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NEW Late War SPW Mods

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These mods of the Sdkfz 251 series, and the 250/1 were done based on David I’s mod which used MikeyD's excellent camo and AndrewTF's excellent mod as the base.

See these puppies here

All I have done is add baggage and other stuff hanging off the vehicles (with the exception of the 250/1 in which David I added the jerricans and camo net); the Grossdeutschland Divisional symbol, tactical symbols and vehicle number were done from scratch by myself.

There are alternative BMPs which do not have the GD symbol, nor the number on the vehicle. To use these BMPs you will have to unzip the mod and renumber/rename the appropriate BMP. As always mind and back up your originals.

Note: I’m afraid I am unable to locate the original artists of the bits and bobs hanging off the vehicles. If you recognise your work please let me know and I’ll ensure you get the appropriate credit.

You can grab them at CMMODS

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Cheers Guys!

Real credit is down to the guys who did all the hard modding work - David I, MikeyD and AndrewTF, and Gurra.

Me? I just pratt about with Paintshop and swear a lot smile.gif

Cheers fur noo


ps for some reason I can't edit/update the mods at CMMODS to change the credits to add Gurras name - any possible answers, apart from the obvious which is I'm being PC dumb?

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