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Here we are then.

Four years in the comfy CMBO Pen and now I get transferred. No point in asking what I did.

Reasonably cool place this. Does have a certain... rural charm to it. Of course it's not CMBO Block. No venerable age, no dignity and no style. But rustique is ok... works for me.

Same inmates shaking the bars around here I see.

Hey there's Balaban! Look at that inmate number! I always thought he was just a rumor they used to scare us straight. I bet I'd get a fortune selling him to a Museum! Err, ok, no need to look at me like that, I'm moving right along here, be out of your way before you know it, I know Lifers have nothing to lose anymore.

Gee, what a crew. Never knew what you did time for Mike T, but I guess it must have been really bad seeing as you've really been around. Not as long as Emry's though. Now what's a nice guy like him doing with guys like us anyway? Can't they see successful rehabilitation when it's looking at them? What do you mean he's actually the warden who owns the place? Right. Good thing I walked the line there commenting him then. Ah, Mr Dorosh, now you really should be in here, they made no mistake there, you'll never quit the pipes that's for sure. Guys like you never do. Same goes for you Firefly, you'll never get off those wargame books and you know it. And of course Lee you old thread pirate, I knew they'd get you in the end. They always do. Look at MB. Hid in a corner and didn't say squat in four years, still they got him.

Ah well, guess I'd better get comfortable then. I'll not be leaving here in a hurry. There's this huge Mad guy by the door, and outside the window there's just a caul, caul Moon looking down on me.

Sauerkraut, anyone? It's freshly cooked...



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Originally posted by Firefly:

I don't think I actually have any wargames books at the moment.

Sure Fly, I believe you. I'm innocent too. We all are. It's all a big mistake.

Originally posted by Firefly:

I've still got my collection of 'Moves' magazines, though.

smile.gif Care to share some from the contents?



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Some news from the distributor CDV:

They will release the European version of CMAK, Combat Mision 3 on November, 28th, 2003. Pre-orders will begin soon.



»Wüstenfuchs« gegen »Monty«: Combat Mission 3 Afrika Korps wirft Sie in die dramatischsten Schlachten des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Sie kämpfen in der afrikanischen Wüste von 1940 bis 1942, leiten die Invasion Kretas im Mai 1941 – und stecken mitten in den erbitterten Abwehrgefechten um Italien und Sizilien.

Behalten Sie zwischen Granateinschlägen, brennenden Panzerwracks und stürmender Infanterie einen kühlen Kopf? Beherrschen Sie Taktiken wie Hinterhalt, Flankenangriff und Defensivmanöver? Können Sie gewaltige Panzer wie Königstiger, Pershing oder Firefly effektiv einsetzen? Dann sind Sie der Richtige für Combat Mission 3 Afrika Korps!

- Echtzeit- und Rundenstrategie in einem Spiel

- 7 Kampagnen plus über 60 Einzelszenarios

- »Quick Battle«-Karten mit Truppenkauf

- Karteneditor für unbegrenzten Spielspaß

- Über 800 Einheitentypen: Panzer, Infanterie, Artillerie, Flugzeuge mit realistischen, detaillierten technischen Daten und Tarnanstrichen

- Alliierte und deutsche Seite spielbar

- Multiplayer-Kämpfe über Internet, Netzwerk, Email oder Hotseat an einem PC

Release ist der 28.11.2003

Das Spiel kann bald bei CDV vorbestellt werden.


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