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Illume Rounds

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I don't care about the dynamic lighting thing. It could be accomplished by just changing the LOS for and area where the round has an effect. It doesn't have to be a fancy visual display of a flickering flare. I do understand BFC's decision-making process of saying the impact on game-play versus effort to code.

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Originally posted by Sgtgoody:

I hope this is included in the next rewrite. I know the Tiger crews used to use flares to great effect.

As do I. Dynamic lighting would allow the game to model a whole host things it can't currently deal with. It's certainly most important for night combat, but there would be effects in day combat as well. For example:

- Burning buildings lighting up a large area around them.

- Muzzle flashes revealing positions of units at distances much greater than they would normally be spottable at night/low light conditions (Especially true for big guns with a large signature)

- When the sun is low to the horizon (i.e, morning and late afternoon), tall objects (steep hills, buildings, trees, create 'shadow zones' on the lee side to the sun that offer some concealment. This is especially true for aerial spotting.

- A similar effect: A west-facing treeline in the late afternoon offers less concealment than usual because the sun comes in at a shallow angle and gets under the leaf canopy. The same is true for a east-facing treeline in the morning.

- Shilouhette effects for units on crests are also affected by time of day and position relative to the sun.

And I'm sure many more that others can think of. . .



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thewood --

Don't forget other effects, such as whether, how much and for how long the sudden light will affect the night-vision of anybody in the area. In addition, unless it's a billiard-table map and no vehicles or buildings are in the area, it won't all be lit up equally due to shadows. Will the light, for instance, illuminate that sneaky PIAT team crouching behind the building -- depending on the location and power of the flare in the sky and the angles involved, it might or might not.

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Please keep in mind that displaying flares visually is one thing, but keeping track of the host of LOS issues is another (and possibly bigger) problem that the engine cannot handle currently. Back-lighting, eye adjustment, shadows - all very important aspects to make the simulation behave at least somewhat like the real world, and that is quite some effort there. It's not only about lighting up a portion of the map... such visuals have nothing to do with the underlying combat simulation engine.


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Originally posted by Moon:

Please keep in mind that displaying flares visually is one thing, but keeping track of the host of LOS issues is another (and possibly bigger) problem that the engine cannot handle currently. Back-lighting, eye adjustment, shadows - all very important aspects to make the simulation behave at least somewhat like the real world, and that is quite some effort there. It's not only about lighting up a portion of the map... such visuals have nothing to do with the underlying combat simulation engine.


Yes, indeed! Eye candy like ominous shadows beside treelines and buildings, big flashies lighting up surrouding terrain when a gun fires and the romantic glow of a burning building bouncing off nearby walls is all very nice (and I certainly hope some of these goodies make it into the engine rewrite), but actually having the combat effects of such issues in the game is much more important to me.

I can also see how creating code to model such issues would be quite complex indeed. I have faith in the BFC team, though. The only reason I pine for even more features and realism in the game is that I'm so damn impressed with (and addicted to) the current product. :D

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