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Forgetful Goodales Cheery Waffle of Monthly Moves

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Here is an example of the kind of things that happen when I play mike the wino. I have a veteran Pz III doing a Hunt move through the snow, to keep from bogging. To the right it spots several T-34s on open ground. They immediately spot my tank. They are almost a kilometer away, so it should take a little time for them to zero in on a moving target. Just ahead the ground dips and the panzer will disappear from their sight. To the left the Pz III spots the remnant of a Russian tank crew, in some trees about 100 meters away.

My "brilliant" veteran tank commander STOPS his tank, ignores the T-34s, and turns the turret to use the main gun on the crew. As you can guess, a flurry of 76 mm shells immediately hit and KO the Pz III. What happened to those substandard Russian optics I've heard so much about? Mike's T-34s have adopted the one shot = one kill philosophy. GRRRRRrrrrrr!!! :mad: :mad:

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:mad: :mad: GRRRRRRR!!!

Page two and still no sign of the Moldy One?

Goodale !!!! Enough of the Claude Raines imitation!!! Front and center, MAGGOT!!! There's TNT to chuck, opponents to slather with bitter splodies and rodent droppings to smush under foot.

Besides, May is just around the corner so a turn is due.

Malakas. :mad: :mad:

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Prinz Eugen has declared woods as passe, hills to hide behide as unmanly and has brought forth a horrific map for our game. Not a stick of wood on the entire map, even the houses are made out sod. The mad Finn mumbled something about mod hills and trees as being "too common". Right much better to try and move troops in daylight across open fields. We shall see what becomes of it.

Axe2121 and I continue to send our brave pixelated lads to their untimely ends. This was made by Soddball , of course it brutal.

Speaking of Snotwad where are you, young lad? Are you back from from your 3-week bender?

Dave H it's not that I am lucky...your computer hates you. :D

If anyone sees Gayord Fokker remind him that turns need to be returned for gameplay to continue.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Speaking of Snotwad where are you, young lad? Are you back from from your 3-week bender?

And lo, the Mikey has spoken.

Yes, I'm here. I'm just building some groovy new scenarios for you poor bastards to suffer and die on. I have a mini-game available and am just putting the finishing touches to another couple. All my turns went out today, except to Keke and WhydoIbotherGoodale.

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Don't think for one minute just because I complimented some of you wankers in the PBEM post of honor thread I don't hold the whole lot of you beyond contempt! :mad:



Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Ok so I didn't get my turns out last night! You got a problem with that? :mad: Page 2? :mad: You maggots disgrace me!! :mad: :mad:


Well, holy shock horror. You didn't get your turns out. That must be by way of a calendar event. :rolleyes:

Goodale - are you, by any chance, a quadraplegic who has to do his turns by means of a small straw stuck to his forehead? This is the only possible explanation for:

a) Your pace of turn sending;

B) Your astonishing fliditude at actually playing the game.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Except, does anybody have an answer to my earlier post about PBEMs in progress and updating to 1.03?

Even if I knew it (which I don't), do you think I'd pass such information to you ? Have a guess or three.

OK OK, you still couldn't come up with the right answer. Didn't expect you to. I'll ease your pain: it is no . Maggot. :mad:

Turns sent to both mike_the_wino and Snarker . The tension mounts as I urge my brave pixel-troops towards favourable firing positions. It's a race, a race of who gets to kill his first German. The winner will get an extra serving of TNT after this is over.

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Well, you droolin' idjits forced me to use the search feature. Congratulations.

This is what I found:

"...from the Battlefront.com 1.02 download page:

Transferring PBEM files from Version 1.0 or Version 1.01 to Version 1.02:

1. In CMBB version 1.0 or 1.01, load the PBEM file. In an orders phase, save the pbem file as a saved game by clicking on the little SAVE button on the command bar at the bottom of the screen.

2. Repeat Step 1 for all pbem files you wish to convert.

3. Install the 1.02 patch (make sure you have already installed the 1.01 patch)

4. Open CMBB Version 1.02

5. Open the saved game file from step 1.

6. Choose Email as the startup option for the saved game.

7. Place your orders as you normally would in a PBEM, and press "GO"

8. Congratulations! You have now converted your pbem file.

9. Repeat as necessary for any other files you need to covert."

So, it can be done. I guess Paddington and I can start our game then.


Jas :mad: n

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Since the 1.03 is just a beta patch now, are you maggots going ahead and upgrading? I was planning on waiting for the actual release of the BFC-approved 1.03 patch. I think my game with MasterGoodale actually started out as a beta CMBO game, and we have converted software about 10 times. Both of us are stubborn, though. He refuses to surrender and to send turns, and I refuse to forget we have a game in progress. In a way it's kind of nice; every time I receive a turn from him it's like starting a brand new game. :D:D

Come on Goodale, we can finish this game before the end of the year. I'm hoping that means before the end of this year. :rolleyes: Paddington, where are you hiding? Are you becoming a Goodale clone? Watch out for the mold!

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ROTFL!! Beta CMBO!! Giant triangle trees and 15-foot tall pixeltrupen!

I'm waiting for the alpha 1.03 before I upgrade.

Snarker -- game on. And a setup to Paddington for our AAR game. I'll just have to remember to take screenshots after important turns.


Jas :mad: n

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I haven't forgot about you yet WHINER so you will be receiving a setup from me soon. :mad: DaveH you maggot-loving skunk-breeding slithering excuse for a bloated sack of cusk innards I will get my revenge! :mad: . . .and when I do it's going to be "beautiful". :mad:

All turns went out tonight. It appears I have a few sweet victories in my TNT-infested future you no good scum-licking scrotum lapping pouches of gonorhea puss :mad:

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