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The Peng Challenge Wonders: Where is Patrick Swayze?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


What ****in' rock did you crawl out from under? Crawl back under you piece of ****.

What the heck is your problem? Bite me if you don't like someone standing up and saying it is getting a little too girlified in here.


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Good god, Berli, that was exactly the kind of crap I was talking about. Let's all walk on tiptoes so we don't hurt someone's feelings? Ye Gods, that is not the cesspool. Perhaps you would be happier posting here?

If you think this is somehow an individual attack on any single person, then all I can say is your head ain't screwed on very tight. It is a statement as to the current path down which this thread, something in which I have participated heavily for nearly three years, is travelling. If standing up and saying it's time to regain some of our traditions irritates some, tough.

And to avoid the moderators crashing down on us, I'd ask you and YK2 to watch your language, please.


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Okay gang, let's just let it drop okay?

Berli I understand that you're upset for your friend (OUR friend I hope) Emma but it seems likely that the MBT will be shut down for good at this rate. While some may not care others may, so for them ...

MrSpkr I understand that you weren't trying to hurt anyone's feelings and didn't have a clue that it was Emma's birthday but perhaps the fight's not worth the cost?

This is the CessPool, things get said that are usually taken with a grain of salt, it seems likely that this time it didn't for whatever reason ... no blame IMO, it just happened.



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I'll tell ya something Spkr, there's someone that posts here that I have good reason to hate. I ignore him. You just went right to the top of my list. I find you to be the lowest form of scum. I would revel at the oportunity to piss on your grave.

Enough manlyness for ya? Enough hate? Drop dead prick

[ March 26, 2004, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Sorry Joe, but I've had as much as I'm willing to take from scum like Spkr. Don't worry, I'll be banned soon and Spkr can set this up as his very own Fundementalist Boys Club. Until then, I'll say exactly what I feel and I don't give a flying **** what effect it has on this thread

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Nice Berli. Why don't you make some sort of coherent argument instead of cursing and ranting?

As to "fundamentalist boys club", no, not at all what I am advocating -- just a return to some traditions that made this place what it once was. Sorry if that fact eludes or offends you.

If you are upset about the linked article, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, as I did not intend it to offend but rather to illustrate a larger pattern in society that is being emulated here.

If you are upset with my rocking the boat, tough. Deal with it. I've been biting my tongue here for several months.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Sorry Joe, but I've had as much as I'm willing to take from scum like Spkr. Don't worry, I'll be banned soon and Spkr can set this up as his very own Fundementalist Boys Club. Until then, I'll say exactly what I feel and I don't give a flying **** what effect it has on this thread

Berli we're all scum one way or another. I don't agree with everyone here or they with me, but let's not have the CessPool go down in flames ... you may not care, I may not be here but there are those who still really like it here.

I think it's because it's usually pretty safe in here ... odd if you think about it, but it's true. On the GF Lars, dalem and MrSpkr may curse me for the bleeding heart leftie traitor that I am, but in HERE it doesn't matter. In here the worst they call me is a Utah mortgage banker. Some may be Christian, some may be agnostic, some may be lawyers, some working men, but in here it's more important that Boo Radley lives in a rat infested trailer in Ohio or that Mace shags sheep.

It can be difficult to separate the GF persona from the CessPool one, but we are usually able to do it. There's very little bleed through here.

IMO you shouldn't have reacted so violently, MrSpkr shouldn't have posted that link and I should have let whole Squire thing drop in the first place. But like everyone I'm human, and I didn't like the changes I was seeing.

Misunderstandings happened, people got hurt, people got mad and said and did things they otherwise wouldn't. There's no need for anyone to get banned, no need for the MBT to go away, no need for any ONE to go away ... if some of us choose to, well, it's not the same as it was ... IN THE OLDE POOL ... eh Marine?

I blame Seanachai ... just because I can, one last time.


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Dearest MrSpkr:

Wow. Finally someone has written something that makes sense! For all this time I thought it was the unmitigated greed of corporate scum that was turning our world into a ****-hole, when all along it was simply allowing women to vote! *slaps head* No WONDER! I was too taken in by the suppleness of a fine bosom to realize that my nads were gone, and that it was allowing women to work that had ruined everything. I sure do appreciate your link though. It opened my eyes to the true nature of what's wrong in the world. What we need - and I wholeheartedly agree with you on this - is women as chattel. Disenfranchise them NOW man. That will be a good first step to restoring the natural order of things so men can be men again. I wholeheartedly agree too that men should return to when we were more chivalrous toward our women and held doors for them. I mean, when you OWN them, its the least one can do for them isn't it? Women voting has only led to blacks being allowed to vote and not only that but black WOMEN are allowed to vote too. Last time I cast my ballot I was SHOCKED, SHOCKED I say to see a non white WOMAN in the queue for the voting booth. I asked her if she was in the right place and she just looked at me like I was an idiot. Now in the good old days I could have simply bitch-slapped her for her temerity, but I left my nuts at home that day, and simply looked away. The lack of a sac must have been what caused me to vote straight Democrat too! Because everyone KNOWS that Dems are nothing but pussies.

So anyway, I have been giving this whole thing a LOT of thought and well, screw it I don't care anymore who gets mad at me, IT's my god given right as an American MAN to say whatever useless **** pops into my fat head even if it offends just about everyone in the thinking world. So, what I would like to do is assist you in your quest to return the American male to his natural dominance in the pecking order of the world. First we need a Constitutional ammendment removing wimmins sufferage permanently (we'll work on them negros later, eh?) That might take some time and it will certainly make us unpopular, but the hell with it being a real man isn't about being popular, is it?

Once those bitches can't vote anymore it will be a cake-walk passing legislation that makes married women the property of thier husbands. Then we can go back to "MAN and wife" instead of the nutless "husband and wife" those sissy priests and pastors and rabbis say these days. Then Once we again OWN our women outright, we can do whatever we want with our own property - like hold the door for her when she is pregnant with our 5th masculine child (we will of course drown any feminine infant beyond a count of one), or beat the living crap out of her when she gets uppity.

IT will be a boon for the economy too. Just THINK of all those high paying corporate jobs those goddam greedy bitches have taken away from MEN that will once again be OURS!!! And for the less clever men among us the good factory work... oh wait, the US doesn't have any factory work anymore... um ya, the good burger flipping jobs that those greedy whores of babylon have taken from their male betters.

Wow. I am really warming up to this whole Man-sac thing!!! I really can't wait for the day when we can buy and sell our women and do with them as we please again. I am sick and tired of my wife complaining about her lousy teaching job and coming home to a messy house. When I OWN her I can kick her quiet and wont have to listen to any guff about her lousey job, because her lousey job will be wiping my ass for me and keeping my castle spotless and keeping her trap shut. And when I get completely sick of her I can SELL her to some poor schmuck. Wont that be great? I bet you can't wait to sell your wife too eh, Steve? Although since you are already a real man and a good god-fearing

American man's man that she keeps her place real good right? Already take the strap to her when she gets above her womanly station in life don't you?

Now, MrPecker, has the tone of the Peng Challenge Thread moved more to your liking? Enough piss and vinegar for you?

Manly, yes, but I like you too.

Now go **** yourself you insufferable prick.

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For what it is worth, I will excise the link, as it is being construed in a manner in which I never intended or in fact recognized. Some have sent me an email saying it glorifies rape and violence against women -- I think that an extreme interpretation, at best, but it is obvious that the feelings over that interpretation are clouding reasonable debate.

I apologize to anyone offended by the particulars of that link; I will not apologize for pointing out things that trouble me about the MBT's direction.


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GENTLEMEN ... enough. Is there not one MAN among you who will take the high road? Will not ONE of you be the adult?

We all make mistakes, let this whole thing be one of these AND JUST STOP IT!

Let's let the CessPool go with dignity, not hauled off to the cell like some vagrant pissing on his shoes.


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Your link didn't need to be "construed" to garner its disgusting meaning. The fact that you are incapable of seeing it for what it is - a misogynistic diatribe unsuitable for human consumption, is yet more proof of your complete and utter awfulness. Your opinion of what the Peng Challenge thread is or should be doesn't mean **** to me. If you don't like it - piss off and troll around the GF with your Hun pals.

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Joe, when I originally drafted that post, I ended somewhat differently, saying something along the lines of "I hope the MBT will enjoy a renaissance of it's own, and look forward to someday returning to find it in it's former glory."

I dropped that line because I thought it better to fight for a return to the past. Perhaps, no, certainly I could have been more diplomatic, but that is past.

Now, it appears obvious that my presence here will do little other cause the destruction of that which I hoped we could restore. Those who curse my name (literally and figuratively) have said they don't care what happens to the thread.

I do. I am not willing to see the thing locked up and banned because my own ego was out of control. Obviously, I disagree in the strongest possible terms with Dan, Peng, and some others, and though I have gotten a few words of encouragement from some, the type of vitriole being hurled about is beyond what I expected or what is, in fact, reasonable.

Therefore, I am ceding the issue. Dan, Peng, you guys win. Sorry I ever doubted your leadership, or anyone else's. Oh, and Peng -- you've been as bombastic, obnoxious, and completely beneath the pale in some of your prior rants about religion. Don't throw stones.

Have a nice life.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We all make mistakes

There haven't been any mistakes here. If that post had been by a highschool student I might call it a mistake. And you are partially right Joe, this USED to be a refuge, but Spkr's post was pure GF, so this is no refuge any longer. I'll ignore the hate filled crap in the GF, but by God I won't here!
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