperingwoods] our dogs

Good morning neighbors,

Recently someone sent an email regarding a growing concern that had to do with people walking their dogs in the development. I am also concerned about this as I see people walking through every day and not picking up after their canine friends. Some of the "offenders" are not even dogs from our development, but those in the surrounding areas who are walked through.

The problem I'd like to bring up here is the barking. Please try and control your dog if it is barking at all hours. It is Sunday morning, and I have heard constant, incessant barking since around 7 a.m. today - this is a frequent occurrence and is becoming quite bothersome. I know there are a lot of people in here who have complained in the past whenever they have heard someone playing music too loudly, its just as annoying with the dogs barking. There are always going to be times when a dog barks, its part of what they do and how they communicate - not the problem. The problem is when they're out there waking up the world and continue for hours.

Please know that I have a small dog - I'm not some anti-dog person. I let my little dog do her business in my yard, for the most part, and when she gets walked on a leash, I carry a little bag and clean up after my pet.

I'd like to ask our neighbors with dogs, indoor or outdoor, to please be mindful of their barking and pick up after them if they're walked through the neighborhood.

Once again, we have a lot of children of all ages in our development, and while most of our animals have always been friendly, there are some that run loose and frighten some of the kids, and the children should also be able to play without "stepping in doggy stuff" when they're out and about!

Thanks for your attention to this and have a wonderful day.

My reply after a year of this crap :mad: :

Dear neighbors,

As your dogs are constantly walked on other's properties with no consideration to cleaning up after them, We have taken the liberty to plant random landmines. While this seems harsh, once one landmine is set off word spreads rapidly (even outside our community) quickly ending this problem. As far as the barking dogs, please be aware We contacted the US Army's canine division and they are coming to confiscate the yappers for duty in Afghanistan and Iraq where they can bark without bothering Us, your know-it-all neighbors.

Love and kisses,

The Busybody Bus Stop Club

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More. Note the immediate implied threat of 'calling the authorities' rather than talking to the neighbor. It's not illegal to keep a dog outside, especially since this dog has a house. It's a fur thing... I did like his reference to ' FURY FRIENDS'. Spell check, anyone? smile.gif

Subject: [theresidentsofwhisperingwoods] Re: our dogs

In regards with the non-stopping barking of "a" dog... Many of us

absolutely love dogs including ourselves. A few months ago we lost

our Sheilla due to old age and health problems. Every time I hear a

dog bark it kind of makes me take a deep breath and almost envy in a

good way the master of that fury, loyal, and playful hairball.

However, when this poor thing barks for 5 days in a row preventing

my infant kids to nap or even sleep at night I don't blame the

dog... shame on the owners!!! I came home from work at 1:30am to a

constant barking and in a disappointing anger I got back in my truck

to go looking for the source and found it. It's not only unfair to

all of us, but it is almost abusive to keep that animal tied up to

the playset on the septic tank covered in snow with below freezing

temperatures. If anybody knows these residents, please advise them

that the ASPCA neither the PA State Police will aprove of any of

these practices which I hope none of us have to resort to them in

order to bring the "quietness" that all of us were looking for when

we moved out to the "country".

And in an unrelated matter, hopefully with the warmer weather coming

up we can organize a block party to get to know each other.... if

anybody has any ideas we can brainstorm on this site and figure out

a date and activities, like spaghetis on the grill or something....

Yup, won't personally talk to the neighbor to resolve the problem, but wants to meet everyone.

This last prompted another looney posting:

Subject: Re: [theresidentsofwhisperingwoods] Re: our dogs/garbage

In regard to the barking dogs, we have another situation that involves some of our neighbors loyal companions. We have a dog in our development that runs wild in the streets and chases cars. Several of our neighbors have been victims of this. Their vehicles have been scratched and has visible damage of markings of the paws with paint missing. I have escaped from being another victim from this dog a couple of weeks ago by blowing my horn and swerving my car around it. But let me tell you, I will run this dog over if it ever comes to my car again. As a dog owner I make sure that my dog is walked, stays off my neighbors property and does her business on my land not like our other inconsiderate neighbors that just let them loose. Enough is Enough.

Also, while I have everyone's attention, lets talk about our garbage situation. Several of you might not beware of our bear and bobcat problem. Now that spring has sprung, our other four legged animals that don't have owners will be awakening and will be very very hungry. I notice numerous homes that put their garage out not in containers but in plastic bags. I don't know if any of you have ever saw a mess when a wild animal rummages threw garbage and drags it into the woods. Its not a pretty sight. For the neighbors that know what I mean, I hope we don't experience this mess with our neighbor's weeks' worth of leftovers scattered on our front lawn. Lets keep Whispering Woods BEAUTIFUL!

Now the founder of the group finally had enough. Note the above poster was a woman, unknown to the originator of the Yahoo group:

Subject: [theresidentsofwhisperingwoods] Re: our dogs/garbage

Well, aren't you a tough guy! I'd sure like to know who made you

king of Whispering Woods.

When this group was created it was not intended as a place where dis-

satisfied community residence could vent their anger and hostilities,

but that is what it has turned into. Taxes, school buses, roads,

guard rails, garbage, dogs, etc., you people have cried about

everything. If you didn't research the schools and taxes before you

moved here shame on you. If your nieghbors and their dogs, kids or

trash bother you - too bad, either learn to live with it, work it out

or put the for sale sign up but don't make threats. REMEMBER-WHAT


As of tonight this group is CLOSED. Its not hard to start one of

your own, maybe you can call it "CRY BABIES OF WHISPERINGWOODS"




His personal message to group members:

Subject: Threat made on group site.

Just wanted to let you all know that because of the

last posted message on the group site from

xxxxxx@aol.com I have decided to close the group

down. A threat was made by this person in his last

message, which is funny because just a few messages

ago he was soliciting donations of books for his


I live surrounded by maggots!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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You know what? I think Wartime Command is going to chomp. They have only been releasing vehicle pictures in dribs and drabs and haven't really answered any of the big concerns yet (like range of engagements for AFVs, for one).

It's just a gut feeling and I hope I'm wrong. After I saw the initial promo movie I was really excited.

Here's something I am really looking forward to. Check out those screenshots. Can you imagine CM with the tactical realism and those types of graphics? I'd have to quit my job.

Just picture this as the Pripet Marshes.


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Originally posted by YK2:


Is this for real??

Your landmines reply is classic....

LMAO at that.....


You are going to have LOVELY neighbours...

I bet you can't wait to pop around for coffee.


Sadly, yes. A bunch of pushy, clueless, impatient NY City area folk who think the sun shines out their arse. A gaggle of them actually went to a town meeting with a signed petition and demanded a county wide property reassessment so everyone could pay more taxes to pay for Whispering Woods' road take over. Claimed they represented all the homeowners here. They made a lot of friends that night...

Fortunately my immediate neighbors are very normal. :D

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

You know what? I think Wartime Command is going to chomp. They have only been releasing vehicle pictures in dribs and drabs and haven't really answered any of the big concerns yet (like range of engagements for AFVs, for one).

It's just a gut feeling and I hope I'm wrong. After I saw the initial promo movie I was really excited.

From a war game news group:

>It was supposed to be released on 3 March. Don't know if it's out. Any

> comments on this game?


> Thanks

Yesterday's press release stated end of the month. It is a C&C-type RTS

with a World War II theme.


Jeff Vitous

Director, Partnership Development

The Wargamer

Probably not our kind of game...
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Originally posted by Snarker:

From a war game news group:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />>It was supposed to be released on 3 March. Don't know if it's out. Any

> comments on this game?


> Thanks

Yesterday's press release stated end of the month. It is a C&C-type RTS

with a World War II theme.


Jeff Vitous

Director, Partnership Development

The Wargamer

Probably not our kind of game... </font>
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Originally posted by Firefly:

I can hardly wait for the inevitable Bulge scenario; German troops rapidly harvesting wheat so that they can get extra reinforcements whilst the beleaguered GIs frantically chop wood to build better defences

And gold. Don't forget gold.

"Vee need more pickaxes!!"

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Snarker, won't the bears and bobcats solve the problem of dogs barking? Seems to me anybody who leaves a dog outside at night is serving a midnight snack to the resident wildlife. :eek: :eek:

No Daniel Boones, this lot. Residents who embellish and are prone to hysterics, we have. Problem bears and bobcats we don't. A bear walked through the neighborhood a few times last year, and even then it was at the fringe of the occupied houses. Problem bear it is not. No damage, no leaning on windows, no knocking over garbage on garbage day, etc. It didn't even eat the blueberries in my front yard. Have not seen it since the development filled in. Bobcats have never been seen, but the slickers just know they're here. If they are here, bobcats are not mountain lions. Hardly going to bother with dogs when there are plenty of mice, squirrels, etc. to eat. Dogs are a risky proposition as they fight back. Bears tend to shy away from dogs also. And 'hybernation' of bears is half myth - they tend to just slow up a lot, but are out. Bobcats remain fully active in the winter.
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