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T34 Flame tank question

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I just tested OT-34s and when they are in range they will use flame themselves but if you are giving them a target you have to give a "no" to using their main gun against the target. If you click "yes" to engaging the close target with the main gun then that is what the tank will do, instead of using the flamethrower.

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I have to say fighting against flame thrower tanks in low visibility conditions - quite scary since your AT assets can only see as far as the Flamethrower tanks can shoot....

(well that is the russian flamethrower tanks, I mean)

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OT-34s act like those CMAK/CMBO Churchilll Crocodiles. And sorta like sharpshooters too, now that I think of it. If you put them in a good position and leave them to make their own decisions they'll generally do a better job of it than if you direct the firing yourself.

...okay, maybe they just do a better job than when I'M ordering them around! ;)

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