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Area fire gamey?

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Calling artillery on suspected/observed enemy positions, "recon by fire", "denial by fire", area firing enemy positions with HE for supression..nothing gamey in that, good real life tactics.

Even using artillery, mortars and direct fire HE assets against heavy armour is normal...harassment, killing unbuttoned crew members, damaging communication equipment and optics, immobilization, etc.

Having unused assets against suspected (or even worse, observed) enemy threats and not using them is very "unprofessional" in military sense, unless planning dictates otherwise.

Taking advantage of game bugs is gamey, like CMBO flak truck issue was. But borg spotting is same to both sides, and is fair, albeit punishing some types of units unhistorically, but it works both sides. If there is Hetzer waiting in ambush, no clever commander will fight on opponent's terms..he'll smoke it's view,outflank it, call arty/air power on it or area fire HE to hope for damage. After all, Hetzer has delicate gun traverse mechanism.

War has never been, is not, and never will be fair. it's inherently "gamey".



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Originally posted by Wisbech_lad:

UK tankers in NWE also had a SOP of shooting up just about every house/ hedgerow with area fire.

Using HE to get mobility kills? Try playing "2pdrs vs Tigers" in CMAK without this tactic...

Good point. And not just UK tankers. Many of the Normandy accounts suggest that all sides indulged in area fire. I am sure that it must have been just the same in the concentrated fighting on the East front.

Perhaps the only unreality is that it is perhaps easier to knock down houses in the game than it was historically. Particularly the 'light' buildings. I wonder if this is due to assumptions from shoddy modern house building?

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And today, after killing the (hopefully) last two Tigers I have been accused of using "dirty" area target tactics, i.e. of concentrating artillery and tank guns aimed at areas close to Tigers&Panthers to cause mobility kills and gun damage.
CM is a game that cheating is well nigh nearly impossible. Indeed, I have never heard of any CM cheats (thank goodness that such cheats don't exist).

THUS, once the players agree and abide by the game ground rules and once a CM game starts, almost NOTHING is illegal or gamey. :eek: If the CM game allows some activity, you are correct to use that activity.

Yep, this means that if not agreed to beforehand, you can buy super invulnerable tanks, you can use jeep suicide runs to scout the enemy, you can attack with de-tanked tank crews, and you can target nuke arty to immobilize and gun damage enemy tanks. Just agree to any limitations before the CM game starts. :D

If something seems unbalanced and unfair in a CM, and polite CM players know what is unbalanced and unfair, agree to eliminate such irritants in the next game played.

Some may disagree this these sentiments, so be it. I expect my opponents to come at me with anything that the game allows, historical or ahistorical. I will do the same to my opponents.

Cheers, Richard :D

[ February 23, 2004, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: PiggDogg ]

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Well, I must say I feel a bit relieved smile.gif

Obviously, we discontinued the game but not everyday you get to be accused of using a gamey tactic with such an absolute "I-kept-quiet-for-too-long" certainty.

I mean, I played games (scenarios) where Sturmtigers knocked out or damaged a bunch of my tanks with area fire and I never wondered why the German commander was not bringing them out into the open to face my IS-2s and IS-3s head to head smile.gif

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Originally posted by Glider:

Well, I must say I feel a bit relieved smile.gif

Obviously, we discontinued the game but not everyday you get to be accused of using a gamey tactic with such an absolute "I-kept-quiet-for-too-long" certainty.

If anybody thinks a tactic is gamey, he should inform the opponent when the opponent does it for the very first time. Then it is still time to stop the tactic... if the scenario is big enough.

With such a lot of forces and the few successes you had in actually killing something, I doubt the first two turns of your tactic had a big impact on the overall outcome.

The timing of the complaint - after loosing the last tigers aka after probably loosing the last serious long range tank killer and thus the game - is a bit weird and it definitely smells...



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If anybody thinks a tactic is gamey, he should inform the opponent when the opponent does it for the very first time. Then it is still time to stop the tactic...
I wouldn't stop it even if he DID complain. This is one of the most ridiculous accusations of "gamieness" I have ever heard of. How is it gamey? Is area fire not built in to the game engine? Is it some undocumented feature that someone is taking advantage of? No. The guy is just a whiner, plain and simple.
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Originally posted by Glider:

Speaking about whiners (and I know I am going OT here), how frequent are they?

It seems that they are frequent enough that, whenever I play somebody new and my units score some spectacular kill, I am vaguely worried, half-expecting to see a complaint in the next email.

OT answer:

The worst type of whiners are those who complain about the number of turns during an attack. Some people, they think that it isn't fair if the time runs out when they try to sneak their infantry towards your fortifications across the entire map.. And I mean literally using the "sneak" command! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Glider you can play me, i don't whine i curse!!! :mad:

That's all right, a game without a curse is a game wasted smile.gif Drop me a file anytime!

Well, mostly they find me, I guess my rather bad win:loss ratio at the Blitzkrieg club attracts them smile.gif

Do not misunderstand me, I play a number of people and they are extremely fair players (so much so that I am still embarrassed when I remember some of the concessions they made). Its just that about 25%-30% of new ones, who contact me first and initiate a game, tend to quietly disappear or complain and then quit as soon as their less-than-Napoleonic plan starts to fall apart.

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