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Peng, why hast thou forsaken my challenge?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I have captured the rogue Panzer Leader , and have him frozen in carobnite, instead of simply disintegrating him.

This is his original post in the previous, closed thread, I guess before the twit realized we had moved. Whatever level he is is now I recommend one lower. </font>
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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:


Elvis makes a good point. Too bad he died on a toilet.

Anyway, it appears that I've no other choice than to increase this forum's quality by pointing out what kind of imbeciles you "peng" thread residents are. </font>

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:


Elvis makes a good point. Too bad he died on a toilet.

Anyway, it appears that I've no other choice than to increase this forum's quality by pointing out what kind of imbeciles you "peng" thread residents are. </font>

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What a Moron (either, both, all...you pick).

Welcome back my Liege. You will find the house all in order, and the Pitchfor...errr....Terrible Triple-Tined Trident of House Shavian in the usual place.

In closing, Berli is pathetic (so is Seanachai), and MrSpkr has obviously gone off the deep-end (even for a lawyer).

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:


Elvis makes a good point. Too bad he died on a toilet.

Anyway, it appears that I've no other choice than to increase this forum's quality by pointing out what kind of imbeciles you "peng" thread residents are. </font>

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Are you talking to me? I did not realize that you had resumed any sort of communication. By what authority have you done this?

That was an Official Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread communication and superce .. supersie ... takes president (HAH ... and YOU thought I'd get stuck, I tell you a solid vocabulary is critical) over private communications which I still am not going to go to with you anymore either.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

Are you talking to me? I did not realize that you had resumed any sort of communication. By what authority have you done this?

Ahh, the efficacy of the Justicar is revealed -- again.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

Are you talking to me? I did not realize that you had resumed any sort of communication. By what authority have you done this?

That was an Official Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread communication and superce .. supersie ... takes president (HAH ... and YOU thought I'd get stuck, I tell you a solid vocabulary is critical) over private communications which I still am not going to go to with you anymore either.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Vadr:

OK, so Moriarity is, if not a Moron, at least pretty clueless.

Shaddup CPIQ, when The Justicar wants your opinion, he'll tell you what it is.

Well said Squire Vadr. I feel that a research paper would be in order. Perhaps something short, say 12 pages double spaced (I'm feeling mellow, the stables were positively shining this morning) on the subject ... Inquisitor General ... an Office That's Outlived It's Usefulness?

I'd suggest a two-pronged approach:

(75 and not a moment sooner) YES.

(All The Way With JFK) It never HAD any usefulness.

And don't forget to throw in a few [sNEER] [/sNEER] comments as well.


p.s. How are you doing in CessPool matches these days? Remember that you need to complete five (5) CessPool matches before I will propose you for Knighthood.

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Originally posted by Vadr:

OK, so Moriarity is, if not a Moron, at least pretty clueless.

Shaddup CPIQ, when The Justicar wants your opinion, he'll tell you what it is.

Ah, the sniveling toady speaks ... or does he? Sounds more like something scripted by puppeteer Joe Shaw
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Well, despite my long and storied history of lurking on the boards, I have not previously descended into the sewer that is the Peng thread.

Now that I have, it is obvious that you are all godless communists and it may even be true that Europeans number amongst your ranks.

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Main Entry: in·quis·i·tor

Pronunciation: in-'kwi-z&-t&r

Function: noun

Date: 1504

: one who inquires or makes inquisition; especially : one who is unduly harsh, severe, or hostile in making an inquiry

And what, pray tell Counselor have you been inquiring about lately? Hmmmm....? We are overrun with SSN's, and not the garden variety moron (word of the day I guess) SSN's like Lenk...something or other but rather fans of ludicrous, flash-in-the-pan ersatz artiste.

What questions have you asked? What tests have you given, what barrier have you put up to stop this influx? None, nada, zilch, nothing, Sod Off. Roight.

You are mere pawn of that pathetic little sniveling Berli. What? You think the Title makes the Man? Deeds, not words Consiglieri. Those who can, do. Those who can't post in the MBT and call themselves Imbecile General or somesuch nonsense. I would fight you, but you are likely too cowardly to face the test. Send a Squire and I shall thrash it roundly to remind you of your mortality, and of course, that all glory is fleeting...

Edited to say: Qbert, send me a setup, you worthless loser, it's time for your thrashing. I'd prefer something historical but will beat you in a gamey QB if such be your pleasure.

[ February 11, 2003, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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Originally posted by mcgivney:

Well, despite my long and storied history of lurking on the boards, I have not previously descended into the sewer that is the Peng thread.

Now that I have, it is obvious that you are all godless communists and it may even be true that Europeans number amongst your ranks.

Well, well, well ... that's what I propose for this one at any rate ... toss him in the well.

Nonetheless, though my titles include Cudgel of the CessPool, I am not totally without mercy. Therefore we'll examine this SSNs ... Application and Ciricullum Vitae ...

Hmmm... Occupation:

Varies. Ask me about my JOAT skills!
Indeed, and why would we choose to do that? Do as you like with Goats my good man but you'll be hard pressed to match the sheep skills exhibited hereabouts.


Noo Yawk
Little more needs be said about THIS save that it's perilously close to Noo Joysee and ... [sNEER] Hiram Sedai [/sNEER] .

I do like the Godless Communist line and the disparagment of Europeans in general. All in all he MAY do ... but just to keep our hand in ...



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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Update on Lt Hortlunds lovelife:

We embraced each other; her little body burned in my hands;

in a state of unconsciousness , which I tried to master constantly but fruitlessly, we rolled a little way, hit door with a thud,

and then lay in the little puddles of beer and the other refuse that littered the floor.

Hours passed... in which I constantly had the feeling that I was losing my way or that I had wandered farther than anyone had ever wandered before , to a place where even the air had nothing in common with my native air, where all this strangeness might choke one,

yet a place so insanely enchanting that one could not help but go on and loose oneself even further...

Send me turn ,when you wake up...

this same Master Goodale , Gaylord Wanker , SgtGoffy

I will like to point out, that poor leadership did not diminish the sterling qualites of the troops concerned who ,under more competent command - my own for instance - could be expected to accomplish any number of military miracles.

So don't be disheartened.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

[ February 11, 2003, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by Vadr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Main Entry: in·quis·i·tor

Pronunciation: in-'kwi-z&-t&r

Function: noun

Date: 1504

: one who inquires or makes inquisition; especially : one who is unduly harsh, severe, or hostile in making an inquiry

And what, pray tell Counselor have you been inquiring about lately? Hmmmm....? We are overrun with SSN's, and not the garden variety moron (word of the day I guess) SSN's like Lenk...something or other but rather fans of ludicrous, flash-in-the-pan ersatz artiste.

What questions have you asked? What tests have you given, what barrier have you put up to stop this influx? None, nada, zilch, nothing, Sod Off. Roight.

You are mere pawn of that pathetic little sniveling Berli. What? You think the Title makes the Man? Deeds, not words Consiglieri. Those who can, do. Those who can't post in the MBT and call themselves Imbecile General or somesuch nonsense. I would fight you, but you are likely too cowardly to face the test. Send a Squire and I shall thrash it roundly to remind you of your mortality, and of course, that all glory is fleeting...

Edited to say: Qbert, send me a setup, you worthless loser, it's time for your thrashing. I'd prefer something historical but will beat you in a gamey QB if such be your pleasure. </font>

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Originally posted by Derth Vadr:

We are overrun with SSN's, and not the garden variety moron (word of the day I guess) SSN's like Lenk...something or other but rather fans of ludicrous, flash-in-the-pan ersatz artiste.

Mayhap IF you had read ALL the previous posts, a <U>LUNKHEAD</U> such as yourself would KNOW that Faithful Squire to Sir Aussiejeff, lenakonrad, is now a Squire. Is that CLEAR enough, you chimpanzic impersonator??? Tell ya what, here's a <BIG>*BOOT!!* to send yer on yer not-so-merry way...

Pillock type person.

Squire! Front and centre! Looks like it is GAUNTLET SLAPPING TIME with this Derth thingy. Bring me it's head on a pointy stick and I will grant you a bonus point. Wait a minute. It claims to be from that House of Ill-Repute - Shavian or somefink? Make that double bonus points!!!

Sir Flamin' AJ


<small>[ February 11, 2003, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

Mayhap IF you had read ALL the previous posts, a <U>LUNKHEAD</U> such as yourself would KNOW that Faithful Squire to Sir Aussiejeff, lenakonrad, is now a Squire.

He's from the Shaving house -- don't expect too much.


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