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The Peng Challenge Telethon for Australia: How Many Times Can You Just Look Away?

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I, sir (using the term extremely loosely), challenge you.

blah blah blah

Well, the fact that you want to challenge me is slightly amusing, somewhat offending but not at all witty. The rest of it was like reading Sir Nidans old posts all over again. Hmm... you haven't been sneaking peeks at old Peng threads, have you?

I find it appaling that the only thing you hamburgerquaffing* potheads can come up with to use for a taunting is my nationality. I think it shows a staggering lack of imagination and, well, wit.

Nope. Not enough panache, nor enough style. I suggest you allow your poor overtaxed bowels some rest over the night and try again in the morning. Perhaps you could try quaffing some burgers with an extra large helping of bovine feces.

I think you really could use that extra push!


* Only someone Brave living in the land of the Free could truly quaff a hamburger!

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I, sir (using the term extremely loosely), challenge you.

blah blah blah

Well, the fact that you want to challenge me is slightly amusing, somewhat offending but not at all witty. The rest of it was like reading Sir Nidans old posts all over again. Hmm... you haven't been sneaking peeks at old Peng threads, have you?

I find it appaling that the only thing you hamburgerquaffing* potheads can come up with to use for a taunting is my nationality. I think it shows a staggering lack of imagination and, well, wit.

Nope. Not enough panache, nor enough style. I suggest you allow your poor overtaxed bowels some rest over the night and try again in the morning. Perhaps you could try quaffing some burgers with an extra large helping of bovine feces.

I think you really could use that extra push!


* Only someone Brave living in the land of the Free could truly quaff a hamburger! </font>

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Now you see lads? Sir Real (spelt but not bolded) stands before you as a specimen of a Serf after my own heart AND a prime example of why I proposed him for that role.

Only a man who truly HONORS the concept of ... well ... HONOR can demand that another challenge him properly, with HONOR and in full accordance with the Code Duello.


If the cause of meeting be of such a nature that no apology or explanation can or will be received, the challenged takes his ground and calls on the challenger to proceed as he chooses. In such cases firing at pleasure is the usual practice, but may be varied by agreement.

Well, there you have it, in black and white. What could be more clear eh?

OBVIOUSLY Sir Real (spelt but not bolded) need not accept the unacceptable.

Well done Sir Real (spelt but not bolded), well done indeed, hold the feet of the swine (singular or plural at your pleasure) to the coals until they stand and deliver a PROPER challenge.


[ July 14, 2003, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by urefinger:

You should also aquire a rubberised carpet becuase we all know how messy one of your little "peng-reuninons" can get..... tongue.gif lol rofl lmao

BTW - v42, feel like a cmbb game + how's your cat?

urefinger, you've got mail.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now you see lads? HERE is an example of a Serf after my own heart AND a prime example of why I proposed him for that role.

Only a man who truly HONORS the concept of ... well ... HONOR can demand that another challenge him properly, with HONOR and in full accordance with the Code Duello.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />XXII.

If the cause of meeting be of such a nature that no apology or explanation can or will be received, the challenged takes his ground and calls on the

challenger to proceed as he chooses. In such cases firing at pleasure is the usual practice, but may be varied by agreement.

Well, there you have it, in black and white. What could be more clear eh?

OBVIOUSLY Sir Real (spelt but not bolded) need not accept the unacceptable.

Well done Sir Real (spelt but not bolded), well done indeed, hold the feet of the swine (singular or plural at your pleasure) to the coals until they stand and deliver a PROPER challenge.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I see, flee if you will you blackguard. I am a merciful master, and shall not pursue you.

snip some more yapping

Meeep Strrrriiiike TWO!

This is almost embarrassing. To think that once, I, too, was such as he is. An SSN. Unable to get a grip on how it's to be done. Unable to fathom what is wrong with the posts. Why the challenge isn't accepted.

Engie, don't be dejected. Eventually you'll manage to produce something good enough. Just think of that room full of monkeys that will eventually produce Macbeth*.

Since I feel empathy with you in your plight, I'll give you an honest hint: Trying the "you're afraid" or "I'm too good" approach isn't very insulting to me at all. Nor witty. And the amount of flair it shows is close to nil.


* Or a room full of dead monkeys.

[edited for typo]

[ July 14, 2003, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

... {snipped my OWN post because it doesn't belong a post under the name of this Serf Without HONOR ... or King Tigers.} ... baah, I smell sour grapes, (upset about the escape of a few King Tigers are we?) and send me the last turn of that abortion you call a scenario please. This is said with all due respect of course, oh great knight simpleton of MIT etc, etc, (it does get tiresome after a while doesn't it?)

Allow me to suggest, young NG cavscout (spelt but not bolded) that you follow the admittedly complicated and difficult task of actually checking your email. Were you to do so you might, you just MIGHT, find the turn labelled #15 (though with YOUR turn labelling procedures it could just as easily be called "Loch Ness Lives" or something). That being in hand ... pay attention now it gets MORE complicated, you could load the turn into CMBB and ... PLAY IT!

I know, I know, the blinding flash of comprehension CAN cause a large, painful red spot on the forehead ... it usually follows a slap with the open palm to the head and is immediately followed by a gasp of "Why didn't I think of that?" but then I don't have to explain THAT to you do I.


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A tactical victory ... that's all I got ... a crummy tactical victory from IL Be Seeing You. The miserable little swine (NG cavscout (spelt but not bolded) to be precise) actually got 650 some odd points OFF the bloody map!

Well ... I clearly have some revisions to make on THAT substandard scenario.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

(it does get tiresome after a while doesn't it?)

The cracks begin to appear, it seems the only possible new recruit of the CessPool is tiring of this mindless verbal swordfighting :eek: . Stay tuned for the next episode of "The Days of our CessPool" ;)
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Great and Grand master Shaw, thanks for the turn , I am sure that it was my mistake and not a sign of your approaching senility that it took so long to show up in my in box.

Sir Real, I am glad that you have standards, maybe not standards of hygiene, but standards none the less. By all means stick to your guns, assuming that your congenital lack of manual dexterity (damn opposable thumbs are so tricky aren't they?) allows you to use guns, and deny my challenge. Perhaps when your Absolut soaked brain is coherent again, and your lusts have finally been sated on the wandering flocks of Lemmings that are recently attracting your attention, (hey, can't blame you there, when they shake those hind quarters.. umm, nevermind, was that out loud?) then maybe we will meet again and contest on the field of honor. Until I meet your requirements as an opponent, or at least until you discover the joy of soap, I withdraw my challenge.

at least I did something against Shaw, my self esteem has rebounded at last!!! Even though it only amounted to dying at a slightly slower rate than usual.....

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Until I meet your requirements as an opponent, or at least until you discover the joy of soap, I withdraw my challenge.


Throw the soap at him and Challenge him to use it!!!

Sheesh, SSN’s these days...

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Until I meet your requirements as an opponent, or at least until you discover the joy of soap, I withdraw my challenge.

Oh no, you don't. You can't withdraw something that hasn't been presented.

Olde ones, am I being too harsh here? I recall my own foxhound chase until I finally downed Sir Nidan, but I'm not sure if such a brilliant feat of intellectual heroism can be reasonably expected from a SSN.

Should I show mercy on the poor sod, even though he hasn't made my ire come forth? Be lenient, even though he hasn't made me laugh out loud? Be caring and gentle, as perhaps only a serf is close enough to a SSN to feel empathy with it?

Do I give the little twittering chipmunkchasing salesman of post-natal abortion insurance a third chance?


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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Until I meet your requirements as an opponent, or at least until you discover the joy of soap, I withdraw my challenge.

Oh no, you don't. You can't withdraw something that hasn't been presented.

Olde ones, am I being too harsh here? I recall my own foxhound chase until I finally downed Sir Nidan, but I'm not sure if such a brilliant feat of intellectual heroism can be reasonably expected from a SSN.

Should I show mercy on the poor sod, even though he hasn't made my ire come forth? Be lenient, even though he hasn't made me laugh out loud? Be caring and gentle, as perhaps only a serf is close enough to a SSN to feel empathy with it?

Do I give the little twittering chipmunkchasing salesman of post-natal abortion insurance a third chance?

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Therefore, by the powers vested in me by the Olde Ones I hereby proclaim and announce that SirReal (spelt but not bolded), Serf of the CessPool, is now and shall be SQUIRE SirReal, Squire to the Shavian House and to Sir Joe Shaw, Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool.

<font color=maroon size=4>Congratulations, SirReal.

I wish you well in your endevour to become a model fart.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Therefore, by the powers vested in me by the Olde Ones I hereby proclaim and announce that SirReal (spelt but not bolded), Serf of the CessPool, is now and shall be SQUIRE SirReal, Squire to the Shavian House and to Sir Joe Shaw, Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool.


That does pose a bit of a problem, doesn’t it Shaw?

Sort of like Pissboy Lord, or MrSpkr, or...or Cabin Wench Queen.

Oh, wait a minute, it’s starting to work for me.

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Conclusion of AAR for the "scenario" IL be seeing you played against Joe Shaw

Well, this sordid tale finally draws to a close. The heroic, but immobilized King Tiger finally succumbed to the onslaught of Socialist airpower. But not before the gallant TC was slain by spalling armor, resulting in the grief stricken crew dropping their concentration for a crucial moment. They will be remembered.

My Wirblewind crew spotted a Soviet AT gun in some woods, and scouted it out. Retreating back to their hiding place after receiving fire from the copse of woods hiding the gun.

I never did receive the final file from Joe Shaw , but he says that I exited a humble 650 points of forces from the map, granting him a measly tactical victory.

Lessons learned,

be very careful in accepting "introductory scenarios" from strangers.

Soviet pilots are poor shots.

J. Shaw is rather senile and occasionally has to be prodded into sending a turn.

Swedes haven't quite discovered the joy of the shower, too engrossed in Ingmar Bergman films I guess.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Therefore, by the powers vested in me by the Olde Ones I hereby proclaim and announce that SirReal (spelt but not bolded), Serf of the CessPool, is now and shall be SQUIRE SirReal, Squire to the Shavian House and to Sir Joe Shaw, Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool.

Kneel lad ... and buff that right boot a bit, it seems to have lost a bit of it's gloss.

NOW ... go forth and slay me this Serf who has been claimed by the House of Ruin ... oppsie, sorry, House of rune.


Wow, I'm a bit awed. And before Sir Joe Shaw tells me this is right and proper, this is right and proper.

Well then. On behalf of my liege,


You have been chosen to be spitted upon the unmerciful spear of my wrath, and long shall be the days that you regret this!

Before long, your intestines will crumble up and hide behind your shrivelling liver in their pitiful attempts to escape my Red Horde! Your lungs will refuse to let you whimper in terror as the brutal insight of the inevitable falls upon your overloaded pitiful excuse of a mind!

Now, with that out of the way, be a good chap and send me a setup. 2000 points or less, with me as the all-conquering Red Horde and you as the boot-licking fascist invaders of other peoples property.


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Once, when I lived in that forlorn state known as Texas (alternatively referred to as Hell), I had a huge infestation of cockroaches. They were large and slightly annoying, until I learned they had no power over me whatsoever.

It seems we've lately had an infestation of mites upon our cockroaches. As if it matters.

We need more postings from the Ladies of the pool, for it is they that make this whole thing somewhat entertaining. Nothing like getting the heel of their boot to put things into perspective.

For the Ladies are the power and the glory (no matter how oft we repute it) forever and ever,


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Originally posted by SirReal:


You have been chosen to be spitted upon the unmerciful spear of my wrath, and long shall be the days that you regret this!

Well, that was rather homo erotic

Before long, your intestines will crumble up and hide behind your shrivelling liver in their pitiful attempts to escape my Red Horde! Your lungs will refuse to let you whimper in terror as the brutal insight of the inevitable falls upon your overloaded pitiful excuse of a mind!

such big words for such a small brain

Now, with that out of the way, be a good chap and send me a setup. 2000 points or less, with me as the all-conquering Red Horde and you as the boot-licking fascist invaders of other peoples property.

any preferences on battle type, year, force type, etc? attacker defender?

/SirReal [/QB]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Well, that was rather homo erotic

Yes, I thought you might like that. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

such big words for such a small brain

It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. (Or at least, that's what they want you to think)

any preferences on battle type, year, force type, etc? attacker defender?


Well, you can use a scenario of your choosing or start a QB. If using a QB, just make sure that the conditions are acceptable for the attacker (whoever it turns out to be). That means, no snow.

Year and force type is immaterial unless you are a gamey bastiche. And you don't want to be a gamey bastiche, right? If you feel insecure about this, have the QB generate random forces.


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Originally posted by urefinger:

You should also aquire a rubberised carpet becuase we all know how messy one of your little "peng-reuninons" can get..... tongue.gif lol rofl lmao

BTW - v42, feel like a cmbb game + how's your cat?

Urefinger, be advised that this thread and its like have rules of conduct as laid down by me and the other members of this thread itself. Your crossing the line my boy so you would be better off scaling back your involvement in this thread. If you continue in the same tone anbd language that your earlier posts used it could lead to your banishment from the forum itself. Are we clear?

Everyone in this particular thread is here to have fun, enjoy the game and pick good CLEAN fun at one another. Keep your posts above board, mature and itelligent and we will all get along fine. Cross the line and its my big size 15 boot your gonna run into.


[ July 14, 2003, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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