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Some conditions = first to move, first to die

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After trying quick battles in some of the more mobility-restricting weather conditions, my PBEM partner and I have concluded that some conditions favor the defender to the point where it is incredibly unbalanced. In snow, or deep mud, for example, units get so tired and advance so slowly that it is almost impossible to gain ground. Even on meeting engagements, each of us tries to grab terrain close to the flag ASAP, knowing that no flanking manuever or other more mobile strategy can succeed in such conditions.

How can we play in these conditions in a way that the defender isn't always the winner? I've tried adding ski troops for snow maps, but the skis disappear just as the men need mobility the most, when they are under fire. Has anyone experimented successfully with handicaps, different troop allotments or other methods of dealing with this imbalance?


Dr. Rosenrosen

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Use Move.

Advance only when the enemy might be close. Advance tires your troops faster. Use advance only to approach suspect sites, buildings or enemies.

Move. Hide. Rest. Move. Hide. Rest.

Repeat the above until you are close enough to engage.

Don't run or assault unless absolutely necessary.

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Good tactical suggestions. In terms of setting up the QB, a few ideas, to be used singly or in combination:

1. Give the attacker more time.

2. Play on a small map

3. Give the attacker a force boost.

4. Use the force boost to buy heavy arty and TRPs (not penalized by mud.)

5. And/or buy planes.

6. Give the attacker an experience boost (crack troops tire less quickly).

7. Provide sufficient cover.

8. Have plenty of MGs to support the advance at range.

9. Get some mortar FOs for smoke.

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Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

After trying quick battles in some of the more mobility-restricting weather conditions, my PBEM partner and I have concluded that some conditions favor the defender to the point where it is incredibly unbalanced. In snow, or deep mud, for example, units get so tired and advance so slowly that it is almost impossible to gain ground. Even on meeting engagements, each of us tries to grab terrain close to the flag ASAP, knowing that no flanking manuever or other more mobile strategy can succeed in such conditions.

How can we play in these conditions in a way that the defender isn't always the winner? I've tried adding ski troops for snow maps, but the skis disappear just as the men need mobility the most, when they are under fire. Has anyone experimented successfully with handicaps, different troop allotments or other methods of dealing with this imbalance?

I suggest making the length of the game longer like someone else suggested because quite frankly, battles in poor conditions always took a lot longer in real life. Use the move command as much as possible to avoid tiring your troops.

The attacker should use the the lack of mobility to his advantage because the defender will be constrained by the same mobility problems. For example if you pin point your attack in one small area then the defender will have a hard time repositioning his troops plug the hole. Obviously this will work better on medium to large maps where the visibility is low. The lack of visibility wont betray your attack until it hits his front line and by that time it's too late.

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Here is a basic primer on how you use poor mobility conditions against a defense.

1. Start by selecting some piece of the enemy position that you can partially isolate by fire lanes. There will be some backside you can't see, fine. But pick an area you can cut off laterally. Set MG fire bases and the like to sight along these cut off lanes, without having to leave your start line. It should be small. One artillery impact area will do nicely, two such areas wide in a pinch. Not larger.

2. Pick a position, preferably just one position, that completes the cutting off - the last "cut" of a fire lane that would isolate that enemy-held area. You don't have to own this position. But the closer by it is, the easier to get to in terms of cover or few defenders or obstacles, the better. You plan to put something with ranged firepower on this position, alive, and so complete the "cut". If at all possible, make it a platoon of tanks.

3. Plan the minimal attack you need to carry off to get the force assigned in step 2 to their goal location. (Don't confuse this with an "objective" - the flags have nothing to do with it). Alive. Minimal attack means, tanks can get there without being ambushed by infantry AT, overwatch can take out hidden guns sighted on the location, MGs that stop the scouts set ahead can be suppressed, etc. As much of it as possible at range from starting positions.

4. Execute the minimal attack. If it fails, call it a day, rather than throwing away your force fruitlessly and running up the enemy's score. If instead you manage to get the cut off force into its goal position, proceed to the remaining steps.

5. Probe the cut off location with absolutely minimal infantry forces. Than means a half squad. Not 2 half squads, not a platoon, a half squad. Meanwhile, overwatch this scout with your main body, all your FOs, etc. If there is nothing there, advance your main body and repeat the process (preferably tomorrow, after a good rest).

6. If there is something there and they blow up your half squad, call the artillery and blow that grid-square off of the map. Stand by with MGs at all lanes to massacre anybody who tries to run away through the mud and the snow. Shoot some more ammo into those blasted woods , topping off the indirect with all your mortar rounds, direct HE, and MG area fire if you feel like it. But not squad infantry - save them.

7. While the shelling is still going on, walk regular infantry toward the blasted woods . Move to contact - go to ground and wait for more blasting to transpire if you are shot at. When you aren't any more, proceed into the blasted wood and murder the (cowering) every-loving sons of ... Adam that made you do this to them in this freaking cold.

Repeat when everybody is warm once again and the ammo stockpiles have been replenished.

[ January 21, 2003, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: JasonC ]

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