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Peng Goes On Walkabout: The Challenge To Re-Create the World With Every Post

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I always edit quotes. The Justicar's mind is slipping... and the nutters are back... its a trend I tells ya!

Trend? No-no-no-no-no, my dear, sweet, brain in a jar, tis a sign. </font>
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So, besides ignoring Iosef's desperate attempts to get us to pay attention to his Nerd's Gold, I wonder what else we should be doing with our time here. We is, after all, a trust, and I doubt that the Pool can survive much longer without a proper shakeup (Which is to say, bugger whether it survives or not, let us shake, Mr. Bond, until the whole thing comes to pieces). I have no idea what shakeup it requires, except that we'll need more than a bilabong to figure it out (Perchance, a gigabong?).

Ergo, ipso, therefore, it stands to reason, that right now, since I still cannot kill those filthy Italians using tanks with two guns, that I shall begin a walk... down memory lane.


Pool (And Peng-related) reminiscences that make-a me happy:

The Pool is now much like the Church and its faithful maintain it but, looking back to the MBT, it was amazing how organic and unstoppable it was. This isn't to say, "Oh, it was sooo much better back then" which, come on, would be like some whiny Calvinist saying, "Pshaw, it was so much better when J.C. was around".

Inner Crodas.

Scrolling the bar over to see the post on page 101


The thing imploded and took everything with it.

The short-lived Cesspool cartoon.


Thusly, I have deteremined, already:

We need a Pope.

Positive subclause Alfa:

We can, after all, name him.

Positive subclause Barrio:

He (Or she, natch) can be evicted. Well, not can, but should. Perhaps a new Pope with each thread.

Positive subclause Catalina:

The position, like that in real life, has no actual authority and thusly suits.

Positive subclause Demeter:

The Pope's only strength is to issue bull. We knows our bull here.

Positivee subclause Effluence:

Pope is one of only many titles and perchance we may see Caliph's and Patriarchs and such.

Positive subclause Ganymede:

It's my idea, which assures it some measure of validity.

Ganymede subclause deficiency Implicit:

Joe Shaw will be agin' it with much vociferocity.

Ganymede subclause deficiency Impious Idiot:

Various noobs and boobs shall be agin' it.

Ganymede subclause deficiency Insane Island Imp:

Any serving Caliphs will be subject to monitoring by our beautiful, soviet-sounding Department of Homeland Security.

Ganymede subclause deficiency Intra-Veinous:


Positve subclause Horatio:

Silly hats.

I nominate Croda as Pope Peng II. I yield the floor.

[ January 27, 2005, 12:24 AM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]

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In celebration of my recent adjustment in status (to normality), here's a jolly singsong!

I am a little beggarman and begging I have been

For three score or more in this little isle of green

I'm known from the Liffey and down to Segue

And I'm known by the name of old Johnny Dhu

Of all the trade's that's going, now sure begging is the best

For when a man is tired, he can sit down and rest

He can beg for his dinner, he has nothing else to do

Only cut around the corner with his old rig-a-doo

I slept in the barn, one night at Caurabawn

A wet night and all and I slept 'till the dawn

There was holes in the roof and the rain coming through

And the rats and the cats, they were playing peek-a-boo

Who should I waken but the woman of the house

With her white spotty apron and her calico blouse

She began to frighten but I said "Boo!*

Don't be afraid ma'am it's only Johnny Dhu"

I met a little girl went out walkin' one day

"Good morning little flaxy-haired girl" I did say

"Good morning little beggarman, and how do you do

With your rags and you tags and you old rig-a-doo"

I'll buy a pair of leggings, a collar and a tie

And a fine young lady I'll meet by and by

I'll buy a pair of goggles and I'll colour them blue

And a grand old couple we will make we two

Over the road with me pack on my back

Over the fields with me great heavy sack

There's holes in my shoes and my toes peeping through

Singing skinny-me-rink a doodle an me old rig-a-doo

I must be going to bed for it's getting late at night

The fire's all raked and out goes the light

Now you've heard the story of me old rig-a-doo

Good night and God be with you says old Johnny Dhu

* Boo! Radley is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oafish Henchman - Here, Who Are You Lookin' At, You Scunner? Inc., a division of Olde Ones International.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Nae Kings

Only acceptable are the LA Kings ?

nae Queens

Henceforth they will be called queers.

nae Lords

Filmed by the damned Kiwis !!! :mad:

nae Masters

Except Masters of the Universe ?

we won't be fooled agin!

How many of your powerelite has been granted "Four more years, four more years !!!" ? :D

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Thusly, I have deteremined, already:

We need a Pope.

I am constitutionally opposed to Popes. I can't be having with pronouncement pronouncing pontiffs puttering about the place in strange mini-autos, waving, bobbing and shaking like Shaw on a bad Sunday morning.

Well, unless, of course, a Pope were to be raised up that was all greed, and lust for power, and more horribly worldly than your average Marseilles pimp. Then he and the Justicar (mayhisnamebepraised) could go at it like Avignon and Rome. That might be amusing.

First, though, I'd like to be reassured about several points:

Would this be a Medici-style Pope, or some arse whose only intent is to smile, wave and affirm 'no Martin Luthers here, thank you very much'?

Would there be Papal Princelings?

Would there be pilgrimages?

I'm all for pilgrimages. I especially like those that involve halfwits from all portions of society, that meet at an inn, and agree to tell stories while they journey to some Holy Site. Especially if the bastards are forced to do it barefoot, in the snow, through the Alps, while scourging themselves and hypocritically begging indulgence for their many, varied, and detailed bloody sins.

Man! That's the kind of Pope I want. One who assigns jolly pilgrimages that involve story-telling, brutal and unmeant repentance, and a full revelation of sins.

I'll get behind and push any bid to raise up a Pope that demands that sort of thing.

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Originally posted by Tero:

Only acceptable are the LA Kings ?

The only acceptable are Little Kings Cream Ales!

Originally posted by Tero:

Henceforth they will be called queers.

Bah! Here, we call them folk 'Sturmy'! Unless they're Scottish, and then we simply call them 'The Fair One'.

Originally posted by Tero:

Filmed by the damned Kiwis !!!

If it was filmed by the Kiwis, it would involve a sheep bungie jumping off a bridge over a chasm while reading the poetry of William Blake...

Originally posted by Tero:

Except Masters of the Universe ?

None o' that foreign muck! We've got the Olde Ones, and what's good enough for Us had better be good enough for a bunch of face-painted aboriginal Finns who're still running geiger counters over their reindeer every few months to see if the Russians have left them anything safe to milk...

Originally posted by Tero:

How many of your powerelite has been granted "Four more years, four more years !!!" ? :D

Here on the Thread o' threads, we hae a different chant: "Four more beers! Four more beers!"

See? It's starting already. With the return of the Mad Ones, the weasels appear to run up every trouser leg in sight!

I'm all for that!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The only acceptable are Little Kings Cream Ales!

Now you're talking !!!

Bah! Here, we call them folk 'Sturmy'! Unless they're Scottish, and then we simply call them 'The Fair One'.

Not too many around then, are there, if you have both of them pegged and nick named this good. smile.gif

If it was filmed by the Kiwis, it would involve a sheep bungie jumping off a bridge over a chasm while reading the poetry of William Blake...

I thought they dressed the sheep in leather, gave it wings and called it Balrog.

None o' that foreign muck! We've got the Olde Ones,

I thought the Olde Ones ARE the Masters of the Universe. Or at least they want to be.

and what's good enough for Us had better be good enough for a bunch of face-painted aboriginal Finns who're still running geiger counters over their reindeer every few months to see if the Russians have left them anything safe to milk...

Oi ! None of the milk stuff. We are more concerned about the berries and barley and how them Russians nearly ruined the production of alcohol over here.

Here on the Thread o' threads, we hae a different chant: "Four more beers! Four more beers!"

Sounds the same from afar.

See? It's starting already. With the return of the Mad Ones, the weasels appear to run up every trouser leg in sight!

I'm all for that!

Isn't the weasel a bit tricky to hold on to when it is "running up" your trousers ? Then again you must have much more experience than I do in that sort of things.

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Originally posted by Tero:

Not too many around then, are there, if you have both of them pegged and nick named this good. smile.gif

You'll find one of damn near everything here in the Mother Beautiful Thread, and at least three of anything horrible.

When it comes to the truly horrible, we believe in redundancy.

Originally posted by Tero:

I thought the Olde Ones ARE the Masters of the Universe.

Oh, no, lad. We just know where everything is buried. We're more like 'Cosmic Undertakers/Goodfellas'

Originally posted by Tero:

Oi ! None of the milk stuff. We are more concerned about the berries and barley and how them Russians nearly ruined the production of alcohol over here.

Like you wouldn't drink it anyways, you bugger, even if you could read the bible by the light the bottle cast.

Originally posted by Tero:

"Four more beers! Four more beers!"

Sounds the same from afar.

Except our version has 100% more alcohol, and 100% less Nixon.

Originally posted by Tero:

Isn't the weasel a bit tricky to hold on to when it is "running up" your trousers ? Then again you must have much more experience than I do in that sort of things.

You know it, boyo! And believe me, you don't try to get your hands on it. You let the little bugger romp about as he likes, and be glad he's smiling. Try for a grab, and you're likely to come up with a handful of...yourself. Detached.

Best to just stand there, smiling maniacally, and pretend you're juggling.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You'll find one of damn near everything here in the Mother Beautiful Thread, and at least three of anything horrible.

When it comes to the truly horrible, we believe in redundancy.

So where are all the Finns in this thread ?

Oh, no, lad. We just know where everything is buried. We're more like 'Cosmic Undertakers/Goodfellas'

I find that hard to believe. I think you are more like Cosmic Squirrels. You bury stuff around and never really know where you buried it when it is time to find it.

Like you wouldn't drink it anyways, you bugger, even if you could read the bible by the light the bottle cast.


Sadly though good ale or bitter is VERY hard to come by in these parts so were are left with the local moose piss to drink if the latest batch of moon shine goes bad. And if it goes bad it is hard to tell one bottle from another if you have gone blind. From the DRINKING, not the other activity mind you.

You know it, boyo! And believe me, you don't try to get your hands on it. You let the little bugger romp about as he likes, and be glad he's smiling. Try for a grab, and you're likely to come up with a handful of...yourself. Detached.

Best to just stand there, smiling maniacally, and pretend you're juggling.

With or without ones hands behind ones back ?

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Point to ponder:

If tin whistles are made of tin...what do they make fog horns out of?

Seanachai ...you bloody drongo!...I sold all of my aboriginal artifacts on E-bay, and NOW you come up with this Walkabout nonsense.

Well then, before you go off on your jolly quest, bottle of plonk in hand, matilda neatly laid out in the alley....explain this sudden interest in things Ozzy .

[ January 27, 2005, 03:39 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Well then, before you go off on your jolly quest, bottle of plonk in hand, matilda neatly laid out in the alley....explain this sudden interest in things Ozzy .

I shudder at image in my head of the two step he has planned for walzing the matilda.

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Wait a minute…

Andreas you live in fance and bought a FORD?? ARE YOU MAD!!!!??? *ponders* you bought it from a French man? ARE YOU MORE MAD!!!!???

well Et au lait and tra la la, expect to see pasty face andy on the newspapers as Refugee German come ex-Brit Patriot, come newborn Frenchie died in a Firey Crash in the heart of Paris driving** his Ford Fiesta?*** was found burning after hitting a French poodle and rolling over a Baguette

**if you can call a ford a "drive" more like a rolling gait

***we are not sure what the car was as the fire damage and structural damage was so intense.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Point to ponder:

If tin whistles are made of tin...what do they make fog horns out of?

Bah! Best ask: When was the last time the penny whistle sold for a penny?

Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai ...you bloody drongo!...I sold all of my aboriginal artifacts on E-bay, and NOW you come up with this Walkabout nonsense.

It's always been here. The concept of the Dreamtime, and going Walkabout to re-create the World is the closest mythological equivalent of why the Peng Challenge Thread exists at all, you fool.

Originally posted by Nidan1:

Well then, before you go off on your jolly quest, bottle of plonk in hand, matilda neatly laid out in the alley....explain this sudden interest in things Ozzy .

Well, lad, let me tell you my Philosophy of Life: Before you simply hate something, be it.

Then you can hate it properly.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's always been here. The concept of the Dreamtime, and going Walkabout to re-create the World is the closest mythological equivalent of why the Peng Challenge Thread exists at all, you fool.

Don't throw a wobby with me, mate, I'm as willing as the next man to re-create the world...in my own image of course...with the rest of you layabouts nowhere in sight. However, I'm more inclined to believe that the MBT is fashioned from the Cthulhu Mythos than Aboriginal Dreatime Mythology.

I picture you more as a sea anemone with spikes protruding at odd angles from your head.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

However, I'm more inclined to believe that the MBT is fashioned from the Cthulhu Mythos than Aboriginal Dreatime Mythology.

Umm...the whole Lovecraft thing is...icky.

Originally posted by Nidan1:

I picture you more as a sea anemone with spikes protruding at odd angles from your head.

I'm not here for you to fantasize about, Marine Boy!

At least buy me a drink, first.

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Originally posted by [TGD] mensch:

Refugee German come ex-Brit Patriot, come newborn Frenchie died in a Firey Crash in the heart of Paris driving** his Ford Fiesta?*** was found burning after hitting a French poodle and rolling over a Baguette

I think I saw that movie, Mensch. Didn't Angelina Jolie play the love interest?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm not here for you to fantasize about, Marine Boy!

At least buy me a drink, first.

That's Marine Boy SIR ,to you maggot!!

You know I kinda thought that you enjoyed the fact that people tended fantasize about you. Something along the line of the bogeyman in the closet, or the sabre toothed dust kitty under the bed.

The kind of child-like fantasies that sent one into a cold sweat at age 10 or 11. That caused you to lay in your darkened bedroom and long for the light of day, every shadow and dark place a malevolent reminder of how easily the wolfman could tear you to shreds.

I enjoy thinking about you Seanachai , and being thrust back to those prepubescent days of stark terror and weakness in the face of the real and imagined terrors of the world.

If you're ever in my neck of the woods Mi casa en su casa , but you'll have to come in through the garage....must keep up appearances.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I enjoy thinking about you Seanachai , and being thrust back to those prepubescent days of stark terror and weakness in the face of the real and imagined terrors of the world.

Ever have that experience when you were a wee lad of opening the closet door to confront the monster, and then saying to yourself: Oh, silly me. There's only a mirror in here...

Originally posted by Nidan1:

but you'll have to come in through the garage....must keep up appearances.

Used to that, used to it. My family makes me do the same thing...
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