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HC against troops ??

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I checked the manual etc, but could not find a satisfactory answer to this question - Is it worth using HC charges from an Axis Puppen-thingamijig against MGs and infantry in a building?

Or does this heat charge not work to well unless it hits a steel plate ??

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Did anyone ever tested whether CM HEAT is modeled with the same blast value as HE for the weapon is?

The unit data only has one blast value, not one for each kind of ammunition. AP obviously has a lower blast nontheless so it is not out of question that HEAT also has a silently reduced blast value.

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I agree that for a given gun, the HC shells defintely have less of a suppression/killing effect when compared to HE. This is readily apparent in the game.

Specifically as to HC against targets in buildings, in my experience HC rounds from zooks, shrecks and the like seem to be somewhat more effective against enemy units in buildings than they are against enemy in other types of terrain. This is subjective based on play experience, though, and it would be a difficult thing to test definitively. It would make sense that HC rounds would be more effective agaist targets in buildings given the mechanics of how they work. I would be curious to know if others' in-game experiences match mine.



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This is a German 75mm HEAT round. It clearly could produce fragments. The direction and velocity of these fragments may have been different than a 75mm HE round. My guess is that it would throw fragments towards the rear more so than a typical HE shell. I assume these shells were fuzed for graze or superquick. It actually would have been useful to have a delay setting for use against buildings/troops/etc.

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