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Cheery Threats of Stale Waffles and Moldy Goodales

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Well, I've just about recovered from my hangover.

It was a beautiful ceremony and I won't forget the reception in a hurry.

Mike the Wino looked wonderful in his off-the-shoulder taffeta number and long train, but it was a bit of a shock when he lifted the veil...

Soddball wore a traditional morning suit and, as Matron of Honour, I splashed out on a new frock and hat.

I have to admit I was very relieved the Best Man failed to show - I wasn't looking forward to a slow dance with MasterGoodale - although I don't think there was a dry eye in the house after the happy couple tripped the light fantastic to "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You."

It was a day to cherish...


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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Turns not out...but neither are my tax returns. Priorities dictate that y'all iz lower on the list.

See ya in 2 days.

Just send in your form for the automatic extension. If you've waited this long, why get in a rush now? With the extension, you'll have until August to procrastinate. :D
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Oh I'm here puss balls don't you all get your panties in a slime about that!! :mad:

I've just been scraping mold from my nuts and giggling mananically over how I will soon destroy over 60% of my opoonents with the hotest TNT to bless the battlefield to date!! :mad: :mad:


I love war as much as I do life itself maggots!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

his usual gibberish

I love war as much as I do life itself maggots!! :mad:

Goodale, until this moment I thought there was some hope for you. :(:( Anybody who can make a statement like that has a lot worse problem than some mold in the basement, or the inability to send turns. You can find a whole group of like-minded (and I use the term loosely) members on the General Forum. Maybe you should hustle over there and join the "On to Damascus" chorus. tongue.gif
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To all my honorable and worthy opponents...and Dave H as well, I guess,

Taxes done. Having wrestled with the paper monster and won, I now rejoice the pending check.

Ah, sweet government bank account called tax refund.

Wing your way to me swiftly,

as the coffers are lacking.

Thank goodness that I had the foresight to stockpile lots of beer, wine, and liquor to tide me over until funding arrives for the next truckload of booze.

I suppose I should hire some stuffed shirt to handle this paperwork crap for me.


That would require planning.

Turns returning to the lightning quick pace you have come know, and love, me for.

Teddy's telling of the sorted tale left many details of the grand wedding out. No bother, stayed tuned to "Cops" and catch it all in an upcoming episode. I especially liked the drunken SoddBall (hugs and kisses sweety) urinating on the....oh, don't want to give that one away. You'll have to tune in to catch it.

FoozeBall when I am gonna get the chance to kick your limey, pale, panzy-ass in order to be free of the burden of wife-dom?

MasterGoodale since you are suffering from long-term, and short-term, memory loss let me tell you AGAIN that your scenario is still on hold.

Gaylord Focker is moving to his death.

Axe2121 is still thanking his lucky stars that my opening moves were made with all of the grace of a drunken walrus. The real tradegy is that a decent opponent would have over-whelmed and destroyed me by now. As it stands I still have a chance.

And I will get a turn out to Dave H tonight as well.

*sigh* :rolleyes:

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Well, the end draws near for Dave and myself. Staggering like two crack whores after a good slap fight, we are tottering to the completion of Soddball's Kneiber Dam. And damn it is a good scenario. Check out my review at the Scenario Depot following its conclusion.

I will not reply to Mike_the_wino's comments on my tactics. We all have to contribute to society, don't we? Making him feel good about himself is just my little way of doing that.

Now that my schedule is about to free up for another PBEM, I was thinking of playing something smallish and doing a MoldyGoodale/Parabellum type AAR. If someone is interested in devoting a bit of time to it and giving me a hand with posting the pictures after it's over, I'd definitely be up for it.

Jas :mad: n


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Originally posted by Axe2121

Well, the end draws near for Dave and myself...like two crack whores...we are tottering to the completion. And damn...him feel good...just my little way of doing that.

Now that my schedule is about to free up for...something. If someone is interested in...giving me a hand with...pictures...I'd definitely be up for it.


Now I know I have too much time on my hands when I actually take the time to try and make Axe2121's posts a bit more interesting . ;)

BTW, sorry to hear about the "breakup" gals. :D

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For the love of God. You know things are going to hell in the GF when this place is a safe haven from some of the raving lunatics out there.

Pass me an ale chaps. But I'll take a pass on the stale waffles.

Hey, is that Mike passed out under that table?

Jas :mad: n

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Arrrghghghghg.....cough...cough {Walks around with hand over heart staring up to heaven doing best Redd Foxx imitation} I'm coming, Elizabeth!!!!

Claims of fresh TNT in my box today. MaggotMaster, you're moldy, mildewed and generally looking like ground growth at the edge of a swamp despite the regular twig and berry scraping you claim. I therefore disregard any claims of 'fresh' from you, unless it is phrased, "Maggots!!!! I have a fresh crop of moldy growth on my formerly TNT coated body!!!"

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


BECKET you idgit quit yer bitching about me not sending you a turn UNTIL YOU SEND ME MIIIIIINE!!! :mad: :mad:

Goodale, you maggot, I'll use short words so you don't get too confused. Becket had to stop playing for a while. Real life got too busy for him to have time to play Combat Mission. He told all his friends. Sorry for the bad news. Maggot. :D:D:D:D

Oh, and thanks for the turn. I'll look for another one in a month or so.

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I'm happy to report Paddington has bravely accepted the AAR challenge. Particulars have been decided and I'll post them in a bit.

I must be crazy. I have a feeling this Canadian is about to get his ass publicly handed to him by a Finn.

Oh well. I'm fighting two Americans right now, so spread the love around the world. Now if we only had a member from Burkina Faso....

Jas :mad: n

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MasterGoodale has sent me another turn! That's three this month and if he's not careful he may go over quota. I continue to whup him like a rented mule.

Mike the Wino - I am prepared to offer you a chance to redeem your wifedom. I find your requisite parts distressingly slack, as though you have been used and abused frequently by large groups of men. Pick a groovetastic map, and lo, we will go at it like bitches, my little wife.

Teddy Windsor - my Sig looks like a running sore with comments about hot white coconuts in it. Now that I have turned your PanzerGrenadiere into whining nancies in the SEPTIC cup, how's about a little rematch to free my Sig from pervdom?

Keke and I are just setting to in our night-time hog of a scenario - random damage has left the centre of the map 90% full of craters.

Nevermind has played dirty from the word go, taking unpleasant and spiteful pot-shots at my harmless holidaying mortars. Boo hiss to the monkey love slut.

I don't seem to have anything from Snarker. It could be that I deleted his email, accidently, in a fit of todger-lubricating pique. If this is so, please resend and I will accomodate as much of you as I can.

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