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Mac users unite

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I am a loyal patron of BTS and its products, however, recent changes in Mac hardware have made CM incompatible with most, if not all macintosh computers in the current supply chain. I have made my views public in this forum in the past, but they seem to have fallen on deaf ears. I grow tired of criticizing the company that brought me endless hours of gaming bliss, however, I think its in the best interests of the company to voice how I feel, in order to make the product better, and to ensure that future generations of CM don't suffer the same fate.

*rant on*

Please help me as I am so angry that BTS no longer supports the Mac platform.

Let me first make something very clear, there are no current mac towers capable of playing CM... none, nada, zip. Is this what BTS calls "Mac Compatible"? I hasten to say the Mac has been abandoned by BTS, and thats a shame. I am sure all of you out there are happy chugging along in your Beige G3's with OS9 and CM, but I have a new G4, and my copy of CMBO and CMBB are now worthless... doesn't this bother anyone, that CM is no longer "Mac Compatible" on any tower Apple sells?

Please don't quote me numbers on how the OS9 installed user base is huge, and that there are only about 15 people using OSX in the whole world, ergo why should BTS support it? Its a croc. OSX is robust and stable for at least the last 18 months.

Do any of you mac users wish to chime in on the situation? I seem to be the only one here that is getting really pissed. CMAK is nice, but OSX has been out for years, and BTS still refuses to support it. Its also a shame that noone here seems to care. Let me say this... I DO CARE... but, from a business standpoint, maintaining legacy hardware for a single game is almost as ludicrous as some the comments in the Peng Challenge thread. I have to turn over my macs because I use them for business and need the fastest/greatest, and to take advantage of their correspondingly high resale value, and now my new mac no longer supports CM... I say its time to remove "Mac Compatible" from the BTS website, its a lie, OS9 is dead.

Two years from now I am sure I may be assuaged by a new CM engine that is compatible with my hardware, however, in the meantime, CMAK is a stab in the back to me as a Mac user, I hasten to say it was the wrong move by BTS not to commence work immediately on a new 3D engine that supports OSX immediately after the completeion of CMBB. Naturally, this is a narcisstic viewpoint, and BTS will do whatever it wants to do anyway (indeed it already has), however I feel completely disenfranchised as a new mac owner that I can no longer play my favorite game, which isn't "Mac Compatible" by my definition.

I ask you Mac users out there, how do you feel?... are you happy just to have CM on OS9? Are you happy that you cannot buy a new mac if you want to play CM? Are you happy dual booting?

It makes me nauseous that I won't be able to play CM for ? years because BTS refuses to support OSX. I freely admit there were numerous external circumstances that affected BTS's ability to produce an OSX game initially, but here we are... two years later.

*rant off*

Please take all of this with a grain of salt smile.gif I had a few shots of kahlua in my coffee this morning, and felt like I needed to vent my frustration somewhere, and since I can't do it on the battlefield...

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Oh you silly person.

First. As it happens, all current mac towers run CM!

G5's wont, but they are not here now.

Second. No, of course no mac user can be happy with current situation.

It's been debated over and over, but cant be helped.

Third. Mac platform has not been abandoned. The next version of the game

will run on OSX, according to what we know. CMAK is not the next version.

Fourth. The reason for CM not running in classic, is Apple abandoning

their own chosen API, failing to support it in classic.


edit. beat to the punch, and by a single minute too...

[ August 04, 2003, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Jarmo ]

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Its been by (non-techie) opinion that Apple pulled the rug out from under BFC - and I assume other software game folks - with OSX.

Maybe those giant vertically integrated conglomerates can have their tech guys in Bangalore completely rewrite their code at Apple's whim, but BFC's just a 6 man operation. Supporting OSX would've probably meant a CMBB release more than a year late with not much extra product to bring in necessary revenues in the mean time. Maybe, once BFC's wrung as many pennies-per-man-hour out of the CM engine as they can, they'll eventually have a sufficient revenue cushion to make CMX2 OSX compatible... and hope Apple doesn't spring OS13 on them in the meantime.

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