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Brooding over stale ale, cheery ants and moldy waffles

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

How many posts until Mastergoodandconfused finds this one?


I'm just testing my email account - although given that everyone else has successfully sent me turns and received them, I know where the problem is. It's in between Goodale's keyboard and his chair. :mad: </font>

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Oh glory be!!

Turns to maggots and but a mere $30 (US) to tell me that I need a new video card and more RAM. I think the little geeks at the comp store are having one over on me but I will have a real professionaly look at the bitch-box later.

As I said before, Gulag-rules this weekend. Manuel labor for the likes of me. Turns out when it gets too hot outside to work.

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Man, oh man, oh man. MasterGoodale is trying some very "unique" tactics. After losing one turret-less behemoth to a Tiger, he drove another in what can only be described as "ass-up" position. Kitties luvz side shots on big ole nasty Ruskie tanks. Now if the turd will just show some inf the arse-kicking can get going proper.

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What's going on here...oh right holiday weekend.

Somewhere a moose is calling out Axe2121's name. BTW, could you give us a lumberjack/ reporter's synopsis of "Inferno" so far?

Soddball is drinking hisself to death.

Teddy is most likely on a piss as well.

MasterGoodale might be drinking more than the 2 Brits and the Canuck combined. Looks like I won't be the "crown" jewel in MistaCrowsalot's supposed victory helm.

nevermind hurry back, more arse-whooping for you.

Prinz Eugen and I are slugging it out in the woods.

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And so my titanic battle against PlatCmdr continues. I can sum up the battle in three lines:

Franz: "Damn those SMGs are loud! I can't hear a thing!"

Hans: "What did you say? I couldn't hear you over all the SMGs firing!"

Ivan [Clan_Commie]: "LOLOL!!LOL!1 PPSHed! NoW W3 buNNy h0P t0 V1ct0rY!"

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Still waiting for MasterGoodale to realize he busted out the can of Suck-Ass, not the can of Whoop-Ass. Poor blighter was finished when he hit "Go" for the first time. Only 31 more turns til my victory.

Teddy and I are playing on the largest map possible and the lad can't seem to find the VLs much move to them. Not a shot fired by either side. :(

Snarker has been busy reading about how cool T-34s are and how fast they move. Unfortunately the idjit didn't realize you have to be more that 700 meters away and have less than 4 guns firing at you for the T-34 to be effective. First kill goes to me...YEEAAAAA TEAM!!

Soddball are you too drunk/ hungover/ stupid to get me my turn you gelatinous, moldy pile of excrement? :mad:

Prinz Eugen has not sent a turn today. Makes me nervous when an uber-Finn takes extra time to plot a turn.

May you all wake up in a pile of your own sick. :mad:

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Turns are out to every one of you maggots I'm playing against right now. Game status report:

Jim Boggs - taking care of family medical emergency. Has an excuse for delayed turns. Not a good excuse, but an excuse. ;)

Paddington - just sent me a file titled paddi_v_axe, which I tried to open and failed. This confirms my suspicions that Paddington is a complete maggot, sending a turn for Axe to me instead. Wake up Paddington, I've got Russian soldiers sinking into the mud waiting for your Germans to do something. :rolleyes:

_UXcva - just returned a turn to you. I think you have more Stugs than I have infantry men. I swear he has the Hydra-Stug, I kill one and three more take its place. :eek:

Keke - just returned a turn to you, too. My Russians have strolled through the tall pine forests of Finland hoping to find at least one uber-Finn to take back for scientific study. It appears all of his soldiers are holed up in the Fortress of Solitude. :confused:

Prinz Eugen - quit celebrating the end of the school year and send a turn sometime. His Pz IIIs are all over the map, while my abandoned T-34s sit parked in a neat row. His Germans have chucked more molten TNT than MasterGoodale could even imagine. GRRR!!! :mad:

MasterGoodale - obviously 4,500 points of assaulting Russians have gone to his head. He has led his assault with M-17s, which now sit as monuments to 20 mm cannon firepower. I expect another turn from this maggot any minute now. RIGHT??? :D

WallyBob - our small pure armor scenario hasn't gotten very far. My Poles will no doubt crush his helpless Hungarians with no fuss, no muss. :cool:

Axe - this Canadian maggot decides to ignore all that is noble and pure and leave for the weekend!!! Isn't there any sense of duty and responsibility up there? Of course, when you consider that our little scenario is a Hungarian probe of a Romanian position, maybe he decided he needed a few days away from the pressure. redface.gif

It just struck me today that I could easily lose all eight of these PBEMs, thereby branding myself the absolute worst CMBB player on this thread. Oh Lord, the humiliation!

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Dave you sound like just the sort of chap I need to be playing against.....do you have a gap in you molten TNT filled excuse for a life to lose another one?! smile.gif

Why in the world not? Go ahead, let's make it nine for nine as you join the world of runaway maggotitis. Keke seems to be the only Cheery Waffle inhabitant sending turns these days anyway. I have absolutely no preferences for nationalities, and I enjoy using green and even conscript troops. Day or night, clear, rain, fog, or snow are all OK. I do prefer assaults, attacks, and probes more than meeting engagements, which seem somewhat bogus to me. Biltongs maps are beautiful, if you'd like to use one of them. Send me a QB setup please, or a scenario you'd like to try, and let's keep it reasonable. If you send me Soddball's 22,000 point operation I probably won't even open the file. Something like 800 - 1,500 points should work well. :D
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Teddy and I are playing on the largest map possible and the lad can't seem to find the VLs much move to them. Not a shot fired by either side. :(

Ooooooh, I'm really messing with his mind now ... I think the first cracks are starting to show as the doubts and fears grow.

Mikey, you've obviously played too many games with MG - I'm not just going to race my tin cans around until they've all popped and then line up my men so you can hose them down with molten TNT :mad: You're going to have to wait a while first.

We're not even a quarter of the way through what it supposed to be a TACTICAL encounter. Patience, my son, good things will come to those who wait.

Here endeth the lesson,


PS Does anyone know if Soddball has returned from Thailand yet?

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Well now, it seems that PlatCmdr is going to be away from his computer for a few days.

I have a request (read: demand) for any of you that have Version 1.03beta, I'd like to try out a few QB maps I whipped up. One is a med size Soviet attack with some woods and a small village. The other is a very small 640X480 Urban map designd for a German attack.

Anyone free to help me slather said maps with TNT?

Hey, I made a ryme!...I hate rymes! :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Ohhh godd. Brain hurt.s Toruns out to lall. today.

Gosh ... things are getting awfully messy in our all infantry get-together.

If I were Itchy and Soddball were Scratchy (I told him that rash didn't look like heat spots), our encounter could be neatly summarised thus...


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Originally posted by MasterOopsicrappedmypants:

I'm heading home now to chuck some angry TNT brood :mad: I better have an inbox full of fury and I better get turns back often this weekend. It's raining all weekend here and I'm gonna have a whole lotta TNT and a never-ending supply of anger to dish out scum sacks!

Yeah whatever. Do I need to even say that you have not send any turns this weekend. :mad: Did you got scared by all the molten TNT that started raining on your side recently, chickenbanger? :mad:
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Muahaahaa! MaggotMaster cha-cha's to my TNT chucker's disturbing rhythm. It's fun to watch him twitch like a disjointed marionette directed by a raving lunatic.

Whino, how's the digging going? Body bitterly complaining yet? It will, it will...

I can't find enough cover (or armor) to keep Keke from flensing my hapless troops. Go away!

Sturm Tigers are extremely gamey, and P Eu will get a rematch with more conventional forces. I'm still waiting for whatever monster armor he had to buy to make it's appearance. So I can kill it. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Edited to say: LMAO Keke! Just noticed "MasterOopsicrappedmypants". Put the fear of the Finns into 'im!

[ May 25, 2003, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Whino, how's the digging going? Body bitterly complaining yet? It will, it will...

Although I enjoy the comforts of a cubicle with a lovely DSL connection at work I must, unfortunately, engage in physical labor on occasion. As such my body, nor my head unlike you dear spanker, is NOT all soft and gelatinous. Also, being one to plan ahead the digging was completed 2 weeks prior to delivery of trees, shrubs, pavers, sand and a big pile of manure (no Dave H did not stop by). One tree removed, one planted. 2 shrubs removed, 5 planted. Pavers going in nicely and I expect to be done today. All this and turns out as well. :D What's yer excuse, sparker? Too busy reading your latest issue of "Hot, horny hamsters"?

Sturm Tigers are extremely gamey, and P Eu will get a rematch with more conventional forces. I'm still waiting for whatever monster armor he had to buy to make it's appearance. So I can kill it.

I would disagree on the gameyness of Sturmtigers. 3 Stuarts will wax a ST any day. That is unless you agreed to only smaller guns then you would be a sackless, inbred, gamey, no-turn-sending nong...most of which you all ready are.

MasterGoodale must be back on the caffiene as turns are flying back and forth. The lad is feeling his oats and his armor is feeling my TNT. All in all, he losing much better than I thought he would. :D

I found Teddy. My troops have found Teddy. Now just waiting for the arty to find Teddy and all will be good. :mad:

Obviously, Customs was unable to act on my anonymous tip and the fools let Soddball get back home. And now it looks like the lad poisoned hisself with liquor again. For once, liquor is slowing the pace of my PBEM games.

Prinz Eugen is still contemplating my brilliant uber-Finn counter moves or he is out wrestling whales in the artic circle. Either way turns are stalled.

Received a turn from nevermind last night...was that to be the last for a time? :confused:

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Originally posted by Keke:

mike_the_dyke, are you sure you didn't bury Dave H instead of a big pile of manure? Every other Cheery Waffler have sent me turns today, but not the bureaucratic maggot. :confused:

Quite sure. In fact I insist on a bureaucrat-free yard. Even had the exterminator out last week to spray for the little buggers.

If he was a normal human male I would say it's a holiday weekend therefore is he is drunk and most likely driving around in a stolen ambulance. But he one of dem nasty, neo-prohibitionists. Even had the gall to mention "moderation" once...the nerve. :mad: I hope he has case of the piles and can't sit down long enough to send turns.

Happy (drunken) holiday weekend to all. :D

[ May 25, 2003, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Listen up you mealy-mouthed maggots 'cause I'm only going to say this once!

I'm back and I'm backed up with TNT and hate for all you no-good lilly-livered (or lesion-livered in Mike_the_hobo's case) freaks!!! :mad: :mad:

You lazy, shiftless Yanks, lounging around in your trailers wearing your Wild Turkey-stained wife-beaters and too-tight gym shorts -- Dave, Mike, Snarker, Shosties4th and MasterGoodale -- get them turns back pronto!!

Bogged down by terrible tactics!!! -- you're excused from duty -- for now!!!

As for the mad Finns -- Prinz Eugen and Paddington -- they don't know the meaning of the word holiday. In fact, in Finland, the average work week is 630 hours long. With no overtime and very little pay. Fringe benefits? As much snow, forest and darkness as you can handle.

Book me a flight!

GRGAAAAGRGRAGAAA!!!!! I have to work tomorrow!!! :mad: :mad:

Battle updates after the next round of turns from my *sniker* opponents. :mad:

That is all. :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Guest Mike
Originally posted by Snarker:

I can't find enough cover (or armor) to keep Keke from flensing my hapless troops. Go away!

Serves you right for messing up all my lovely designer uniforms in our last game then - I think I've recovered from that one tho, so do you feel like some revenge?
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Originally posted by Keke:

Page 2!!!!!????????

See? They're all reeling from hangovers. Except, of course, for Dave H. He's reeling from not being able to crunch numbers first thing Monday morning.

And as for the Bank Holiday in the U.K. -- with the hours they keep here in Canada, everyday is a holiday!! :mad: :mad:

Grrrrr!!!! :mad: :mad:

Maggots. The whole lot of ya.

Jas :mad: n

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Is someone taking my name in vain? I can't even enjoy a nice, peaceful holiday weekend without the slanders flying on this thread full of sore winners. My electronic soldiers are suffering all manner of ignominious beatings. Keke is using gamey Finnish neutron bombs against my Russians, leveling acres of pine forests. MasterGoodale (the maggot) is parading JS tanks in front of my 20 mm guns, assuming the crews will be tricked into thinking they are more M-17s to shoot up. Stalin's Organ/Mike has sent me a scenario in which my men are apparently supposed to throw themselves across the road to keep his Russians from driving away. The rest of you are too low and filthy to even mention. Back to the Sci-Fi Channel's movie marathon. :Dtongue.gif:D

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