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Question for all the Modders out there...

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This has likely been discussed ad nauseum elsewhere, but why are there so few CMMOS German armour mods? I know people have done a ton of work on other mods, but is it very difficult to make CMMOS mods? I love mods, but I like the simplicity of using CMMOS. Thanks for the information in advance.

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So few German CMMOS mods....

Well I have on my PC the following:

Soviet summer 55 snow 15

German summer 101 snow 33

Not to bad.

Now I can make a simple CMMOS vehicle mod in about 10 minutes or so. With advanced rules it take about twice as long. Right now I am having problems with the advanced rules for Mr Noobies King Tiger, I added support for the units that had KTs assigned to them.

Making a CMMOS mod isn't that difficult. I have a few tricks and a starter file taht makes things much simplier.


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All right, I'll be the first to admit that I am an idiot when it comes to figuring out how this all works. And I appreciate the patience y'all are showing. I have gone to the combatmission site and have downloaded all the dunkelgrau German tanks and winter tanks until my heart's content.

Nonetheless, what I am desperately looking for are the dunkelgelb tanks. Currently, I only have three dunkelgelb tanks that aren't winterized. I know there must be a store of them, but where do I find the CMMOS dunkelgelb tanks?!?

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My theory on why so few camou German mods: The novelty of the early war and Russian vehicles!

If you had spent all the previous year doing Panther mods for CMBO those early grey Stugs and that forest of T-34s in CMBB are a welcome change of pace. I suspect the tide has started to turn, though. We've done just about all the dirty/dusty/winter Russian vehicles we can stand and funky camou vehicles look like a nice change of pace. I suspect the new variations on MrNewbie's from-scratch King Tiger is a portent of things to come.

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