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Noobie Seeks Clarification on Russian dis/advantages

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Originally posted by Der Alte Fritz:

Welcome to the Red Army Comrade!

Go to this site and download the training scenarios written by JasonC. http://www.blowtorchscenarios.com/

There is no better way to learn - let me know if you want my notes - I am just doing the battalion level actions at the moment.

If playing PBEM you might consider picking the appropriate month and year. I would say start with 1942 before the intro of the Tiger or Panther or with early 44 so that you get T-34/85 and SU-85/100 but no King Tigers or late 45 so that you get proper IS-2s. Better to ask for details from a grog this is just a guess.

Oh and pre-plan all your artillery missions in the first move otherwise you end up wasting it.

I have downloaded the JasonC stuff, but I may get your notes.......I must suck at this game.........I beat the first three with the tanks easy........then I hit the inf ones and ground to a halt........ :confused:
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I have tried sneaking, advance, and several other ideas I had all while pouring fire into the trench from two squads, but none of it seemed to work.

Still I am not giving up on it......I will crack it, call me stubborn or just plain stupid but I now feel that I MUST beat it.

Mount up comrades.....we advance again!

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Have sent notes by email. They are just a collection of posts from this forum on using Soviet forces. They are either straight cut and pastes (JasonC's are in italics so that you can spot them easily) or I have paraphrased them where the information was spread over several long posts. The first section follows the training scenarios one by one. The second section contains whole articles on items of interest such as towing AT guns (don't ask!), using Sov Mech forces, scouting with light Russian armour, infantry attack against prepared defences, street fighting, and infantry philosophy.

All I can say is that it does work in the end but it takes time to get there and the game is always a challenge even when you know what you are doing. There are games like Rome Total War that just sit on my shelf because I know that I can beat the computer almost every time. At the start of every attack with CM I have no idea where the enemy are, how many there are and whether I can win or not. And when I do win sometimes, I really feel as if I have accomplished something. That is what makes it a good game

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DAF - perhaps those might be edited and made into a strategy guide type companion for a Russians in CMBB pack. Send me a copy of the email, if you would.

Could have - forum post advice, the training scenarios, and some scenario packs put together from the Russian perspective (e.g. Uranus pack, when I finish it Kutuzov pack, etc). A project idea. Frankly, for later in the summer, not immediately.

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Well, without really turning this into a spoiler, I'll list my basic infantry strategy:

80% shooting

20% moving

I try and keep my forces pretty spread out and in cover (as for JasonC's mission, note there's more terrain cover there than you think... damages and all), advancing when I know I'm going to get shot at. Splitting one squad and going for a "pincer" type movement on a known target has a good effect... I usually lose 3-5 guys but the target can't shoot everyone at once, and while the 80% is firing the 20% can come around the flank and do its duty.

To be honest I have just started playing missions that are in fairly open terrain... I played CMBO and CMBB and I couldn't stand open missions due to the difficulty of getting infantry across the map. But using a proper recon force (half squads!) and really shooting the hell out of a target once it pops up, I can usually make pretty good advances.

Another tip: Think about what works and doesn't work when you are on the DEFENSE, and capitalize on D's weaknesses when you are on the offense. This sounds silly, but it improved my game a lot once I did this.

Hope that helps.

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JasonC have emailed the notes to you.

Auto here is something to inspire you during your apprentiship.

A picture of the 1500 point mech force mentioned in the notes doing what it does best - destroying German mechanized troops on George Mc's excellent Ukraine map. Final score 4 AT guns, 2 armoured cars, 1 Marder, 1 HT and a company of infantry destroyed for the loss of 3 T-60 and 1 T-34, 2 mortars and some SMG troops. Picture shos the SMG troops dismounting for the final assault on the village.


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DAF - Those notes are a great help and while I still have not beaten the first inf one I have at least beaten the next two!

LT TEL - Thoughtful advice and I am trying those things.......just doesn't seem to help yet......perhaps more practice required.

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JasonC - got your email off the profile page. But my broadband is playing up and will not allow me to send any emails out from my PC. So I have to send them direct from the ISP website which is a little unstable. Anyway I tried again just now using the address on your post. So let me know if it does not come through.

Auto - great news! The first one is tough, perhaps practice with the troops morale raised up a level until you get the hang of it and then go back to the original setting. Failing that post a detailed account and perhaps JasonC will see where things are going wrong.


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DAF - OK.......I beat it with my troops pushed up two levels......stuck when I lower it one.......

I can do the others fine.....specially if I have tanks or other supporting units...just the inf I am having trouble with really.

Are there any other Inf only scenarios I could practice with cause honestly that one is really starting to annoy me.

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The 200 series includes one where you attack with an infantry force type. You do get supporting artillery etc, but no tanks (the other 2 in the 200 level do have tanks). These are also in mostly open terrain, and all are attacks

The 300 level stuff starts off with a tour of the Russian infantry types and their special tactics. But in more favorable terrain (woods, city e.g.), rather than wide open. The first of those is pretty easy, the rest you have to work.

Then later parts of the 300 level are about antitank defense, against progressively tougher German armor - plain panzers, then StuGs, then Tigers.

Then the 400 level are about battalion scale command, rather than the company (+) scale you learn on before then. And you are back on the attack.

In the 200 and 400, in each case you have 3 different attacks to conduct, with a different typical Russian force type. Infantry division infantry force type, infantry division combined arms, and mech division armor force type. Each has their own set of ways of doing things, and it pays to be familiar with them all.

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I would move on to the 200 series if I were you, as there is a long way to go yet. So long as you have learnt the METHOD of moving infantry by bounding forward in sequence and hidding when morale is low and that morale sinks during an attack but can be rallied in cover. You will use these principles in the 200 series. If you can win those then I would not worry about it. I can only win that one about one time in three and then only when EVERYTHING goes according to plan. George Mc still cannot win at it.

This is difficult stuff - Recently I lost the first 400 battalion attack scenario because I got my infantry forward but did not move my guns far enough forward. So do not get hung up over one problem, there are plenty of other ways to lose!

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I had a go with scenario 100 - I lost!

My jumping off point was the woods to the left at move 6. I move everyone forward using E and H 30m in sequence with 20 seconds delay between each one. Rotate from the rear so front unit has plenty of support. I do not move directly at the trench but off to the left. HQ stays unhid as he has the binoculars. Move 10 118m from trench no fire but I can see it now and stop hiding at end of move. Move 13 90m from trench, start to turn towards trench. Left flank section almost has defilade. Move 16 come under fire at about 60m from trench, some units cannot see trench as they are in shadow of the hump the trench sits on. So one squad gets full force of MG fire loses 6 men and routes. Move 17 Those in dead ground move forward slightly so they can fire. Others return fire for one move without moving.

Move 18 HQ hit and routes, everyone else moves forward in short runs one at a time. Move 19 another section breaks, one section reaches grenade range but is pinned, another still firing and WE HAVE PINNED THE MG! Move 20 the firefight is won, single section at under 50m is keeping MG pinned but my pinned unit is still down and does not recover in time to throw his grenades and kill MG. He is at one end of trench and MG at other end. End of game but I reckon next move I would have had him.

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Just a general update for all who are helping and advising me at the mo......

I have beaten all the 100 series with the exception of Mr. Nasty.

I have beaten all of the 200 series with a few little speedhumps along the way..

I am now moving into the 300 series..

Comrades..once more we advance to glory or death!!

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There are some items to add to it, namely using IS-2 heavy tanks, using artillery (got your post over at CMAK to include), relationship between historical units and what you see on the map in CMBB.

In one of the articles there are two examples of 1500 point forces, a infantry one and a mech one. I feel that these could be added to with the addition of a combined arms force list and the same agains for a smaller points size. It would help people in designing their own battles to be given the correct force balance.

I would be quite happy to edit it to remove a lot of the duplicated material and to tidy up the formatting and then to send it to you to check for accuracy, add further pieces, etc.

Hopefully by then my email will be working.


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