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Brooding over stale ale, cheery ants and moldy waffles

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Originally posted by Dave H:

I can't even enjoy a nice, peaceful holiday weekend without the slanders flying on this thread full of sore winners. My electronic soldiers are suffering all manner of ignominious beatings.

Here's a quarter.

Call someone who cares. :mad:

Jas :mad: n

Sorry. I'm just cranky because I'm at work and there are turns waiting at home. :mad:

Battle updates tonight -- and MG's is a doozy.

[ May 26, 2003, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Sorry. I'm just cranky because I'm at work and there are turns waiting at home. :mad:

Sucks to be you

Battle updates tonight -- and MG's is a doozy.

Love to hear how some one else is kicking his pansy ass as well. The crack-head snuck some giant Ruskie SP, obviously using some cloaking device, to within 700m of my Tiger where it fired one shot and before I could return fire it popped smoke and reversed. Running away like a little girl. I am sure that must be a patented TeamGoodale signature move.

Somebody's on the hooch.
Not yet. :mad: :mad: Ran out of pavers before we ran out of space to put em. 3 more hours of physical labor and then its on to drinking. Thank goodness I took tomorrow so I don't have to call in hungover. :eek:
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Well, things, on the whole, are progressing nicely in my assorted battles.

Against Snarker I'm in a bit of a jam. He has some sort of super assault gun parked hull down and causing anger in my troops. :mad: He's now starting an attack with infantry on my flank which will fail without his pitiful PzIII on the other flank, sans infantry.

Dave H's Hungarian troops are moving through the rain and mud and coming face to face with my love affair with 60mm Hungarian mortars. And I see you on the flank too, Dave. :mad:

Prinz Eugen and I are testing out a little scenario by Soddball. I've taken out one of his halftracks, routed an infantry squad and am now waiting as his reserves tremble in the woods like the cowards they are. He wanted to know if all Canucks chuck TNT as furiously as me. Coming from a Finn, that's the greatest compliment anyone has ever given me. :D

Paddington and I are still breaking in the snowshoes. No sightings yet.

Shosties4th and I are still far apart in a huge monstrosity of a QB. He knows the importance of a good firebase while I, on the other hand, am always in too much of a damn hurry. :mad:

Which brings us to....MasterGoodwasterofpoints. After ripping down that hill with his oh-so-subtle KV-2 heavy assault tank, he let fly with the TNT. It made a crater which a squad fell into with only two casualties. :eek: Then one round flew over my hull-down Stug and shocked a poor bastard in the rear, who was nowhere near the fighting. So my Stug waited and waited and, as Masterofbadtactics tried to pull away, realizing his folly -- bam!! -- got him. And, just for good measure, a Messerschmidt popped him a couple of times more.

Since I knew that KV carried a crack anti-tank rifle team in, I sent my infantry out to flush him. He's now about to be flushed down the drain like the gamey turd he is.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, a lone clown car, I mean T-70, came poking around to see what was up. I'll tell you what is up. My troops' ire!! A couple of well placed explosives and that little *hmph* tank scampered off into the woods, much like Goodale himself when confronted by ants and/or mold.

And now my arty is landing in his lap, right on schedule. Sweet. And by sweet I mean totally bitchin'.


Jas :mad: n

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Is it weekend re-cap time all ready?

Prinz Eugen is grousing about the horrid behaviour of Soviets in a combat situation....trouble is, he is playing the Soviets. :eek:

snarker sent turns like a chipmunk on speed. I have a flag he has a flag. Let's see who ganks mo foolz n rEwLZ. :mad:

MasterBlowhard is 14 turns in a 45 turn sh*t-talking marathon. He is all proud about getting a HT with CAS. I think he fails to realize that 1 HT for 2 SU-152, 1 M17 and a captured Stug (gamey-German-tank-using-hoor) for a HT is a fair trade in my book. At this rate my victory will come sooner that anticipated. :mad:

Soddball drank hisself so silly he couldn't muster any turns this weekend. Good job lad, keep up the good work. I just hope at least 3 liters of it was wine. :D

Since nevermind is on hiatus for a coupla weeks it looks like I won't get a chance to humilate much til his return. And I was just starting to really kick his yarbles in.

Not much of interest in my game with Teddy. After 10 turns of nothing he finally found the VLs and TNT is starting to fly. Hard to tell but I am have found the beginnings of a forward fire base that is not long for this world.

Gaylord Focker has neither changed his sig or piped up about a rematch to avenge my brilliant-over-feckin-whelming victory. Were there but some governing body to smite that turd all would be well. Alas, I can only enjoy the humilating defeat that I delivered to yet another pseudo, part-time Penger (wouldn't want to forget lenakonrad who's arse is still burning from the whooping laid on him).

If I missed anyone its cuz yus a no-turn-sending, maggot. :mad:

[ May 27, 2003, 03:04 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Paddington and I are still breaking in the snowshoes. No sightings yet.

This may be premature, muppet, but check it out :mad: :mad:

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Not much of interest in my game with Teddy. After 10 turns of nothing he finally found the VLs and TNT is starting to fly. Hard to tell but I may have found the beginnings of a forward fire base that is not long for this world.

You may well have sat on your fat bottom for 10 turns, my curiously hairy little chum, but I have been manoeuvring cunningly around the battlefield. Your tactical nous, such as it ever was, has obviously been eroded by the years of meths drinking and a nasty mould infection from MG :mad: :mad: Unfortunately I have a feeling your "route one" approach may yet pay dividends in this miserable ME. I suggest that the inevitable rematch is played as an attack/defence scenario on an imported map.

On a completely unrelated note, where the smeg is 1.03?

And does anyone know if Soddball has returned from his wife-shopping in Russia?

Chin chin,


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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:


This may be premature, muppet, but check it out

W :mad: :mad: t, w :mad: :mad: t, w :mad: :mad: t!!!

I've also made up a list of the freaks I have yet to humiliate: Teddy, Soddy, Kiki and Nevery will feel my wrath in the upcoming weeks.


Jas :mad: n

[ May 27, 2003, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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What a puss-slathered pile of scunk scrotums! :mad:

Dikes With Rhinos thinks he aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwefully clever doesn't he? But Mikey, isn't there something you want to tell The Brood about your HT losses that you seemed to have forgotten?? HHHRRRRMMM?? :mad:

Ass69 seems to have a habit of pummeling dead armor and his own men with very hot, very angry TNT. Yes, he killed the KV, yes, he eventually killed that AT team - but they did get off a couple of shots at his SP from close range (ricochet). As for the T-70? Untouched - and oops! By Golly Gee Whiz it's about to pop off a 45mm round from about 150M at the very ASS of his STUG (yes I have armor behind his offensive line)!! What do you think will happen Brood??

Weaky and I are chucking copious amounts of angry tnt and hot lead at one another. He's been pummeling me with arty but to little effect. He thinks he's a bad ass because he took out an AT gun. Boy do I have a few surprises for his little ass. :mad:

DaveH is a no-turn-returning sack of puss excrement. He's done a job on my M17s but my main offensive now knos the intricate details of his defensive line. If he gets a turn abck to me I'll bury the maggot in his own blood-soaked soil! GARGRARGRAGRARGGRA!!! :mad:

Snarker that gamey no-tactics-having pod of afterbirth is sitting on that big hill with his Tiger and Panther just a blasting away at my poor, helpless pixel heroes trying to manuever across 2 miles of pretty much flat, open terrain. He thinks it's funny. MasterGoodale is going to show him that it isn't - in this life or the next. :mad:

CplCarrot and I have only recently made contact. However, every one of his little maggots I have met I've sent screaming back to the rear slathered in TNT frothing at the mouth with maggots babbling something about "oooohhhh the hhhuummmmaaaaniteeee!!!!" :mad:

Soddball is teetering on no-turn-sending-battle-skipping-out-of-defeat-by-forfeiture-bitch. He sent me that test email, I replied with the infamous turn 67, and haven't heard back from him since (about 5 days)!! What a piece of crap maggot!! I'm gonna hunt him down and dip him in TNT then toss him on a pile of angry fire ants!! :mad:

U_x7* don't even rememebr this maggots full game name but he begged to be slathered, I sent him a slathered setup, and he never replied. I'm so sick of these gamey non-turn-sending big-smack-talking slithering little maggot larvae I can't even stand it!!!!

I hate you all.


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Soddball is teetering on no-turn-sending-battle-skipping-out-of-defeat-by-forfeiture-bitch. He sent me that test email, I replied with the infamous turn 67, and haven't heard back from him since (about 5 days)!! What a piece of crap maggot!! I'm gonna hunt him down and dip him in TNT then toss him on a pile of angry fire ants!! :mad:

I hate you all.


I haven't received anything from you. Did you Zip the file or send it plain?

Try and ply me with that gamey forfeit bollocks, Goodale, and I will summon The Brood to the Halls of Argumentativeness to debate the worthlessness of your soul.

Try zipping the file and sending it, and then zip it and send it to soddball@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Here's a quarter.

Call someone who cares.

Jas :mad: n

Sorry. I'm just cranky because I'm at work and there are turns waiting at home.

I've got news for you Aximus, a quarter won't do the job in a pay phone. Not that anybody uses pay phones any more. Also, what's a Canadian quarter worth these days in US dollars, about 10 cents or so? tongue.gif

FYI, I like these Hungarian troops with 2 LMGs per squad, and lots of cheap HMGs. We'll see how long your Romanian mortar crews stick around when the hot molten lead starts coming their way. ;)

Keke, I know you have a SturmTiger or something even bigger hidden over there in the pine trees. I wasn't aware the Finns had access to such heavy artillery. :eek:

MasterGoodale (you fury maggot), I could show you my turn and you still couldn't find your way through my defensive line. So far you've come across some halftracks, a HMG, and a light AA gun at only the cost of 4 (yes, four) dearly departed M-17s. Keep pressing forward, and see what is waiting for you. :eek:

WallyBob, when my Polish tank shook off two hits from your Hetzer, my morale improved greatly. I may have you outgunned.

Prinz Eugen, I think your infantry has a long, long walk across open terrain to reach the train station. Think of it in terms of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. Except here the defenders have machine guns.

_UXcva (see, I remember who you are), your herd of assault guns is being a real pain in the rear to my heroic Russian infantry. I'm hoping to return the favor. Good luck against MasterGoodale (the maggot).

Stalin's Organ, I know you're hiding out there somewhere. We'll find you eventually.

Paddington, I need turns.

Jim Boggs, I hope your wife is doing much, much, much better. smile.gif

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Pictures from the front!

Spanker's highly motivated Rooskies are abandoning the battlefield:


Diva H's Rooskie probe is about to be repulsed...


...with the help of this gun (aren't the gunmen stylish? :D ) :


Master Grandfailure's defensive positions...


...while his FO don't have a clue:


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I am waiting on turns from:

MasterG who is going to try to resend the turn to me. If you got my email, MasterG, that tells me that my turns are getting through fine to you. It's got to be a problem at your end.

PlateCommander who, having sent me a setup, went into Stealth Mode.

GlobeLord Fargrilled who needs to send a turn if he expects a reply.

Nevermind who will be AWOL for a while until he beats up his landlord and steals some cash.

I have shipped turns to:

MattT who is playtesting like a hoor. I hate being beaten on my own scenarios.

Keke who is having as much fun as I am in our Somme night-time QB. No more QBs. Ever.

Wike the Mino who is beating me like a dusky bathmat.

Snorkel who is also whipping me like the hoor I am.

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I replied to the email you sent Snotball!! :mad: I don't have problems with my email!!! :mad:

I didn't zip though you idgit!! :mad: I'll zip and send tonight. Hopefully all the furious, bitter, hot, molten, disturbed TNT I'm packing into this turn will fit in a zipped file.

You're the biggest maggot in the brood :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I replied to the email you sent Snotball!! :mad: I don't have problems with my email!!! :mad:

I didn't zip though you idgit!! :mad: I'll zip and send tonight. Hopefully all the furious, bitter, hot, molten, disturbed TNT I'm packing into this turn will fit in a zipped file.

You're the biggest maggot in the brood :mad:

I know you're thicker than a whale omlette, but just try to understand.

I send an email to you. You receive the email.

You send an email to me. I don't receive the email.

Which of these two emails seems to be working - the one that arrived at its destination, or the one that didn't? :mad:

If you can't work out the correct answer, I have some excellent investment opportunities in central Africa for you.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Dikes With Rhinos thinks he aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwefully clever doesn't he? But Mikey, isn't there something you want to tell The Brood about your HT losses that you seemed to have forgotten?? HHHRRRRMMM?? :mad:

Damn I know you are dense but this was only 3 posts before yours:

MasterBlowhard is 14 turns in a 45 turn sh*t-talking marathon. He is all proud about getting a HT with CAS. I think he fails to realize that 1 HT for 2 SU-152, 1 M17 and a captured Stug (gamey-German-tank-using-hoor) for a HT is a fair trade in my book. At this rate my victory will come sooner that anticipated.
I know you are a thick-headed, gimpy, ass-monkey but do try to keep up. And then there was this post by MG:

I don't have problems with my email!!!
Yea, you got problems all right....like the fact you got more blubber between yer ears than in your giant, boil-riddled caboose. I must state emphatically that Hotmail is the tool of the devil and it sucks harder than Dave H on a holiday to the bath-houses of San Francisco. Only a completely inept monkey-humper, or an Englishman, would use it for PBEM. On the other hand, I am having no problem with Soddball's emails. The rest of him is giant festering sore but that is another story.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

What does The Brood think of that hhhhrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm brooooood???

Since Soddy has already sent me two turns today, I think MasturBatesallthetime is a wanker. :mad:
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Originally posted by Nippy:

PlateCommander who, having sent me a setup, went into Stealth Mode.

PlatCmdr is now mountain climbing in the Sierras and won't be back until the 2nd or 3rd of June.

What a strap-on. Mountains are there to be admired from the safe confines of the pub.
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