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SZO Announces Upcoming CMBB Newbie Event

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"Seeing the Elephant" Tourney


Seeing the Elephant- A new/inexperienced player event.

This event is open to all registered SZO CM Ladder members with the following restrictions/requirements applying: (they are still subject to change).

Event Moderators have the final say in who plays in this event.

1. You consider yourself to be new to CM (CMBB will be the version played).

2. You consider yourself to be inexperienced at playing CM.

3. If inexperienced you'd like some “instruction” on how to play a better game.

4. You have played 5 or less “Ladder” games anywhere (and still feel inexperienced).

5. Your only opponent up to now has been the A.I.

Tutors will be provided for players to ask tactical or game play questions- but not questions concerning the scenario being played.

It is scheduled to begin in mid/late July.

There will be 4 games played and all will count on the SZO CM Ladder.

Anyone who believes that they qualify for this event should post below indicating that they would like to participate.

Check this link to the SZO forum about the "Elephant":


You can join the SZO ladder(required to participate in this unique tournament for new CM players) here:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Uber_Bob:

Noobie question: How do multiplayer games work in combat mission?


Bob, that is an Uber_Noobie question! I like it.

Assuming you're not sharing the computer with someone (e.g., playing a hotseat game), there are two methods to do multi-player:

(1) PBEM (play-by-email) in which players send turns back and forth to each other via e-mail until the game is over.

(2) TCP/IP (or Network) in which players connect to each other over a network and play in real-time.

The manuals provide good instructions on both processes and finding opponent is easy. You can find someone to play against in the Opponents Wanted forum or on another site such as Strategy Online, We Band of Brothers or the Blitz.

Once you start playing with a human rather than against the AI, you won't want to go back. smile.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

@ kawaiku: you can sign up for one of the many free web based email providers, such as Netscape (now owned by AOL) or Hotmail.

I use Netscape as a back-up for files both in Austin (where I have Road Runner) and Reno (where I have Charter). Of course I don't normally have a problem receiving and sending files from both, using Outlook or Outlook Express.

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