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Zhukov's Greatest Defeat and CMBB Multi-Player

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Apologies in advance for this brain storm/fart scribble.

I have just started reading "Zhukov's Greatest Defeat", (The Red Army's Epic Disaster in Operation Mars, 1942) by David M. Glantz.

Except for the unfortunate "Borg Spotting", it's incredible how realistic CMBB can model this Battle/Operation.

All the things we bitch about, such as green/conscript troops, Soviet forced to use pre-planned artillery barrage, attacking in terrain unsuitable for offensive operations, bad weather, etc., etc. are all in this book, and I am only on page 124.

Which leads to...

CMBB Team Multi-Player in the Future

Just imagine when we have the computer power and software to model the huge operational scale of battle described in "Zhukov's Greatest Defeat" in a huge Team Multi-Player game.

I envision ("I have a Dream...") the day where an overall front/army commander would delegate his battalion commanders (with support troops) a certain amount of frontage to attack/defend and where each and every battle has an effect on the following battle.

The Front/Army/Team commander would have players of various ability and would delegate their mission accordingly. (Put the "Brain Dead Newbie" in the perceived quiet sector and post the "T-N-T chuck'n Grognard at the strategic cross road, etc.)

When all battles are finished the results are computed, given to the Team Commander, and he again delegates reserves/reinforcements, ammo, artillery, air support, etc. for the next round.

You could even make it so that when an actual battalion commander is killed in the game, an alternate is forced to take his place.

Any other ideas besides "shut up and get a life"?



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Originally posted by kenfedoroff:

CMBB Team Multi-Player in the Future

I envision ("I have a Dream...") the day where an overall front/army commander would delegate his battalion commanders (with support troops) a certain amount of frontage to attack/defend and where each and every battle has an effect on the following battle.

The Front/Army/Team commander would have players of various ability and would delegate their mission accordingly.

When all battles are finished the results are computed, given to the Team Commander, and he again delegates reserves/reinforcements, ammo, artillery, air support, etc. for the next round.

You could even make it so that when an actual battalion commander is killed in the game, an alternate is forced to take his place.



There is already something very similiar to that right now, CMMC2, Tigers & Bears and The Onion Wars (although this last one is NOT historical) and I am sure there are more.

I have plans for a SMALL one in the near future, time and additional tools permitting.

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Originally posted by Double Deuce:

There is already something very similiar to that right now, CMMC2, Tigers & Bears and The Onion Wars (although this last one is NOT historical) and I am sure there are more.

I have plans for a SMALL one in the near future, time and additional tools permitting.

Thanks Double Deuce. I found a site (CMMC2) and this is exactly what I'm talking about.



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I envision ("I have a Dream...") the day where an overall front/army commander would delegate his battalion commanders (with support troops) a certain amount of frontage to attack/defend and where each and every battle has an effect on the following battle.

This is what WWII Online line should have been. Bean counting logistics experters making the grand decesions while "lower level" players do the real fighting. Too bad it didn't work out better. But lets be honest:

64 unit limt bug + Battle of Kursk = Not fun

I'd at least like to see a co-op style of play. Lets say you have a map that is 20 X 20 miles in size with a Battalion of Infantry (and other support weapons/tanks/HTs ect) for each side. Each side has three players and they control one company of Infantry each. After that it would just follow the regular CM:BB style of play. Attack, defend meeting engagement. Perhaps you could add a 4th Battalion player to each side, he would delegate Arty strikes, reservers, ect to the other players and make larger tactical decesions like what routes you should take or when you should attack.

Wrap it all up in a server finding system like Half-Life's and add support for voice communication like Roger Wilco and I think you would have a winner on your hands.

Speaking of Half-Life. The "Nateral Selection" mod kind of did what I described above. An Overall commander who gives out order to a squad of grunts that carries them out.

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Many will probably roll their eyes, but I've heard that "Road To Moscow" isn't dead yet (hmm, brings to mind Monty Python's "Search For the Holy Grail"). It's been in the works to being ported onto an online format (probably to cut down on the AI tasking?). In any case, time will tell.

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