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JasonC scenario critique

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

Something I noted in the website you listed that doesn't make sense:

Tiger's first showed up in Tunisia on November 28th, 1943 (their first field test of 4 tanks)

Obviously a typo with regards to the year, but is the author also saying that Tunisia was the combat debut of the Tiger?

IIRC, schwere Pz Abt.502 was the first unit to take the Tiger into combat just outside of Leningrad in Sept '42.

Any site that has pdf files on it listing unit characteristics such as "healing skills" is probably to be taken with a grain of salt in many more respects than just dates...
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Originally posted by Bigduke6:


I've been meaning to send you a note and this is as good as place as any.

I'm just happen to be playing Tankoviy Desant in PBEM (I'm Soviets, suprise), and it's great fun. I'll shoot you an AAR once we get done if you like. I am not the tactical expert that JasonC is, but certainly the theory that tank-mounted infantry and armor can give a halftrack-mounted infantry and panzer force a run for the money, is getting a decent work out.

Meanwhile, I just wanted to say the map is incredible. How good? Well, earlier this week strangely enough I had to go to the border region of north Ukraine, not far from Belarus and so on the south edge of the Pripet marsh. Not in the marsh, but close. Not much up that way, sustenance farming and forestry mostly.

Your map is uncanny, in how close it is to some of the terrain I drove through. The only major difference from your map, and where I was, is the RL forested bits are thicker usually, and the stands are usually softwood rather than hardwoods.

(Which is not to say the tree mix like you had it was wrong for all of East Europe. Just being a tree grog).

The road layout, the water drainage, the villages, terrain deviation, the distances, heck, even the way the fields were tilled are so close to the particular(modern) "reality" I saw, it was spooky. Fortunately the weather for the drive was mostly sunny with a bit of rain. Had there been fog I might have been seeing shadows of nasty armored vehicles you put in the scenarion, but I can't mention here because of FOW.

I have always been impressed with your maps, but you have outdone yourself on this one. One man's opinion: Well done!


*Bows* Thank you Bigduke! Praise indeed. It's always reassuring to her comments like that. If I can I use an actual map of an area to design the CMBB map from. In this case definitly looks like I've succeded. Glad they were not any nasty armoured vehicles laying in wait for you on your drive ;) Be keen to hear how you get on. I played it not so long ago as a PBEM (as the Soviets myself) and it utrned out to be some battle. Hope you have the same fun I had smile.gif

Thanks agin for your feedback - always great to hear.

Cheers fur noo

George Mc

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Originally posted by Panther Commander:


This religious adherence to the official TO&E to me has the same problem.


Good thread Andreas.

Thanks Steve.

Jason is right though, in that this operation was supposed to show an 'anytime, summer 1941' Soviet counter-attack. As such, it should really have an 'anytime, summer 1941' OOB/TO&E. As you probably know, the 'formula' I use for scenario design is not one of attempting to recreate historical events, but one of trying to recreate historical tactical challenges. Therefore, unless it is explicit (as in e.g. 'The Dirt Road') that you got shafted in your assigment in terms of toys, there should be what you can realistically expect from the force you belong to.

That's why I will re-design this one (now that Jochen finally sent it to me, the slacker! tongue.gif ). I expect the revision to be more historically correct, and more of a realistic challenge for both sides. You'll be able to find it on TPG when I have finished.

All the best


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Ah well. So much for the road to good intentions. For me it ended when I could not open '21st Army Counterattacks' in the scenario editor.

If the only way around that is to re-install all pre-1.03 patches and the original game, I'll have to give that a miss, I am afraid.

All the best


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Oh well, Andreas. That's too bad.

Could you recap briefly what you were going to change? I'll play around with a version for my own amusement. I do not pretend to have the knowledge or skill or the necessary dedication to do a decent scenario (or even to play test one knowledgeably), but I do like experimenting. (Arming the nuns, for example, with yogurt-filled gloves, and giving every fifth a wooden shoe, that kind of thing.)

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If you are capable of constructing a version of the scenario that opens in 1.03, you can email it to me, and I'll do the changes for you. Preserves FOW.

My problem is simply that I get an error message telling me that I need to install a newer(!) version of CMBB to show the scenario I got. I have no idea what version of CMBB it hails from (my guess is 1.0 CDV), and can't find my installation CD (process of moving house). If your CD is already loaded with 1.03, just emailing me the scenario should do the trick.

All the best


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Originally posted by Andreas:

If you are capable of constructing a version of the scenario that opens in 1.03, you can email it to me, and I'll do the changes for you. Preserves FOW.

It's sent. It seems to open correctly in my 1.03 editor. Assuming gremlins don't appear :mad: :eek: :confused: in the file transfer it should work fine. If there's a problem, I'll reopen, resave, and resend as a Hail Mary play. (Much like I handle my T-26's on the attack.)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to Count D'Ten there will be a revised version of the operation available on TPG and IWIWDK sometime next week.

If anyone has played this one through, I would appreciate an email on experience with reserves coming in, to help me understand a bit better how it works out.

All the best


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Thanks to Count D'Ten and JasonC, a new version of '21st Army Counterattacks' is now available on 'I wish it was Der Kessel' (link in my sig). Not all of Jason's suggestions were implemented, so even if you read all the critique, FOW will exist.

All the best


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