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Nude Centerfolds within (or maybe just a complaint/comment about scenario reviews)!

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I thought you of all people would like to see suggestions that might facilitate better ways of encouraging people to write reviews. Remember your rather large hissy fit over this very subject? According to you, the download of scenarios one at a time from the Depot is in fact the ENTIRE point of that venerable site, and the reason for this - apparently - is to make people send in reviews. Obviously this isn't working so well. Now instead of you being so negative whenever someone makes a suggestion, why don't you follow the advice of mothers everywhere: If you don't have something constructive to say, don't say anything at all. (I'm thinking that if you did follow this advice you wouldn't write anything ever again, but that's another story.)

A shortcut to each scenario's review page would be very convenient for those who wish to send in a review. It would certainly be easier than the status quo.

And no more "dear boy" please - it's freakin' me out.

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Originally posted by Lars:

I think he meant to file one, not read one.

No kidding. But he never bothered to say where it would be filed. In the scenarios folder? No one goes into those, except to open up a scenario in the editor.

This IS where I unzip my scenarios to. No need for him to get hysterical because no one responded to the suggestion; its just not a great idea.

Or is he suggesting that everytime I download a scenario that a URL pops into my "favourites" folder? Or a shortcut icon appears on my desktop? I don't see that being real popular; I know I wouldn't be in favour of it.

Perhaps his mother should have told him that if you have a dumb idea and no one says anything - they're probably being polite. :D I always figured best just to lie low in that situation; Mom never said something about repeating the same dumb idea at every opportunity until someone took notice.

Congrats, though, I guess we noticed now. As for my 'hissy fit', I think it was directed at the slack and lazy who apparently not only need one mongo download to save them from thinking whilst downloading, but now apparently, on one dear boy's opinion, must have their review prewritten and stored on their hard drive for them to submit... :rolleyes: Hey, why not just prewrite reviews to every scenario at once, have the Depot automatically store them on your hard drive whenever your download THE scenario pack, and then have a hot key where you can submit them all back to the Depot simultaneously? :D

[ January 29, 2003, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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As for my 'hissy fit', I think it was directed at the slack and lazy who apparently not only need one mongo download to save them from thinking whilst downloading
So you are against multiple downloads from the Scenario Depot. This would mean that you went from being against them, to being for them, and now to being against them again. Well done!

must have their review prewritten and stored on their hard drive for them to submit
What in God's name are you talking about??

My idea is quite straightforward (well at least I thought it was). I'll give an example for the simple-minded:

A person (neither slack nor lazy) chooses five PBEM scenarios from the Depot in a pack. Included with each scenario is a shortcut file pointing to its review page at the Depot. If the person chooses to make a review all he needs do is open the shortcut file and he'll be magically taken to that page. These shortcut files can be kept in the scenarios folder if desired. Those that have a pathological hate for them can put them in the trash.

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Originally posted by UberFunBunny:

My idea is quite straightforward (well at least I thought it was).

Included with each scenario is a shortcut file pointing to its review page at the Depot.
Included how? In the zip file?

These shortcut files can be kept in the scenarios folder if desired.
And if not desired? Does your unzip software really give you the option of unzipping to two seperate locations on your hard drive? Wouldn't the shortcut files just automatically go to the scenarios folder? Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics. ;) You keep mentioning this wonderful idea, but intimate here that the shortcuts could be downloaded to a location of the user's choice. OK, fine, so how do you do that?

If the only way to get to these "shortcuts" is to

a) click on program files

B) click on CMBB

c) click on Scenarios

d) hunt through the files and click on the appropriate shortcut

isn't it just as easy to

a) click on SCENARIO DEPOT in your favourites folder

B) click on CMBB Index

c) click on the name of the scenario

d) click on the REVIEW THIS SCENARIO button?


Considering there are several hundred scenarios right now that would have to be rebundled into zips with your "shortcuts", it hardly seems worth the effort.

Or are you volunteering to do that for the community? :D

[ January 30, 2003, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Er... I wanna review scenarios, but... aside from the usual whine about time... and quality moments with the wife...

I want to play more to better understand and be able to comment on balance, game flow, historicity, etc. First time with a scenario isn't enough to comment cogently. I need a few more games under my belt and then I have to play the scenario in questions several times, from all sides before I can squeak up. That takes time.

Had CMBB since December. Give me another month or two and I'll be happy to add my $0.02. But right now I'm still working my way through what came on the CD.

And then I'll be posting my own and you lot better review them too!

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Included how? In the zip file?
If a zip file is the intended multiple download format, then yes of course the shortcuts would go into the zip file (as you oppose multiple downloads entirely I can see why you are heading into hissy fit territory again). I fail to see where you come up with these little side-tracks (pre-written reviews (!), unzipping to separate locations etc). The zip file (including scenarios and review shortcuts) would be unzipped into the scenarios folder. The idea is very straightforward.

If reviews are so important (something you have stated over and over), then making access to reviews in any way easier surely is a good idea.

And like I said, those with a pathological hate for the shortcuts in the scenarios folder can delete them.

If the only way to get to these "shortcuts" is to

a) click on program files

B) click on CMBB

c) click on Scenarios

d) hunt through the files and click on the appropriate shortcut

isn't it just as easy to

a) click on SCENARIO DEPOT in your favourites folder

B) click on CMBB Index

c) click on the name of the scenario

d) click on the REVIEW THIS SCENARIO button?

Wouldn't it be easier to:

a) click on the Scenarios folder shortcut in Favorites or Start menu

B) open the desired review shortcut

I like the way you have to "hunt through the files" in your first example, yet just "click on the name" in your second. Not very honest really is it?

[Edited to make a) and B) clearer.]

[ January 30, 2003, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: UberFunBunny ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Hey Admiral Keth, here's another idea - how about a 100 character minimum for scenario review comments?

So far, I think that I'm holding up that end for my submitted reviews; at least for the ones I've done for yours & MrSpkr's scenarios that I've played. ;) When time avails to finish the game, it'll be Andreas as my next "victim." ;);)

My GUIDING RULES offered to those who download scenarios from the Scenario Depot and other sites:

1) On AVERAGE, a scenario review is NOT going to take as long to do as it will to play the scenario; let alone the time spent by the scenario designer to put it together in the first place.

2) EACH scenario that I download AND play from the Depot gets reviewed.

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Steve, really and truly, I haven't gotten around to playing any of yours even though I've DL'd all of them. Also, Mike was half kidding, but I very seldom review a scenario unless I really, really am impressed with it in a positive manner. I've seen excellent reviews for your scenarios from folks whose opinions I respect, though, so I'm certain you'll get one from me when I get around to playing it.

BTW, how's the weekend look for picking up that game that never gets going?

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So, what will be the title of MrSpkr's next thread for a scenario review call-to-arms?

"Anna Kournikova provides her e-mail address here ... while she does CM scenario reviews"

"Winning Powerball Lottery numbers ... hidden within the CM scenario ratings."

" 'Pulp Fiction' ... the essence of CM scenario review text."

"Final Fantasy ... the good scenario reviews within."

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Originally posted by Spook:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Hey Admiral Keth, here's another idea - how about a 100 character minimum for scenario review comments?

So far, I think that I'm holding up that end for my submitted reviews; at least for the ones I've done for yours & MrSpkr's scenarios that I've played. ;) When time avails to finish the game, it'll be Andreas as my next "victim." ;);)


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UberWhatsis tried to hijack the thread
This thread was started by MrSpkr bemoaning the fact that the number of scenario reviews is miniscule compared to the number of downloads. I came up with a suggestion that may actually increase the likelihood of reviews being posted to the Depot. You have not written one word in this thread that adds anything relevant to any specific way of increasing the number of reviews. If anyone has hijacked this thread it is you.
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