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BFC/troops Contacting Apple re RAVE & Dual OS; checking my facts

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A friend of mine found the relevant thread at MacFixit. The thread is:


The thread seems to show that the only workable approach identified is identical to the one being pursued by Gyrene and laxx, Mac Test Pro from Apple. On the other hand, we have this intriguing link (and for me a dead end, since I don't have the moolah for a MacFixIt subscription):


Judging from the 7000+ visits to the posting, there seem to be lots of people seeking the very solutions we ourselves seek. Does anyone here have such a subscription or is public spirited enough to invest in one?


John Kettler

[ May 10, 2003, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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The MacFixIt Article follows:

ALERT: Booting Mac OS 9 on 2003 (Mac OS X only) Macs

After months of searching, it seems that we have finally found a solution for booting Mac OS 9 on Macs released after January 1, 2003 - which are designated as exclusively capable of booting Mac OS X by Apple.

Apple recently posted a new file to its private Apple Service Provider web page (accessible only by account-holding Apple technicians and resellers) titled "MacTest Pro for Power Mac G4 (March 2003) Version 7.8.1 supports all iMac (Flat Panel) 15 inch systems only."

The file is a CD image which can be downloaded and burned, then used as a startup disk. Testing in "Mac OS X-only" flat panel iMac system revealed that the image properly booted Mac OS 9.

Users can then copy a stripped-down Mac OS 9 system folder to their hard drive, and select it with the "Startup Disk" System Preferences pane, delivering a Mac OS 9 bootable internal disk.

It appears that a new MacOS ROM file (ver. 9.8.1) allows booting from the image.

Of course, this solution is only readily accessible by Mac service providers, but it shows that Mac OS 9 boots are not impossible on Apple's new machines. Also, please note that Mac OS 9 startup was not tested on any machines other than the 2003 flat-panel iMac.

UPDATE: The iMac tested in this report had a serial number later than xx303xxxxxx. Knowledge Base article #86209 states that these models boot Mac OS X only.

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gibsonm, BFC and troops,

Veddy interestink! Und danke! If this is indeed

doable (oh, laxx and Gyrene! How fare ye on your tests?), then it would seem reasonable to suppose that similar workarounds might exist for the other OS X only machines--unless there is a hardware or software issue in play we don't know about.

As things stand on this end, I'm leaning toward the

early (pre 2003) 17" gooseneck iMac, since I really like the ergonomics via movable screen height, have zero laptop experience (am intrigued by your 800 MHz PowerBook, though) and fear I might leave the thing somewhere by brain interrupt, and really want the computational horsepower a G4 provides, not to mention screen real estate on a 17. Does anyone here play CMBB on a pre 2003 17" iMac? If yes, how's it working for you? Do things display properly?


John Kettler

[ May 16, 2003, 01:28 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by John Kettler:

Does anyone here play CMBB on a pre 2003 17" iMac? If yes, how's it working for you? Do things display properly?

I play CMBB on one, and it works fine. That big screen is just GORGEOUS. (I bought mine right at the end of 2002, and was quite miffed when the new models came out a month later for less money, twice the VRAM, faster SuperDrive, airport extreme, etc--until I realized they didn't boot OS9.)

I'll second the endorsement for Smalldog Electronics. Their prices are competitive, and their service is top-notch. I got my iMac from them (a factory refurb), and it had a single stuck pixel when I fired it up. They told me Apple wouldn't fix it unless it had 5 or more bad pixels, but offered to exchange it if I paid the shipping (which I did--replacement had a flawless display). I don't know if they sell internationally, but it may be worth a look.

Agua Perdido

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Just some 10.2.6 feedback. This is on my 1Ghz G4 PowerBook (which is dual boot - why I bought it - but has the video issue).

1. Running CMBB within Classic - no change.

2. Booting in OS 9 and running CMBB (video issue) - no change.

Maybe "Panther" (10.3)???

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Agua Perdido,

Good news indeed for my leading candidate, and yet another ringing endorsement for Smalldog!


Appeciate the update!

Makjager (less the diacritical),

The screen is gorgeous, but the eMac is huge and would again force me to conform to it, which isn't a problem with a 17" iMac (adjustable screen was a huge desirability factor), not to mention that even the Gen One iMac was an armload and awkward to carry--and it had a handle. Would hate to have to haul an eMac to the repair shop! It's a highly capable rig, but far from optimal for me.


John Kettler

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still no reply from Leo Laporte, but I have written directly to Dark Sider and hacker Kevin Rose of Tech TV at his web site and at Tech TV. I provided a summary of our woes and enclosed the original detailed E-mail to Leo. Madmatt was provided a copy and is free to post it if desired.

I understand that the once obscenely priced dual OS & dual processor 1.25 GHz G4 tower has dropped hundreds since the G5s were announced, but other than that, we're still on the cybernetic short end of a now much longer and vastly more capable stick. I note with sadness that nothing's been heard from Gyrene or laxx on their experiments.


John Kettler

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