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Everything posted by Slippery_Pete

  1. Im up for a game. Send over a setup. Quick Battles are fine. Thanks.
  2. Its been awhile since ive played but im open for some PBEM games. I like quick battles with fair setups as possible. Send over a game or some suggestions. Thanks. SLippery. is2@frontiernet.net
  3. My response to Dorosh was in jest. Has anyone who responded to my post ever kissed a girl? I would be surprised if anyone had. *chuckle* Pete.
  4. You consider yourself so important that BFC is going to race to add your name to the list? Use the online order form, num-num! You'll need to provide some details like a real name, address, credit card number, etc. Oh, and you have to wait for the preorders to be announced and the order form to be put online. Any other stupid pronounciamentos while you are it? PS I want bacon for breakfast tomorrow. </font>
  5. snow on the ground but have it not snowing. Thanks in advance.
  6. Is it possible to do the following; Let say your playing a hotseat or email game. You design a custom map for a quick battle. The host sets the points at 3000 for each side. Is their anyway to allow each player the option to allot a certain amount of points to reinforcements to come in at, for example, turn 15 of the quick battle? I cant figure out how to do this. I can obviously design a map and choose the units for the map before hand designating some units to come in as reinforcements. However, my opponents and I want the option of choosing units ourselves not having them predetermined. Thanks in advance.
  7. Does anyone else think the whining and pouting in this thread is pathetic? Judias priest. If it's such an issue, print out the damn PDF and move on. Make your own manuel. Do you want to put it on your bookshelf for show or something? Slippery.
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