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Ceasefire glitches

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I had a nice little QB going against the AI with me leading a couple platoons of SS taking on hundreds of partisans. I had managed to corral the raggedy bunch into some scattered trees (with some help from my artillery) and was about to send in my boys to finish them off when a ceasefire was called.

Every single one of my squads had plenty of ammo and no casualties. So what gives? How can this be?

This has got to be a BUG! smile.gif

And no, I didn't save the game. [Edit: It was late and I was tired and the next day I started up a new game wiping the autosave....]

(Happy New Year everyone!)

[Edit: Other people have had this same problem. See following posts.]

[ February 01, 2003, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: UberFunBunny ]

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Nah. No ceasefire request on my part. I can't recall the last time I requested a ceasefire. But I can recall that a dialog box asks for confirmation. There was no such dialog box during the game.

My troops were top-notch SS with plenty of ammo and no casualties. I doubt they would fail to follow up on a rout against lowly partisans!

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This has happened at least three separate times to me in battles with the AI, most recently yesterday, in a scenario coincidentally involving partisans. It never happened in CMBO. I don't think I could have inadvertently called for a ceasefire, since I never saw the dialogue box. The last time it happened, I went back to a saved turn and found that the ceasefire was triggered several more times--each time I tried to replay the battle--including once or twice when I deliberated summoned the ceasefire dialogue box and then refused the ceasefire. That should have turned the ceasefire off, but it didn't in this case. I think there may be a minor bug that sometimes sends a ceasefire message out when none is intended. My understanding is that the AI offers ceasefires fairly frequently, so this possible bug can trigger an undesired ceasefire--it's less likely in a PBEM game, but could have bad consequences if both players suffered from the bug.

Has anyone else had this experience? I'm using a G4 iMac. I'm not sure if that makes any difference.

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Originally posted by UberFunBunny:

A surrender is when the other guys all have their hands up in the air and the game says they have surrendered, right? I would have been happy with that.

Yes, the game should tell you that the other side has surrendered, and you should get a major victory or higher. I have never seen anybody with their hands in the air.

The AI will surrender when one side's morale gets very low whilst its casualties get very high. If you are getting messages talking about 'ceasefire' and your victory margins are not wide I would say you have seen a problem.

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I've also seen this bug. I have a 1.33 ghz Athlon-C using Win98.

In my case, it happened in a QB where I had only one unit, an FO (I was trying to Alt-A out of a QB creation, then accidently launched the 3D graphics and then decided to just see how much damage I could inflict with big arty in a few turns).

Fired the Arty on the opposing flag for four turns, then the screen said "A Ceasefire was declared...". Ceasefire button was red.

In case you're wondering, I dished out a whopping 3 casualties before it ceasefired. :D

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In your case the game may have been acting as described in the manual whereby a ceasefire can be offered by the human player without human interaction if ammo is "very low". Your single unit probably offered ceasefire because he was out of rounds; your computer opponent because he had been hit hard and asked for a ceasefire.

In my case my men all had lots of ammo. From memory the lowest was a 3, with most units in double figures and my 2 HQs in high teens. In other words, a computer actioned ceasefire on my behalf should never have been requested.

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Originally posted by UberFunBunny:


I just re-read your post. You handed out only 3 casualties so I think you are right - you were affected by the bug.

And I wasn't out of rounds either.

I also managed to recreate this bug AGAIN (I think I have an auto-save file). I was testing out AA defenses against Soviet aircraft, and I had a bunch of PIVs and Stugs, a wirbelwind, bunch of infantry etc. Soviets had a bunch of T34's, KV-1, infantry, etc. I turned FOW off on a flat map to have some fun with rocket artillery while the Sturmovik's attacked my tanks. I was the Attacker in the QB.

I launched two barrages of rocket artillery onto the infantry, then over the next 10 turns just had the tanks open up at 900 meters or so, and moved forward to engage the tanks. The artillery and my tanks had decimated the infantry, while I suffered few casualties.

At turn 18 or so, the game ceasefired again (giving me a tactical defeat, even though I owned the battlefield). I think (and I may be WAY off) that if you dish out a disproportionate amount of casualties compared to your own casualties, and don't own a VL, it will ceasefire.

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In the game I played, the only flag on the map was definitely owned by my troops.

I am wondering if the bug is related to numerical superiority.

In other words, the smaller human-controlled side may automatically offer ceasefire even if the numerically superior side has taken massive casualties, is routed, and has victory points of 0%.

In the game you mentioned, did the other side have a large numerical superiority?

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