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Brooding over stale ale, cheery ants and moldy waffles

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

[QBNot that I care what any of you maggots think :mad: :mad: , but feedback is most welcome.[/QB]

I would have played as the Germans...and I would have won. :D

There is your feedback ArseMonkey.

I guess Gayhoor Popcorn is never gonna change his sig line...*sigh*. But I do owe the turd a rematch so a rematch the lad will get...if he ever pokes his thick head in here again.

Keke haven't forgotten about you, still finishing up Prinz Eugen. Who, by the way, is sucking like Soddball on an all-male, Mediterranean Cruise.

Speekaing of that hoor. Soddball the tale you tell is an interesting one. Alas it is not the one I am experiencing. Keep up the stoic facade as the walls crash around you, maggot. :mad:

snarker's new sig, in fact everyone I defeat for the next 90 days, will read "I didn't suck half as bad as Gaylord Focker in my loss to mike_the_wino". Fine, don't change your sig and see where it gets ya. :mad:

Dave H and I are shooting BBs at each from 1000+ meters. No wonder the Ostwind never shoots down any aircraft, the F***ERS can't hit a stationary armor car. "Superior optics" my ass. :mad:

Teddy may be the ultime, suave spy but his CMBB game has a bit of a rough edge to it. I have some TNT that will singe those rough edges right off.

[ June 04, 2003, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Teddy may be the ultime, suave spy but his CMBB game has a bit of a rough edge to it.

That would be my iron fists showing through the velvet gloves – I’d better visit Saville Row for a new pair. Hurry up with the next move, muppet, I want to see how many more penetrations your sneaky flanking A/Cs can take before the crews bail.

Originally posted by Soddball:

Teddy Windsor has been flambéed and is now sobbing his heart out at the thought that my sig is going to be liberated from his rancid perversitudes ….

Go on, admit it, you’re going to miss shaking coconuts from my tree. Yet I am forced to concede a minor defeat for me is indeed a victory for you. Well played, muppet, although I think you will find the other half of my army is waiting patiently around the major flag for your miserable peasant hordes to show their faces. Life can be so unfair sometimes.


Teddy the big fat loser

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Edited to add: If Snarker would like to add his side of the story (such as gamey use of guns on ridges in 1.02), he knows who to get in touch with :mad:

:mad: :mad: Axe hit my gun you AAR non-reading secret agent type. BTW, did the tax collector I bribed visit yet? :mad:
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Originally posted by Snarker:

:mad: :mad: Axe hit my gun you AAR non-reading secret agent type.

Dang, I really ought to read what I publish. Is illiteracy a defence against libel?

Originally posted by Snarker:

BTW, did the tax collector I bribed visit yet? :mad:

:mad: :mad: Have you any idea how many forms he's got me filling out? If he wasn't a fellow employee of the Queen and country I'd have let him have it with the PPK :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by Robohn:

Gamey use of guns on ridges? Where the hell are you supposed to put em? I realize the game engine has problems at the moment letting you hit em, but bring some mortars to deal with em.

Nice idea, muppet, but unfortunately that requires a degree of competence that has so far eluded me. If my opponents don't blow a whistle and advance slowly in a line towards my MGs and guns then things can get very messy - normally for me.

Does anyone know if Dom Perignon is tax deductable?


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Spanker suffered a humiliating 20-80 defeat against my Cheery Waffle Grenadiers. In fact he surrendered when my tanks with no ammo left made a gamey rush towards the last flag. Sig line punishment coming soon. :D :mad:

Nevermind will have the same faith, if he ever shows up from the sewers. :mad:

MasterMcNugget, do you feel the deep penetration? Are you sweating yet, you homo? :mad:

Dave H has still not found the main body of my ÜberFinn forces, but has stumbled on bodies of many Forest Elves, while receiving several Kabooms. :mad:

Soddball has made a big-time gamey flank attack, which might be successful on the face of the earth, but not on the dark side of the moon, thanks to random settings, we are fighting on. :mad:

Prinze Eugen has tough time with his new job, which serves him right after setting up an attack for me with only 22+ turns. How gamey is that! :mad:

That's all maggots!!!

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Originally posted by Keke:

Dave H has still not found the main body of my ÜberFinn forces, but has stumbled on bodies of many Forest Elves, while receiving several Kabooms. :mad:

Trust me, maggot, I believe I just found them. AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! :eek: redface.gif :mad: :(:(
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Originally posted by Keke:


Spanker suffered a humiliating 20-80 defeat against my Cheery Waffle Grenadiers. In fact he surrendered when my tanks with no ammo left made a gamey rush towards the last flag. Sig line punishment coming soon. :D :mad:

Matters not. You toasted anyone with a slight hope of blowing the clankies.

Amends to follow in the rematch.

:mad: :mad:

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Well, I just enjoyed BEATING Goodale on a scenario HE designed. He refused to deign being my bitch because he...claims...we were just playtesting his scenario. Right. Hundreds of Moldy Russians lined up to surrender, when faced with my overwhelming ability to kick their puny, yankee butts.


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GRRRRRRR !!!!! :mad: :mad:

My mouse just died a horrible death, and is not responding anymore. I tried to reanimate it by inserting a fresh pair of batteries, but alas, it remained still. Have no idea how a mouse could just die on me. :mad: :mad: Anyways, I'm hoping the problem would kind of sort itself out, as I'm not able to do CMBB on the compy I'm writing this. I may fix this in the next couple of days, we'll see. :mad:

Carry on maggots, especially you Dave H. I am going to win, no matter what. It has been shown to me in a revelation. I am going to win. :mad:

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Originally posted by Wallybob:

Well, I just enjoyed BEATING Badale on a scenario HE designed. He refused to deign being my bitch because he...claims...we were just playtesting his scenario. Right.

What else could you expect from a no-setup sending, gamey, imbecile, mold-brained and imbecile Queen of All Ants and Maggots ??? Is it a surprise really ???
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Get them gamey updates here :

Snarker with his gamey force of two SturmTigers, several Panthers and god knows what other c**p is starting to hurt my force. Lost some tanks already, with only a kill of a pathetic Lynx to satisfy my angry tank-gunners. :mad:

Dave H doesn't know what I know. I have parted with him classified information regarding the flags, but he stubbornly refuses to believe. Well, after 10+ turns we'll see who is who's daddy.

Soddball, for making the crime against humanity in creating Forward Recon, a scenario where my Germans don't come with enough BOOM-BOOMs, I would like to challenge your Limey butt and give you the spankin' no mistress could ever achieve. But, I'm not expecting you to reply, so I may have to continue punishing Axel Rose. How's that AC coming along mate ? Feeling properly ventilated eh ?

Let it be known my compatriot Keke, that some of your troops are in the sights of my Germans, who are waiting for a command to fire. The fore-fingers of several men are starting to get itchy...

Shosties4th is trying in a vain attempt to circle my brave troops surrounding the bigger of two flags. Two tanks are seen approaching from the center, moving towards the flag. Into the lions' den...

I would like to address the rumours spread by mike_the_wino. According to him I suck. As long as I have the other flag I must disagree. So what if my attempt to take his flag failed ? So I have now two platoons of routed of greens/conscripts as a result. It's your turn now, an effort towards my flag would be appreciated, since I have to regroup before any new offensives be taken. This battle needs fresh TNT ! :mad:

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How much does he charge?

Prinz Argument, you bidge. I'll accept your challenge, you worthless scrote. Let's have picked forces (2,000 points) on one of Old Dog's maps. Make it an attack/defence one, and I'll attack. I don't mind on dates or sides so long as you ain't no motherloving gamey ho.

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[serious] To all my good friends of the Cheery Waffle Thread:

Thank you all for your kind words and support during a difficult time. My wife will be coming home either tonight or tomorrow depending on some final tests that are being run. This is a long-awaited event. She will have a nurse during the day for a while and I will be her nurse at night. This will preclude any computer gaming for quite some time so I will be departing from this Thread as it is a Challenge Thread and being unable to respond is a detriment.

I can still post from work so I will be keeping an eye on you guys in the General Forum. One day things will return to normal and as a famous American general once said "I shall return".

Once again from both my wife and myself I wish to express our thanks for your support. From me I would like to thank you for making me laugh and helping me to keep my spirits up during some tough times. You guys are the best![/serious]

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Jim, great to hear that your wife will be coming out of hospital soon. However, we are not a challenge thread. That would make us rather too Pengy, and lordy knows there's only enough space on the Battlefront Forums for one batch of deranged simpletons.


If you feel the need to stick your head around and accuse Goodale of being a no-turn-sending nonce, then that would be most groovy.

If you want me to steal some flowers for you, I can do that.

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[serious] Jim, that is wonderful news about your wife. I wish we lived closer together so I could offer more than moral support. [/serious] :D

Now, as Soddball so eloquently stated in a series of grunts and howls, this is really not a so-called Challenge thread. A number of challenges do take place, but this is truly the Cheap Shots at MasterGoodale (the maggot) thread. Other regulars will take their lumps from time to time, but the unifying theme is definitely to pile onto MasterGoodale (the maggot) as much as possible. Anybody who is "serious" about their CMBB gaming should really look somewhere else for the more anal players. :D;)tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Jim, great to hear that your wife will be coming out of hospital soon.

I'd like to second that emotion.

Originally posted by Soddball:

That would make us rather too Pengy.

It's like Monty Python meets Lord of the Rings over there, without the laughs and special effects budget :mad:

Originally posted by Soddball:


Well if you ever get tired of waiting, 1.03 seems to have appeared in typical CDV fashion, your sig looks curiously empty and my tree of love is already positively sagging from the weight of hot white coconuts that need shaking from it :mad:


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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Well if you ever get tired of waiting, 1.03 seems to have appeared in typical CDV fashion, your sig looks curiously empty and my tree of love is already positively sagging from the weight of hot white coconuts that need shaking from it :mad:


A wanker like you should have no problem dealing with that little - and I do mean little - problem.

They don't call you Tiny Ted for nothing. :mad:

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That's fantastic news Jim!

And, as the other maggots have said, please feel free to keep posting here. The more we can give the boots to MG, the better.

Plus, being one of our more coherent posters, you and Dave give balance to a thread that would otherwise spiral into lunacy.

For example, if MasterGoodale was a 1, Dave a 10 and Mike_the_wino a 5 in terms of sanity, you would rate a 7.5.

The Finns? They're off the scale.


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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This was going so well, and then took a positively nasty turn. :eek: Okay, Teddy Bear Windsor, since I'm almost finished losing a couple of my PBEMs, consider yourself slapped on the cheeks (only the ones on your face, maggot) and challenged. Name your terms, sir. QB or scenario, but please no meeting engagements, unless you want one with no victory flags. :cool:

By the way, how's the Queen doing on the 50'th anniversary of her coronation? :D

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Well, it looks like the 1.03 patch will be here later today. What say youze guyzs about updating?

In other silliness -- that gamiest of gamey hoors MasterGoodale starts firing on my troops from on top of a massive hill with -- wait for it -- an ampulomet!! :mad: :mad:

After I answer fire and take out said gamiest of gamey weapons and a crack Maxim team he claims they were only cooks that he sent out. So I guess KV-2 actually stands for Kitchen Vehicle, you loser? :mad: :mad: :mad:

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