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The cheery thread of MasterGoodales Angry TNT and Fury Maggots

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Originally posted by MasterMoldAle:

By the way puss pods, I'll be looking for another victim or two within the next few days so speak up with that sh*t-speckled mouth if you want an arse-whooping. :mad:

I ain't no puss-pod, so guess I don't qualify. I'd play you, but you hinted at a setup ages ago, simultaneously with Keke, and only delivered to him. I will not have that, you deranged offspring of an unholy alliance with a goat and the ant-queen. :mad: Whooping your arse would be too easy, with you having mold instead of brain, and a pace of sending turns to fit. :mad: But what can I do, with you not having guts to face me ? :mad: I understand you in a way, no-one likes to take an arse-whooping ! :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by Nippy:

So...should you tell him we are in an infantry only fight or should I?

Now that would mean all that bandwidth was in vain, cruel, cruel. And I'm afraid that would only spurn him to churn up more incomprehensible drivel from old issues of "Jane's Guide for Dummies" :D :mad: :mad:

Speaking of infantry. If I had it to do over again I would have gone with Paratroopers. 12 men per squad X8Rifle X2SMG X2LMG. Only 3 squad s per platoon but it would put them on par with a Russian rifle squad.

You'll get your chance, as I figure a rematch is in store either way.

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I'm in a state of shock this morning. I've witnessed something which mere mortals should never see. This is most assuredly a sign that the world as I've always known it is being turned upside down. Allow me to tell of the gory details.

Wednesday night I received a turn from MasterGoodale (the maggot). While shocking enough by itself, I decided to wait to run the turn until Thursday. So yesterday afternoon when I came home from work, I played the turn from the fury maggot (just watched the movie) and sent him the next turn. Within an hour or so, I had received another turn from MasterGoodale!!! :eek: :eek:

You'll have to excuse me now. I'm having an existential crisis right now. Isn't there anything I can rely on any more? :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

SNOTBALL!!! :mad: You have GOT to be kidding me maggot!! :mad: I sent 67 last night and if you didn't get it your email is fecked up! I give up!! No more resends!!! :mad:

Which damn email address are you sending it to? I received nine turns last night, and yours wasn't one of them. Either you are sending to the wrong address or you just plain suck, because nobody else is having problems.

I hereby call upon The Brood to adjudicate in this matter. Trial by Tedium.

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Well (and I can't believe I'm actually saying this) my experience so far with MG has been alright. Let me qualify that. After months of threatening me with a setup, and then a false start or two, I'm getting turns every day. In fact, I received two from him yesterday. :eek:

I haven't played Soddball yet.

Ipso facto -- they're both wankers.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Personally I think we have a tie for the most incompetent CMBB players between Soddball (the maggot) and MasterGoodale (the fury maggot). Between the two of them they can't even figure out a plan for getting an e-mail from one to the other. :D;)

Since Goodale (the maggot) is sending turns, and Soddball (the maggot) is receiving turns, I suspect MasterGoodale has an incorrect or corrupted address for Soddball in his e-mail contacts list. If you guys already have 67 turns invested, I think this is worth working out before you pitch the game out completely. :eek:

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Feh and bah. A trial it is.

SDBall: MGA that twitching phallus, refuses to send a turn.

MGA: :mad: I sent it to you dozens of times, you puss encrusted maggot!!!

SDBall: Never received it! Never!!! You're email must be loopy.

MGA: :mad: My email is TNT powered and only a belly crawling pseudopod would blame his email problems on the sender.

SDBall: Impossible!!!! Nothing wrong with my wankered ISP, I've no problems what so ever. tongue.gif

MGA: :mad: Right, so explain why Snooker can't get a turn from you again, Snitwad?

Judge Snarker: Clearly a case of the grub calling the maggot black. Dismissed.


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Cool, a vote! Let's recap the choices:

1. Goodale is sending his turns to the wrong address

II. Goodale just plain sucks

C. Goodale and Soddball are wankers

Well, if Goodale is using the reply feature it would be impossible to be using the wrong e-mail address. So #1 is out.

Goodale does suck, so #II looks reasonable.

Goodale and Soddball are wankers so #C also looks valid.

Okay then:

I'm from Florida so I get to vote twice!

I vote for #II and #C.

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perhaps DaveH, perhaps. . .SNOTBALL you slime-encrusted non-TNT-Chucking excuse-making maggot here's the deal; send me an email tonight and I will respond to it with the turn. Since I haven't even received an email from you in decades let's see if this works.

Puss Pouch :mad:

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Is anyone else in The Brood having problems getting turns from the GrandMaster?? . . . . .I thought not. :mad:

Turns will be slung at a bitter, hot, furious rate this long weekend maggots so put on your slather goggles and hunker down Papa's coming with a big humadeeah! :mad: :mad:

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Sure just a second. . .I'll just tell my boss I have to go home for a while so I can check my email to see if an opponent of mine can receive turns properly for this wargame I'm playing on the internet. . .I'M AT WORK YOU MORON!! :mad: :mad:

aaaaahhhhhh :mad: . . that was quite liberating. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Sure just a second. . .I'll just tell my boss I have to go home for a while so I can check my email to see if an opponent of mine can receive turns properly for this wargame I'm playing on the internet. . .I'M AT WORK YOU MORON!! :mad: :mad:

aaaaahhhhhh :mad: . . that was quite liberating. :mad:

I know. Cretin. Why should I wait until this evening to send it? You're so stupid, it's a wonder that you rememeber to breathe.
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MasterGoodale, we've all abandoned the Cheery Waffle threads and moved over to the Peng thread. It's been fun, but we want to hang out with the really cool people now. They've welcomed us there with open arms and made us all knights! Hurry on over. Maggot! :D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

MasterGoodale, we've all abandoned the Cheery Waffle threads and moved over to the Peng thread. It's been fun, but we want to hang out with the really cool people now. They've welcomed us there with open arms and made us all knights! Hurry on over. Maggot! :D:D

OMFG!!! Say it ain't, Dave H. Computer still at the shop and no word on how much its gonna cost. Gave up the beer for a week, that should be enough for a new motherboard if it comes to that. No turns out and no idea if you turds have sent any to me.

Gawd, no beer for a week and no CMBB....life as I have come to know and love it, is over. :(

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