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I want to preorder, nt.

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I demand the absence of bubble wrap in the packaging. I eat the packaging and bubble wrap makes me gassy. Please reduce the bubble wrap or sumfink... foam is too chewy, polystyrine flakes too flakey, shreaded cardboard too fibrous.

Jiffy bags count as bubble wrap.

Please pack product with thistles.


[ November 15, 2003, 12:16 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slippery_Pete:

You seem a little angry. Let's take this a little further, what is going on that would justify such a response?

Ahem. You seemed a bit angry yourself. If you wish to claim now that that was not what you intended, that's all well and good and an apology to all will cover matters nicely. I don't see you taking a very conciliatory stance here though, so I am inclined to doubt your claim. It appears to me that all you want to do is to put everybody else in the wrong while wrapping yourself in a lily white gown of innocence. Sorry, I'm not buying it.

And to everybody else, I apologize for speaking seriously. Something just came over me, but I'm sure it will pass. Shut up, Seanachai.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Konstantine:

Dorosh was a total prick to the guy for no good reason (other than maybe he forgot to take his ritalin this morning), and then suddenly a bunch of you pile on like it was a grog playground! Real mature, guys.

For the record, no apology is required by S. Pete in the least, that is absurd--who's making the insults after all?

Ahem. Please note I was not 'piling on'. I was, through a completely over the top post, satirical in intent, indicating that Mr. Pete was being handled a trifle bit roughly.

This may have gotten lost in translation. My sense of humour, such as it is, is almost indistinguishable from being a hateful and bitter vicious sod. However fine that line might be, I maintain that it does meet certain Government set standards for satire rather than simple abuse.

Whatever Mr. Pete intended with his response, which I thought was quite restrained, his original post did not strike me as offensive.

Except for the nt bit. I thought this needlessly vague. He should amend such usage in the future. I have spoken.

Quite a number of other, well known posters including that swine Soddball and Aka Tom whatsit have posted 'gimme' threads, or preorder death watch threads, or other such, and nobody jumped them. Well, except in the usual way, by suggesting that Soddball was a degenerate lunatic who should be made to suffer. And who could argue with that?

And Aka Tom...well, I've never been completely sure how to approach that bugger. I imagine everyone else is confused, as well. He should get a real, manly screenname. As it stands now I keep thinking he's registered by the American Kennel Association.

And, my dear Elvis: 'back in the day?' 'Back in the Day?!'

Back in the Day my much hated Gnome arse. Cheerful abuse has always been a part of this Board. Monsieur Dorosh was noteworthy simply for his lack of cheerfulness.

That said, Elvis, I hate you within all the legal limits set by Federal Law. Kisses.

Mr. Pete: Please do not take the boisterously vicious attacks of some of us here to heart. They are rough, rude, low fellows, the most of them, unused to the company of anyone except their own mannequins, mythic embodiments of elemental forces, and sock puppets.

Not like myself. You can trust me. I'm the Nice One.

Oh, and I can spell 'pus'.

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Originally posted by Konstantine:

Sorry, Seanachai. I actually didn't intend to include you in my group admonition. I realize your original post was in jest and fully understood the irony in it.

Spoken like a gentleman. I knew your intent, but, given that I am a low and hateful fellow, I wanted no one to mistakenly give me credit for being low and hateful when, in a moment of weakness, I was not being low and hateful.

Such things happen even to the best of us, and I wanted everyone to be sure that such had not, in fact, happened to the worst of us.

But we must not judge Grog Dorosh too harshly. The stress of being a Mythic Figure of Divine Retribution is beginning to tell on him.

Not only that, but he's Canadian. Canadians can't dance for ****e, and being the Messenger of the Apocalypso must be straining every nerve and sinew as he attempts to follow the harmonic and syncopated flow of the End Times.

In short, Pestilence is simply in over his head with the sound of steel drums echoing all about him. It's making him cranky.

I suggest everyone back off and let him learn the steps.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Konstantine:

Sorry, Seanachai. I actually didn't intend to include you in my group admonition. I realize your original post was in jest and fully understood the irony in it.

Pity you didn't understand the rest of the thread, then. ;) </font>
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Originally posted by Konstantine:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slippery_Pete:

You seem a little angry. Let's take this a little further, what is going on that would justify such a response?

Ahem. You seemed a bit angry yourself. If you wish to claim now that that was not what you intended, that's all well and good and an apology to all will cover matters nicely. I don't see you taking a very conciliatory stance here though, so I am inclined to doubt your claim. It appears to me that all you want to do is to put everybody else in the wrong while wrapping yourself in a lily white gown of innocence. Sorry, I'm not buying it.

And to everybody else, I apologize for speaking seriously. Something just came over me, but I'm sure it will pass. Shut up, Seanachai.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, yes, I know that you're just about as hateful an individual as has ever walked this plane of existence. But you lack that certain...something.

Excellence, I suppose we'd have to call it. You don't have my flair for the fine points of being hated. I will be hated by one and all, Michael, while you will only be hated by those who actually have to deal with you.

Y'know, as much as I hate to admit it, I think Seanachai has a point here. I think we should leave him to do what he does best. After all, I feel that if we were to have more than one mangy cur to kick around, it would just wear our boots out too fast.

Let's all pile on Seanachai! Come on, Pete, you join in too!



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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Now, all that said, I want to add that I am not turning a deaf ear to your admonition. I don't know exactly what I will do in the future, but whatever it is, I will try to do in awareness that there are parts of the community that have your sensibilities. Fair enough?


By all means. It was hard to get your exact meaning, but that isn't your fault--that is the nature of a web forum. I appreciate the explanation. As I said the problem is with the Dorosh's post--why be condescending and cruel to a stranger? This is a fast growing community and it hurts the business, which I fully support. But if he wants to pass it off as humor, so be it.

By the way, Seanachai: I too am Canadian. And by god can I dance--you don't think I bought the "Riverdance" DVD just for the pleasure of watching it, do you?

And furthermore I can line-dance you into the sawdust, old boy.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Y'know, as much as I hate to admit it, I think Seanachai has a point here. I think we should leave him to do what he does best. After all, I feel that if we were to have more than one mangy cur to kick around, it would just wear our boots out too fast.

Let's all pile on Seanachai! Come on, Pete, you join in too!



Indeed, Michael. To paraphrase the Bard: Some achieve hatred, some have hatred thrust upon them, and some are born to hatred. It's better that you young people take the hatred you achieve, and that which others make yours, and cuddle it to yourselves.

But let those of us born to hatred make our way by Right where others can only make their way by dint of foolishness.

Grog Dorosh, Michael, will always contest with me. He will seek, nay, demand hatred, where only laughter and banter should be his.

Sigh. It does him credit to long for greatness. But it will not be his for some time to come, do you see? Because I am there before him.

Forgive, all, the angry mouthings of Grog Dorosh. He does no more than seek to make his mark on the Universe. And impress me.

But he is my little lad, and I will not leave him behind.

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Originally posted by Slippery_Pete:

My response to Dorosh was in jest.

Has anyone who responded to my post ever kissed a girl?


Yes. She said that you went at it like you were trying to clear clear a bit of stuck corn out of your partner's mouth. She also said it was unpleasant.

We still see each other occasionally, and laugh about you.

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Originally posted by Konstantine:

{snip}to pass it off as humor, so be it.


I too am Canadian.

Well, not a very good one, if you ask me.

Yes, just what we need - a member of the community who posts four word demands to either the webmasters, the developers, or simply whatever Gods he holds in esteem this week. Then gets pissy when we...well, be ourselves, really.

Way to go Steve!

Then gets pissier when we talk about him like he's not in the room for two pages.

His most recent nuggets kinda reveal we don't need feel much sympathy for him; he's self-admittedly too busy molesting teenagers to take offence here. I read it on the Internet!

Honestly, if Prissy_Pete wants to get his shorts tied up in a knot over Steve's charm, Michael's Lack of Hatability, and Seanachai's envy of other people's hatred, let him knock himself out.

"Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt!"

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I am quite accustomed to kissing my wife. She loves me for the grumpy bastard I really am. She is also, by the way, a book editor which explains my sometimes unannounced and unpleasant vocabulary and grammar commentaries. You see, we're both sticklers for language and it is one of the reasons that she so graciously allows me to kiss her on a regular basis.

To answer the question behind your question however, you are correct. I in fact have no life. This explains why I, like you, lurk this board waiting for the tiniest hints about a CMAK release date. What's your excuse?

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