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Tactics against M3 Medium? [Demo Spoiler]


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[POSSIBLE SPOILER - the first demo scenario]

This question is based upon my experience playing the Fuhrwizziwigwind scenario in the CMAK demo.

My MkIIIs and their 5cm Tungsten / AP shells are having a hard time killing the M3 Medium tank, and the Sherman appears to be the US equivalent of the Pkw VI. Regarding the M3, I realize the front is sloped and this must be what is causing the continuous stream of "Front Turret Ricochets". The M3s' on the other hand are having no trouble blowing the crap out of the MIIIs'. I have a shoot out going on at about 100 yards; 10 MkIIIs' vs 3 M3 Mediums. The score so far is 6 Mk IIIs' killed for no M3s'damaged (except paint scratching).

It feels like I have to resort to anti-Tiger tactics.

Do I really need to be chasing the flanks on these M3s' as I would with a Tiger??


Partially Penetrated in Denver

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I think I have worked it out. After 167 "Front Turret Hit - Ricochet" messages, you have to generate 24 "Front Turret Partial Penetration" messages and then the M# Medium crew will abandon their vehicle - provided of course they are "Green". To achieve this three times you need 15 MkIIIs', of which 1 will be still operational at the end.

As a foot note, M3 Gun Carriages will take track hits and gun hits, but still take out 6+ AFVs' with first shot kills afterwards.

I suspect I have been subjected to another "demo scenario designed to demonstrate the lethality of the WWII battlefield, especially if you are playing as the Germans" demo, ala CMBO.


Penetrated and Abandoned in Denver

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Originally posted by Robert Isenberg:

what I did was move all my tanks to the left side

had the infantry sneak up through the brush

then used the 105 smoke to cover my rt flank and the 81mm smoke to cover my front then raced my mklll's in close to the grants and killed them all and only losing 2 mklll's

then turning and sweeping to the right

What!!??? You used "tactics"??!! Co-ordinating smoke and a tank charge with infantry support???

I didn't see anything about *that* in the briefing!! It said the German's kicked butt and "broke through easily". Nothing about "tactics".

And where are my Stukas? How can I do a Blitzkreig without any Stukas???

Tactics? *mutter* *mutter*

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Originally posted by OGSF:

My MkIIIs and their 5cm Tungsten / AP shells are having a hard time killing the M3 Medium tank, and the Sherman appears to be the US equivalent of the Pkw VI. Regarding the M3, I realize the front is sloped and this must be what is causing the continuous stream of "Front Turret Ricochets". The M3s' on the other hand are having no trouble blowing the crap out of the MIIIs'. I have a shoot out going on at about 100 yards; 10 MkIIIs' vs 3 M3 Mediums. The score so far is 6 Mk IIIs' killed for no M3s'damaged (except paint scratching).

That's because you are playing the wrong side, you see. If you were playing the Amis, the Lees, Shermans, and GMCs would be dropping like flies. Trust me. There appears to be some code written into the game engine headed "Drive the player to distraction and make him look like an idiot". It's the most efficient part of the program. Probably was the first thing Charles coded up and exists at the root level, pre-empting all other code subsequently added to conceal it.



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Originally posted by dalem:

I can't understand a word this guy is posting.

That's because he's so worked up over this he forgot the brogue. It's like they always used to say, if you wake a foreigner up in the middle of the night and don't give him a chance to think, he'll drop the accent and talk just like an American. American is the natural language of all humans. They just put on that they speak other languages when Americans are around. Frenchmen? When the coast is clear, they gather in small, dark rooms, throw their berets aside, open cans of Bud and talk about baseball. All the other stuff is just for the tourists.


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I'm also a newbie, and not english-speaker, so please forgive me for the lot of errors ;) Here we also speak American with our own kin :D

It is correct: the germans drove the americans out os Kasserine pass, but I'm so clear that it was not a militar parade, dunno? Rommel was and outsanding commander not for moving their panzers upfront and order them to start firing the Tommies.

Answering the main question: what about hull down? What I did was: move all the vehicles to the left. Then fired a smoke barrel right in front of the Grants and advance, recons ahead, as quick as I could: there was a small slope that covered my tanks right so close to the enemies juggernauts. So I put them astern and showed myself in hull down: I beated all the grants losing only 2 MkIII (one of which was destroyed by an AT cannon on my left). Routing enemies infantry was not difficult. Facing the Shermans was another question; but I tried to maintain the most of my tanks close and in formation. Here my Panzers commander didn't do their best: two veterans were firing one newbie at 50 m and both failed the shot. The Sherman didn't and this stupid maneuver cost me one of the Mks.

For me this scenario with germans remained me when playing CMBB with soviets: you have good weaponry, but should know how to use it correctly! Putting 88's on a hill and waiting for it to kill every foe vehicle is not a challenge ;)


[ December 23, 2003, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: Caronte ]

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When I played it from the German side, I waited for all my tanks to show up, then just spread them out on the ridge and told them to advance via the seek hull down command. They moved up, sat on the ridge, and just pounded away. At the end, all American tanks destroyed, 4 MkIIIs lost. Rolled forward and finished the job, easy win.

Then when I played as Americans, the stars smiled upon me again...the MkIIIs moved up, and got holed. Twas like clockwork. KO'd all fifteen, while I lost only one Sherman. Meanwhile, they put all their infantry in the center, and were solidly repulsed, in large part to being pounded by my artillery. So, with their armored support wiped away, I moved my Shermans down the left and Honeys down the right. After after killing the one final MkII that had been hiding behind the ridge and cutting down or forcing a a surrender of the few tank crews that had stuck around, I closed the pincer maneuver and turned my tanks back into the faces of the fleeing German infantry. Poor buggers never had a chance. Total victory. 273 enemy casualties inflicted, 54 captured, and 22 vehicles destroyed. A mere 36 Germans walked away from the battlefield alive and free. I had only 17 casualties, and one tank destroyed. Ah, the sweet taste of complete and devastating victory...

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Originally posted by 30ot6:

When I played it from the German side,... Rolled forward and finished the job, easy win.

Then when I played as Americans, the stars smiled upon me again...complete and devastating victory...

So what you are saying is that I am screwed whichever side I choose......

I think Michael was entirely correct about Charles......


Remorseful in Denver

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

That's because you are playing the wrong side, you see. If you were playing the Amis, the Lees, Shermans, and GMCs would be dropping like flies. Trust me. There appears to be some code written into the game engine headed "Drive the player to distraction and make him look like an idiot". It's the most efficient part of the program. Probably was the first thing Charles coded up and exists at the root level, pre-empting all other code subsequently added to conceal it.

Ah-HA! :eek: :mad:

As a CM newbie I have suspected something like this, but figured that it must just be my lousy tactics. :rolleyes: Now that it is confirmed by a veteran player, I feel much better. :D

Lt. Badger

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My holiday gift to the Board and CM players everywhere. Yes the truth emerges, we are as we always secretly suspected military geniuses (except for Boo that is) who could have beaten the pants off of Rommel and Montgomery combined. It's only a vicious quirk written into the code that makes us look less than our glorious best. All these years Steve swore up and down that the AI never ever cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die-if-ever-I-should-tell-a-lie CHEAT.


Merry Christmas, everybody. But mostest to Charles, you evil, evil man, you.



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