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MasterGoodale's International House O' Waffles, Ale and Maggots

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Originally posted by Keke:

My bet is 9 days.

Really, hell's going to freeze over that fast?

And now, an important message from Andy the Angry Red Headed Emote:

"GARARAAGAR! Axe2121 more 152mm fun heading your way! And Robohn's n0 5k1lLZ SMG squads are going to meet the fate detailed in the previous Cherry Waffle thread. GARARAGARG! Free AP40!" - :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Damnit all to hell. Will you lackwits lock up the first one before you start another? Some of my best work is lost this way.

It wouldn't have anything to do with your lack of wit and/or questionable sexuality, would it? :mad: :mad:
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Maggots, I'm back again! Think of me as a close relative of the common cold! :D

I went out of town to my lovely niece Alison's wedding yesterday. No, I didn't happen to run into MasterGoodale (the maggot). Although I see there are those comparing my turn rate to his - you know who you are, Keke. :mad: That reminds me - I learned long ago in Boy Scouts that mold only grows on the north side of tree trunks. Now think about all the moldy waffles living in the more northern parts of the Earth itself: Keke, Paddington, Axe, Nippy, Prinz Eugen, Soddball. Coincidence?? Looks like a pattern to me. tongue.gif:D

Turns are already out to every single one of you gamey slackers I have the misfortune to be playing. That is of course with the exception of MasterGoodale, who hasn't sent me a turn since Thursday. I expect a new turn from him sometime before summer begins officially; with luck that will be summer in the northern hemisphere. :rolleyes:

Keke has informed me that, as I suspected, all males in Finland have compulsory military service, and that he is an officer. That will be my official excuse as we wrap up his thorough demolition of my Russian probe into Finland. He told me I needed more scouting. What good does scouting do when an entire veteran squad standing on top of a Finn body still can't identify it as more than "infantry"? :confused: My squads typically spotted his defenders at 10-15 meters. I think any half squads, anti-tank teams, and sharpshooters would have been killed instantly without gaining any information. Instead my whole squads were killed, but not before I located his defenders. Small consolation. :(

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Maggots, I'm back again!

Thanks for the warning.

Think of me as a close relative of the common cold! :D
More like a series of open, running sores.

No, I didn't happen to run into MasterGoodale (the maggot). Although I see there are those comparing my turn rate to his - you know who you are, Keke. :mad:

He's not the only one, slacker.

That reminds me - I learned long ago in Boy Scouts that mold only grows on the north side of tree trunks.

Did you pick up any other useful life skills? Like how to send turns?

Turns are already out to every single one of you gamey slackers I have the misfortune to be playing.


That is of course with the exception of MasterGoodale.

That's because you're in cahoots.

Some excuse making and general waffling.

Jas :mad: n

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Axe2121 you're FECKIN CANADIAN...who are you to questioning sexuality and/ or wit?

Let's review the great Canadian thinkers:

-William Shatner

-Pauly Shore

-Celine Dion

Need I go on?

As far as quesionable sexuality...have you ever seen "Kids in the Hall"? A more neurotic group of latent homosexuals hasn't existed since Ceaser ruled Rome. And Canadian to boot. Fag. :mad: :mad:

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Time for the Sunday recap.

Axe2121 is finding it hard to believe that someone would NOT intentially put their units in plain sight in the opening round. :confused: The poor lad has been playing MasterGoodale too much.

Speaking of MasterGoodale, um, turn...like maybe this calender year? Damnit, I excuse myself for a nanosecond and the nong jumps all over me, but his frequent "lapses" are allowed? What a gerbil-stuffing, Richard Gere wannabe. :mad:

Keke has drawn first blood. I knew 2 Uber-Finns at the same time was a mistake. :eek:

Soddball is blowing stuff up. I am blowing stuff up. What fun. He will lose. :mad:

Teddy spent the weekend attending domestic details so the trip to Monaco and my turn were neglected. :(

Snarker is losing with all the dignity of a poodle, no matter how many times you kick the damn thing it still bites you in the ankle when you aren't looking. Two flags are mine, none are his. Only 7 turns left.

The fair Finn Prinz Eugen is off and doing his patriotic duty and as such his defeat is delayed.

Dave H is learning to never, NEVER, NEVER, allow me to pick my own forces without at least a third party to oversee the matter. I found a loophole you could drive a flak wagon through....and I did. :D

He is losing worse than I have ever seen. I am so happy I might piss myslef....nah, I'll just drink myself silly in joy. :D

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Roit!! Listen up!! :mad:

Mike_the_wino's troops are too frozen with fear to move on my battle-hardened Russian hordes. I like that word - horde. It sounds very close to Mike's chosen profession. tongue.gif

Nippy has rendered an assault gun of mine quasi-useless, which, coincidentally, describes the majority of you slack-jawed freaks. Given the early forces in Cheery Waffle, it seems that Soddball has moved from booze to crack. :mad:

Snarker and I continue the laugh-riot also known as Inferno. What fun, what with all the fire and explosions and whatnot. I even made a Marder explode twice, the second time several turns after it was abondoned!! Kablooey!!! :mad:

Dave has not sent me a turn in a month or six, but that won't stop me from pestering him. Oh no, Indy boy. I won't go away. Ever! Mwahahahahahaha!!!!! :mad:

In semi-related news, Keke and I are starting an operation on a map roughly the size of Indiana. I will make no predictions, seeing as he is a wily Finn. Oh, what the hell -- he will lose big time. :mad:

Prinz Eugen is off training to make the world a safer place against the threat of large herds of reindeer.

Shosties4th is recovering quite nicely in hospital after his modem exploded in his face on receiving my last dose of TNT.

Last, and certainly least, MasterGoodale seems to have finally succumbed to the mold and ants. I can ony hope his end was slow and painful. :mad:


Jas :mad: n

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Nippy has rendered an assault gun of mine quasi-useless, which, coincidentally, describes the majority of you slack-jawed freaks. Given the early forces in Cheery Waffle, it seems that Soddball has moved from booze to crack.

I received some reinforments on turn 4, their placement makes me question his sanity. Not to mention the map itself forces both sides to be edge hugging gamey bastages.

I will say one thing, there's never a dull moment in this one. The AAR is going to make for fine reading.

As for elsewhere:

Robohn - Advancing ever slowly towards my MLR. A few of his tanks have even begun to show up. I shall be bringing out my mechonized bread boxes to deal with them.

[ June 16, 2003, 08:49 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh, sorry. I thought this was the International House of Pancakes. I was about to order a stack o' wheatcakes with the syrup du jure, but I guess I'll just mosey along.

"Syrupe du jure"?

Either you mean a 'syrupy jury' or 'syrup of the day' - in which case it would be "syrop du jour".

Welcome to the Language Grog thread. Can I recommend the Maggot Ale.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

Maggots, I'm back again!

That is of course with the exception of MasterGoodale.

That's because you're in cahoots.</font>

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A couple of threads ago, he was posting rants on the forum about how his thread had disappeared onto Page 2, when in actual fact we were onto page 2 of the new thread and accelerating fast.

There is a good possibility that, of all our planet's remarkable creations, only lichen is a slower thinker than MasterGoodale.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

There is a good possibility that, of all our planet's remarkable creations, only lichen is a slower thinker than MasterGoodale.

I will not have you disparaging lichen in such a manner sir.

Jas :mad: n

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Father's Day at the Goodales

Goodale: AARGAGARARAGAGAGAGAG!!! :mad: I am the ruler of the world!. My TNT has the most slather of them all. HAHAHAHAH!!

Nobody messes with the GrandMaster of TNT Chuckin!. Time to enlighten the brood. HEY!!!!!!! Where's the computer?

Mrs. Goodale: Gone and good riddance! I've been reading that silly little thread that you are involved with, and it's starting to affect you.

Goodale: But dearest angel, love of my life, without the thread, I'm a nobody.

Mrs. Goodale: Too bad. Today is Father's Day and you're gonna spend time with your family!!

Goodale: Okay dearest one, where's the two-year old?

Mrs. Goodale: *Sighs*...The two-year old is twelve and you wonder why I think you've been on the computer too much. I got rid of it and it's gonna be a long time before I will allow you to have another!!

Goodale: But sweetie, the guys on the thread will think I'm a big wuss!!

Mrs. Goodale: That would be a step up from what I've seen.

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Happy feast day of St. John-Francis Regis, a 17th century patron of lace makers, marriage and illegitimate children.

Wow Mike, along with the recent feast day of the patron saint of winemakers, you now have today to celebrate!


Jas :mad: n

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