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CD-ROM overdrive

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Got a slight problem that I cant explain.

On large scenarios when the little blue bar begins to progress when it gets to 3/4 of the way and has been thinking for sometime, my CD-ROM slowly speeds up until I can hear it wizzing around at some stupid speed.

It doesnt always crash the game, although it does ask you to take the cd out and clean which I have done but it still sometimes goes crazy.

Is there any way I can play the game off the HD without the need to have the CD in? Or any other solution would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Did you do a full install? If you do a full install of all the files needed for the game, it should only need the CD at startup and should not require disk access after that. You can use a disk image and if you do a search you can find sources for that for MSW and MacOS. No there is not CD Crack and no one here would advocate one.

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Yep I did a full install. Normally if I try to play the game without the CD in it wont let me play single player and stuff.

Not really too sure what you mean about disk images, is that just copying the whole CD-ROM to my HD?.

From what you say though I can load up CM then take the CD-ROM out and say put a music CD in and still play the game?

Also whats a Crack? Is that an illegal copy of something? Im not asking for that as I already own CMBO. When I asked for any other solution I was referring to some work around not illegal software or any thing, as your very correct in saying its not something to do.

Thanks very much for you help.

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Have you applied mods or replaced/edited some of the WAV sound files (assuming you're on a PC) ? If a resource isn't found on the hard drive CM goes out to the CDROM to load it up.

What platform and OS are you running ?

The CD is required to be in the CDROM drive when you start up CM (a crack is an illegal manipulation of the software code to prevent it from looking for a CD for copy protection purposes). It can be taken out after you startup (I'm not sure at exactly what point - possibly when you're at the scenario selection screen). You may want to try this and see what kind of error you get when your blue progress bar halts at 3/4 of completion. I'm not sure if it will just ask for the CD (most likely) or if it will give you a specific error (missing resource, etc.). If all the resources are present and not "corrupt" you should be able to play any scenario (with a Full Install) and not require the CDROM once you've started up CM.

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Yes I have installed some MODS, I dont think the actaul computer is accessing anything off the CD-ROM it just starts to speed up and get faster and faster in big scenarios when hte computer is processing all the moves and calculations. I will experiment tonight, with replacing the original BMP/WAV's etc.

Thanks for the advice

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With the Mac OS I have noticed that evry now and then the OS gets urge to look at the CD at odd times. In my case doing so has no effect except for sometimes slowing the systems response time down. I've never had my computer ask me to clean the CD, they either read or they don't.

Try removing the CD, as Schrullenhaft has suggested, once the intial software startup to see if that takes care of the problem. Good luck

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I had this problem with a very modded install of CM. It would go to my decrepit CD drive left and right, nearly hanging the game at times. Then I just did a reinstall and now it works perfectly, never going to CD after I load the game up.


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