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Jon Patrick

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Facsinating? It might be slightly interesting, but the difference between an old school Cavalry Gerbil, and a purely Infantry Gerbil, on either the Axis, or Allies side can only hold me for so long. Or the relationships between the Gerbils of different countries. Hardly the making of an epic tail.

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I've always had a lot of respect for the Italian Gerbils, if musolinni had let them do their jobs, it could have been an entirely different war. The american Gerbils, I was never a big fan, but then, what do i really know about Gerbilling, I'll bet it take a long time to get a good crop, right? Look at the British Gerbils.. they had been around for ever,in 1939 and even then they were looking kinda mangy. It just goes to show you, you never can tell.

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Okay, all this talk of gerbils and dead jazz musicians and irrelevant photos, none of it has done the trick.

I'm afraid there's only one way to get this Thread properly locked before the Trols return and start nibbling on the flag.

Someone needs to write the forbidden name.

The disagreeable task falls upon me:

L - U - C - K - Y ... eeerrrrrHHHH


There, I said it, I'm afraid I've caused this thing to be closed, sorry. :D

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... but Kennedy was your last grreat presedent.


It's... president.


What you say... is true.

Sad to admit, but,

Tremendously True.

Looking over the scruff-necked '04 pack,

And considering the dire

And reckless direction

USA is presently heedlessly headed,

Could be... :eek:

It will... ALWAYS be true.

Oh, for as far as the crying eye

can see.

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I'm warning all you fruitcakes to clean up your act. If you're going to post crap, at least try to be funny. If I read your post & get dumber, there's a problem.

"Have a take, & don't suck" --- Jim Rome in the Jungle.

There are some issues in this thread...mental issues. If I have to come back in here again, somebody is getting banned for at least a month.

Rambo reading,

Rambo deciding,

Rambo locking.


[ December 18, 2003, 01:52 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Enough troll gerbils.

Maybe we should spare a thought for the intellectuals who won WWII.

In particular, I nominate Julius Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Manhattan Project,

who built the first atomic bombs.

Nickname: “Oppy”

Command: an army of 5000 researchers.

Quote: "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”

Smeared: as a traitor in 1953 for having too many communist friends

and for talking about peace too much.

Verdict: not guilty.


Robert Oppenheimer observing work at the Trinity test site

I also nominate William Frederick Friedman, director of the American Signal

Intelligence Service, who broke the Japanese code “purple” and many others

between 1917 and 1956.

Trained: as a genetecist at Michigan State University

Command: six crptographers

Decrypted: on December 7th 1941,a message to Japan’s embassy,

ordering the ambassador to break off negotiations with the United States.

[ December 18, 2003, 03:03 AM: Message edited by: well-dressed gentleman ]

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Overnight and still no lock. Even after you mentioned the special word. Moon and the gang must be on holiday break.

I see chaos on the horizon. So continuing with the off topic. I have your official 2003 holiday season party approved non-secular joke.

A husband and wife are walking in red square. When they feel

something wet land on their faces.

The wife says; "Oooo it's snowing"

The husband; "No dear, it's definately raining"

They argue back and forth about whether it's snowing or raining.

Finally they see a local communist party official and decide to ask


"Comrade Rudolph? Is it snowing or is it raining?"

"It's definately raining" he replies.

Walking away the wife says; "I think he's wrong and it's snowing."

The husband looks her in the eyes and says; "Rudolph the Red knows

Rain dear!"


That should get it locked.

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Still not locked?

well if it hasn't been locked yet, how about some grammar lessons for trolls and future trolls.

I mean really, troll wannabes, nothing is more embarrassing than coming up with a big zinger, only to have everyone laugh at your poor command of your native language. Case in point: Master Offal. You're ENGLISH Master Offal, the language is named for your nation. How is it possible you are so miserable with it? I suggest getting a Webster's English to English Dictionary, and keeping it by your pool of sludge, in case someone ever drops a hammer on you again, and you get the sensation of thought again.

I have more, but I am checking my spelling currently, I'll post when I am satisifed with my grammatical display.

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Great take on Oppenheimer, one of history's martyrs. The early fifties were an era when Americans mistrusted intelectuals with a philosophical bent. He paid the price for the security failure's of others not even connected with his department!


Bravo, it's about time somebody got to the bottom of this nonsense -- Englishmen who can't speak, or at least can't write in -- their own language. What ever happened to Poor Professor Higgins who could tell within a few feet of where a man was raised by his pronunciation. It's a bloody shame it is!

Among the regular British members who have never been mistaken for trols, the best writing has been done by my friends CC Baxter and Archibald. And Archibald will have you know he's Scottish! So, I dare say if those esteemed gentlemen can communicate with us on a proper level, these deranged destructos should endeaver to do the same.

Trols, raise your standards or be gone!

[ December 18, 2003, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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It appears that nothing will get this Thread Locked, not my inane pictures, nor the forbidden name, nor even your off color reindeer joke. I fear our friend Moon is off picking flowers and listening to Mommas and Poppas 45s.

During the early 80s I had the pleaseure of knowing Johnny Marks, who wrote Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer. He was a terrible chess player who liked to hang around the Marshall Club in the Village, post-game kibitzing the really good players before wandering through the neighborhood to Washington Square, where he'd kibitz the speed chess hustlers. Everyone liked him. He looked and sounded like the movie director, John Huston.

I knew him a long time before I realized he wrote the song. People told me he had, but I thought it was an inside joke.

It wasn't till flicking channels one night that I saw him being interviewed by a guy named Joe Franklin, a New York TV institution since the earliest broadcast days who was himself an odd, vaguely comical character. Anyway, Marks sat there telling how nobody wanted to make a record of it till Bob Crosby -- Bing's bandleader brother -- chose it for the B side of a 78. Gene Autrey heard that recording and made a record of him itself, which became the big hit. When asked if he was still recording, he nodded and clicked off his other hits, numbers since the fifties like, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Rock! So, musically, he only had that one gem of inspiration.

What he really enjoyed doing was going to elementary schools around NYC, sitting at a piano, and playing songs for young kids to sing along with. I was priveledged to see him do this in person once and for half an hour I sat with a young lady teacher and envied the forty or so eight year olds gathered around this lively eighty-year old; Johnny had them in another world and he was the only adult allowed to go there.

He died a year or so later with only a second's footnote on most newsbroadcasts. I never heard him say anything that indicated he was world famous; he was one of the most modest and lovable persons I've ever known.

There are some people who should live forever, and Johnny was one of them.



Agreed about JFK. The weird thing is, I've always felt, and still feel, that Nixon should have won in 1960 and would -- at that time -- have made a great president. But as it turned out, Kennedy, despite his shortcomings and mistakes, did a fine job leading the country and we both remember the energy boost he gave us all after eight years of the laid back Eisenhower (an illusion, but nobody would know that for decades!) especially with him constanly convalescing for the last two.

Nixon received the raw end, he was the default president for those two years, but Ike never liked him and never missed an opportunity to send a smear in his direction. It isn't surprising he became so cynical and bitter by 1968, when his chance had finally come.

The Funny thing with JFK, is I remember thinking, after the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missle Crisis, how it was that the world wasn't already in ashes? He seemed to have a charmed life and I have to give my parents credit for saying Kruschev was a good and reasonable man or we'd have had WW III starting in the Caribean. It was the first time I'd ever heard anything good said about a Russian who wasn't dead a century!

[ December 18, 2003, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Having no idea who that reply is aimed at I'll take the liberty of answering.

It matters not to me whether you're British or Mongolian, I have no gripe with anyone of any race, nationality or religion; I only take offense when they start attacking something I care about. And even then I try to direct my remarks at the indicidual and not that person's country of origin.

If you'd made responsible postings in the first place nobody would have been attacking you. This latest posting seems rational enough, it's a shame the earlier ones weren't on the same level. If you make make resposible posts in the furture I'll treat you differently. Treating people in a hostile manner grates against my natural inclinations and I prefer getting along with people to being hostile with them. If you've read my earlier remarks about the people killed at the W. T. Towers you'll understand why I reacted with such anger at your backhanded remarks; in the same situation you would too.

I would not presume to judge your inteligence and never said you weren't; I only said your posts were ignorant, okay?

Regarding my own ignorance or inteligence, I wouldn't make any presumptions there either.

So, if all that is over, let's bury the hatchet.


[ December 18, 2003, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I'm not nearly as forgiving as Joe, Master Offal. You're earlier posts made wild accusatory statements about Americans. I don't mind wild accusatory posts, but i do mind people continually and mindlessly bashing the US for trying to do the right thing.

The funny thing is, I am not a real fan of american foreign policy, but this needed to be done, and no one else had the balls to step up and get the job done. Granted it, was a flawed plan but they did it, not just talked about it like all the rest of the Euro-pansies, or the Chinese, or even beloved Mother Canada. So they get full credit in my books.

[ December 19, 2003, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]

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