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Any AARs for "Stalingrad Pack" around? Getting clobbered on "Into the Void"

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Had a look around but no luck so far...

Decided to play the missions in order and can't get anything going on the 1st mission! (won't go into details as not to spoil the mission for others)

Thx for any help!

(Playing as Axis by the way)

[ June 21, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Scooby2003 ]

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Originally posted by Scooby2003:

Had a look around but no luck so far...

Decided to play the missions in order and can't get anything going on the 1st mission! (won't go into details as not to spoil the mission for others)

Thx for any help!

(Playing as Axis by the way)


Spoiler alert!

Split your forces. The PzGren plts go into the left and right woods as lookouts. FOs split in these locations, too. Target obvious areas and shift fire to delay it. A lone split squad scouts the first wood on a lone HT. Once secured, rush into the woods. Establish solid overwatch, scout towards the village. Stay there.

Once you have some decent HE chuckers, probe towards the hill. Keep the little wood between you and any tanks sent towards the woods. Either shell and probe or probe and shell.

Once you are sure the hill is clear, the little village is easy prey. Though it is not really a thorn in your side, it just takes a few turns and a few tanks to flatten it.

Then attack teh hill: You don't need to take the whole hill, just a save position for your tanks to fire from hull down. This conserves your grunts. I doubt you can clear the whole woods.

Don't know for sure, but those ATRs were pesky. Infantry first reduces the problem.

Some general tricks useful in this scen:

For the armor:

-There are only two speeds for a tank: Full speed and the halt for firing.

-Do not sit in the open with your tanks deciding what to do. Head for the nearest cover and make up your decisions there.

-Nicht kleckern, klotzen!

(Guderian IIRC)

Wait for reinforcements with decent HE blast before committing your light forces to more than very light recce. Read: Don't commit your PzII before the reinforcements arrive.

When the guns open up, they usually switch to HQs and crack troops (those units that cost more). If you have the crack PzII in decent cover or speeding around between cover, your other tanks can just sit there unharmed - as long as the crack PzII is in LOS of every gun. (Gamey trick :D )

Pinned guns tend to hide. Once they are silent, you can't target them. Set an armor covered arc and area fire them. Usually two turns of 75mm+ do the trick.

Hope this helps.


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You might also want to do a search on Into the Void in the Scenario Talk folder. I wrote a fairly long description of how I got a total victory (trying to avoid spoilers for the most part) a few months ago, but I'm not sure whether it was in a scenario specific thread or the general Stalingrad Pack thread.

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I played this as the Soviets in a PBEM. There is not a big margin for error on the German side.

I think the suggestions mentioned above (by the other Forum members) for the Germans are a good place to start.

This is a great scenario and shows just how good the Germans were, to be successful on the Eastern front. As the Soviet player I lost most of my force, but caused some casualties and prevented any German units from reaching the exits. (admittedly, in a few more turns, I would have had nothing much left and the Germans that were left would have been able to exit without much resistance).

I think this is one of the more challenging/fun combined arms scenarios around.



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Guest PondScum

I tried this one over the weekend, against the AI, and learnt the overwhelming value of patience...










In fact, I didn't send my infantry-carrying halftracks over the start line until halfway through the game! I used the initial 250/1 halftracks strictly as bait, to lure out enemy guns on the wooded hill. The infantry accompanied on foot with move-to-contact, trying to get close enough for better IDs. When fired on they'd take cover, but they'd be ok again by the end of the turn, and I'd give them a new order. The PzII's stayed behind (with a steep reverse slope to increase their armor angle) to take out guns in combination with the 81mm FO.

Only one of the 250/1 halftracks made it to the treeline alive, and at that point I knew (1) I wouldn't be able to get any infantry halftracks close to the woods without taking a lot of AT rifle fire for which I only had vague sound contacts, and (2) there was at least one gun in the hamlet on my flank (emphasized by a Stuka dropping a whacking great bomb there). I tackled the hamlet by zipping the FO over on a PzII to get LOS through the trees and flatten it. In the meantime I accumulated all my reinforcement tanks in the ditch halfway to the hill, and my halftracks behind the start line. The tanks took mortar fire, but buttoned up without loss.

Once the hamlet was suppressed I sent most of my tanks straight into the treeline, area-firing as they went, with one tank platoon + infantry wheeling right to capture the hamlet. At the cost of a tank commander I routed the AT rifles and accompanying infantry (although I got lucky with a couple of Molotovs...), and the survivors in the hamlet were also easy pickings.

Now, halfway through the game, I could finally bring out my infantry halftracks to capture the flags on the exposed ridge - the massed firepower of halftracks plus tanks didn't really give the defenders the chance to do much over than run or die. I peeked over the ridge to see... six T34's at the bridge. Oh, great.

I plotted the 105mm FO on them, set up my long-barrelled tanks on the reverse slope, and sent my short-barrelled tanks plus two platoons of infantry in halftracks on a sweeping run around to the right and in. This route was calculated to avoid LOS to the T34s as much as possible, using the scattered trees near the town (and a handy spreading fire in the wheatfield, I think from a strafing Stuka earlier in the game) to block their view. The tanks also fired smoke as they went, and I only lost one along the way.

My plan now was to button up the T34s using the artillery, then keep their attention using scoot-and-shoot from the ridge while I worked short-barrelled tanks and infantry towards their flanks. It finally worked, but there were some unpleasant surprises along the way. My PzIV langs died to the flak guns while taking out two T34s. The PzIII langs were tougher (possibly invulnerable on their reverse slope?), standing their ground while my mortar halftracks suppressed the guns and my 105mm FO switched aim to destroy them. One T34 reversed off the map whilst being hail-fired, and by now the other three were creeping forwards. Two fell to flanks shots from my short-barrelled tanks lying in ambush behind the scattered trees, and the third backed away. In the meantime my infantry, who had fought their way through the trees, assaulted into the buildings down the main street. It was now turn 41, and I had all except the large flag, but there was no way I was going to get close to that while the last T34 was there, let anyone get anything to the exit line in time. Thankfully, at that point the AI auto-surrendered...

The hardest scenario I've played against the AI in a long while, and also one of the most fun. Against a good human opponent I think it would be near-impossible, unless you got really lucky with the Stukas.

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Your're right. A human will park a 34 down in the gully by the ford. When you kill it there, it jams up the traffic going off the board something fierce. And a human won't normally let you kill enough to get the surrender either....

[ June 25, 2003, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: tabpub ]

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I gave it another spin after my post up there, now actually trying to play the scenario (first time I tried I just rolled forward with my recon detachment, roleplaying style, and they all got killed in two minutes. Then I stopped since I had to go fix a computer and felt unhappy my recce guys died from such a dastardly ambush).

It was a fierce fight against time for sure, you have to keep things rolling or push autosurrender and wish for the best, maybe the finest scenario I've yet to play vs the AI. The good qualities are almost too many to list if you want a short post.

Hey guys, you liked this, recommend me something else that is good?

I enjoyed Clash of the World's or some such from the Stalingrad Pack also, I found it terrific.

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Originally posted by tabpub:





Your're right. A human will park a 34 down in the gully by the ford. When you kill it there, it jams up the traffic going off the board something fierce. And a human won't normally let you kill enough to get the surrender either....

If I could make one change for this scenario I would put a medium bridge at the ford, with fording spots on either side of it, just in case some gamey bastich did manage to blow it up.


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