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HQ Leadership???

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I have a Captain with very high leadership capabilities kind of hanging back with a mortar team away from the battle.

The mortars are well protected and a spotter has a good line of sight to relay to the mortars. The Captain isn't really doing anything.

I'm getting ready to plan a major assault.

Wouldn't it be wise and prudent to move the captain way from the mortars and help on the assault?

What is the downside from taking him away from the mortar team?

Can you have two officers in the assault for extra leadership abilities?

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I am assuming he is a Company Commander. I typically like Cpy CO's just a short distance behind my assaulting troops to help rally any that aren't feeling like advancing.

He also might be good directing MG fire to aid the assault.

Finally, some folks would substitute him for the least effective platoon CO and use the platoon CO to rally. I don't do that, because its smacks of gameyness to me.

Anyway, my .02

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Try to evaluate the probability of your mortars falling under counter-battery fire: there's no point in using a dedicated spotter for the mortars, if there's no risk of them coming under fire.

If you're confident that your enemy won't target it's own artillery at your mortars, then the company HQ will probably serve you better in the front. Also note that only company HQ or higher can rally squad leaders: this can prove to be a crucial factor when attacking.

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I would venture to slightly disagree with you BV, but as far as I remember from the manual, having an HQ with combat +1, or +2, will help the mortars also...

So, I would say you it depends on that CO's abilities. If he has morale bonus then not really helpful to the mortars. But if he has combat bonuses and mortars and other overwatch elements are a major part of your plan, then maybe he can help there.

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All I know is that the combat skill bonus improves the firepower value of any small arms unit under the HQ's command, I've never witnessed it improving the performance of other field units.

Although there is a point there: an HQ with a stealth or morale bonus will become extremely handy when you want to insure the performance of field guns and mortars under fire.

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

Also note that only company HQ or higher can rally squad leaders: this can prove to be a crucial factor when attacking.

You are under a false impression if you think that is true.

Regarding Co HQs, they are more valuable than simply spotting for Mortars. They should be at the front, rallying broken troops or if blessed with exceptional skills then leading a platoon themselves. Use the Sec HQ to spot or even a lowly Plt HQ if necessary.


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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

All I know is that the combat skill bonus improves the firepower value of any small arms unit under the HQ's command, I've never witnessed it improving the performance of other field units.

Although there is a point there: an HQ with a stealth or morale bonus will become extremely handy when you want to insure the performance of field guns and mortars under fire.

Thought that a combat bonus für ATGs or IGs increases their to-hit-chance, their ROF and reduces setup time, as they act one or two exp. levels up.

For mortars, this should result in a closer shot pattern and a higher ROF - but I never checked for that.

The decision to put Co HQs to the rear or behind the frontline troops depends on circumstances.

But if you have Plt HQs from wpns plts, it is usually better to use them in the rear or in command of hvy wpns following the advance and use the Co HQ for rallying only.

If just behind the advance, the Co HQ is a good reserve group - paired with a few "4th" squads, pioneer teams or any squad falling behind.



[ February 17, 2004, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Joachim ]

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