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BMP numbering system

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As a 'newbie' and possibly speaking for other 'newbies', I have recently started to get into mods. One of the problems I have run into, is trying to interpet the bmp numbering system used by some modders (sp?) Some are quite logical in figuring out( adding 50000 for winter mods,etc.), but others ?????? I have been downloading from that great site CM Mod Database and even using the mod data list I found there, it still has baffled me in trying to figure out some of the mod bmp conversion numbers. Perhaps a comment in the readme files on what to convert the bmp numbers to, would be helpful.


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If you download a mod from the database then the bmp's should not need renumbering at all .Just stick the in you bmp folder as is.

That is unless there is an option for markings or some thing.If its one of my mods i will always make a note of this in the read me.

In my case it will always be something along the lines of remove the S from the optional bmp no ie 12345S.bmp

But if there is no read me then look at the optional bmps (lets say a turret side with markings on )and find the same bmp that has no markings on and rename it the same as that one.

[ January 10, 2003, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]

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For vehicle textures, the bmp set is usually consecutive numbers that begin with a 0 (1340.bmp for example) and ends with the control panel vehicle picture bmp which is ends with a 9 (1359.bmp).

BFC tried to arrange the bmps consistently (_0.bmp is the hull side, _1.bmp is the hull top, etc.) but with funkier vehicle types that was a little difficult to keep up. Also, there are a few CMBO 'legacy' vehicles, and bmps that were previously shared between vehicles that won't follow the standard numbering regime.

Once I needed to find a particular vehicle bmp number set in a hurry, and I didn't have a vehicle list handy. So what I did was search my mac for all files that ended with "9.bmp", then I trolled the mini vehicle side-views til I hit the vehicle I wanted!

[ January 10, 2003, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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