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F-Killing the Grant Why the 2 for 1 on Gun Kills?

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According to tests run by Poor Old Spike on Fragments here


a Gun Kill result on the Grant takes out both the turret mounted 37mm (plus presumably the Coax MG)

AND the sponson mounted 75mm. While I can certainly understand the first result, I don't understand the second at all. I grok that the game engine doesn't allow separate targeting of the two cannon, but I do know that the ammo expenditure is tracked separately. If the ammo expenditure is tracked separately, then why when a Gun Kill results are BOTH cannon taken out? This removes, IMO, an important real life combat redundancy aspect.


John Kettler

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Sure it's something with the engine. But the ballistics of the 37 and 75 are very different... wait, does this mean that any gun in CMAK might theoretically be 2 different guns? Is that how different shell muzzle velocities are actually represented, 'below the hood'?

And how do 3-mg pillboxes work?

Weird, weird weird. You'd think it'd be simpler to have two distinct guns capable of being damaged independently, but i sure wouldn't know.

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I hope I'm remembering this correctly. I think CM's got the Grant in the earlier CMBB game too but they just couldn't budget the time to figure out how to get the game engine to graphically represent a multi-gun vehicle. So it shares polygons with the Sherman. I guess they had to jump through a lot of hoops to provide us with what they finally came up with for CMAK. The game engine simply didn't want to cooperate.

There's another two-gun vehicle in CMAK, the Churchill MkI. It shares polygons with the MkIV though in practice it fights like a Grant. We almost got a properly rendered MkI but BFC ran out of time and disk space. Soooo close :(

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