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Who controls the forum?

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I am withdrawing from the forum. It seems obvious to me that BFC has given certain members of the forum the right to do whatever they desire whenever, wherever and to whoever they want. Further, any who challenge these "elite few" are threatened, warned or removed from the forum.

Why Mr. Grammont and his employees allow this to continue is something I cannot understand. After challenging the views of these few I saw my country insulted repeatedly and have seen BFC do NOTHING to punish the offenders. Quite the contrary. When I asked Mr. Grammont to, at least, review the threads he responded by threatening me with removal from the forum and admonished me for "wasting his time."

I accuse BFC and Mr. Grammont of blatantly "playing favourites". Why they do this, I do not know, but it is repulsive.

Micheal Dorosh, Berlichtingen, Andreas and Micheal Emrys it would seem, have been given permission to do as they see fit including conduct public stonings of those who disagree with their views.

Their insulting manner seems to be a result of the impunity they have been given by BFC. Being "untouchable", these few can hurl all the insults and slurs they desire in the knowledge that they always have the "trump card" of being protected by BFC and its minions.

I denounce these people as cowards and accuse Mr. Grammont of hypocrisy.

I refuse to participate in this forum until I receive a FULL apology from Mr. Grammont for his irresponsible and shameful behaviour.

[ October 05, 2003, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: Cabron66 ]

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

I denounce these people as cowards and accuse Mr. Grammont of hypocrisy.

Now that's a way not to win friends ;)

I refuse to participate in this forum until I receive a FULL apology from Mr. Grammont for his irresponsible and shameful behaviour.

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Cabron, firstly, Im locking your other posts as we wish discussions to be kept in one place in order to be fair to other forum member whom may not be interest in your post.

Secondly, to be totally honest, Im not sure what on earth are you talking about? This forum is large with, there are a lot of people posting here and from time to time personalities to clash, but generally people have been well behaved, particually recently. The General Forum has been an exception to that rule, but considering you have never posted there, not even this post which you decided to add to multiple forums, Im not sure why that would concern you. Even this situation has been improving though and we have been keeping a closer eye on it than usual.

That being said, we arent all know all seeing beings that have time to read every thread. Ive checked my inbox and no where have you emailed me with any conerns. If you do find some people are going over the top, let us know and we will look into it. I can make no promises that it will work out your way, as different people can be sensitive to different issues, but if anyone oversteps the line posts will be locked and warnings will be made.


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And to be perfectly honest, Steve emailed me asking what the hell Cabron was on the last time he imploded. I told Steve he was a nut job, but to check with Seanachai, Berli, et al. Steve said "I thought so" and told me that Cabron had talked to him via email. Divulging the contents of that email conversation obviously ain't on.

Steve is definitely aware of Cabron's posting habits, and I find his need to be the moral compass of the forum, and by extension, the Universe, a little boring. We all know how they entertain themselves in New Brunswick, anyhow.

And he has the nerve to call himself a Canadian. Hmph.

Sorry I missed this, though:


[ October 05, 2003, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Ahh, okay, now looking through some of the history here I understand some of this a little more.

Carbon, if you decide to leave the forums that is your choice to make. Generally people do get along well here, especially consideirng the size of the community, and Im sorry that you dont feel that you can be part of it too. The ball is in your court though, so Ill leave the choice to you at this point.

Im going to lock this thread now as I have comment on it and Im sure other posts it is only going to cause further concern for the origional poster.


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I can do whatever I like? Coooooollll...


Well, I think I like a cup of tea now. Somehow it appears to be very mundane, this 'do whatever I like' thing.

It would be far better if I could get all the other forum members to make me a cuppa whenever it is my want.

That would be cool.

Hmmm... Teeeeeaaaa...

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