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Jon Patrick

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Why the "innocent" part?

What were they guilty of?

Over two thousand of them died within sight of me in a pair of buildings a spent years going in and out of, including when they were only 1/3 built.

I knew at least twenty of those "innocent" people.

-- Yes, there were covert activities traced to the World Trade Towers and a lot of other things that I very much doubt you have any idea of. We do not live in a fairy tale world.

I don't see anyone going into any rants against different nationalities here because the Admins have never tolerated it. And you seem to have a real hatred for Americans. Keep it to yourself.

If the remarks keep up I'll personally petition the Admins to ban you.

Normally I stick up for people, but YOU are starting to seem like a dark agenda who should spout your anti-American hatreds somewhere else.

[ December 13, 2003, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Pretty much I'm a complete lurker (one whole post so far), but, in all the inflamitory stuff I've seen here (granted, most has been humerousely personal from my outsider standpoint), Masterof...well, you can fill in the blank's comment has to have been the most blatantly insulting and disgusting post of all. "Innocent" he says. MasterofCalouseness, just for your info, those were real human beings who died, not just computer casualties. Why wait for him to post some more hatefull crap? Ban his ass now I say :mad:

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MasterOffal ( nicely put Gentleman)

It is possible 6000 Iraqis did die. And yes, I'll bet 99% were innocent, but as usual, America was out there doing the right thing, even though it was unpopular.

If you saw JJ beating his kids across the street would you not want to go over and stop him? I would, but sadly my country did not.

Your country did MasterOffal, as well. Something that it should be lauded for.

It is a sad, pathetic world, when the right things are subjugated to the popular things.

How many hundreds of 6000 innocent Iraqis did Saddam Hussien kill? Why aren't you bitching about him?

How many hundreds of 6000 innocent Kurds did Saddam Hussien kill? Why aren't you bothering him?

Why are you such a pathetic waste of muccous MasterOffal? :confused:

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well ok defenders of freedom and liberty if you are so rightess how come GEARGE BUSHES GRANDFATHER had $4bn invested in the Nazi regime?? oh and while we're on the subject, i cant help but notice you havnt invaded North Korea.... maybe because they actually have weopons of mass destruction? or the Saudi regime, bitterly kill and turture thousands of their own, but where would america get its oil from? ALso it is estemated that if America attacked Saudi Arabia, their economy would collapse completly due to the huge Saudi investment. You know Bill Gates could personally stop third world poverty at a net loss of 0.3% of the money in his bank. And ok not all those who died were innocent, i feel sorry for the fire fighters and cleaners who died but i have no sympathy for those discustingly rich fat cats. During world war 2 an average of 6,000 Britains died every night at the hight of the Blitz and yes i am gratefull to America for its role in WW2, but Kennedy was your last grreat presedent.

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Webster's Unabridged Dictionary:

Themasterofall (1) A senseless, imbecilic, agitative cyber nut with an irrational and uninformed bent against Americans. (2) An incredibly egotistical name chosen by someone with nothing to say and unfortunately insisting upon saying it in the most incomprehensible and absurd way. (3) syn, A Trol or some other annoying BF Member.


[ December 17, 2003, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Why thank you, that's very flattering. All it takes is a few acid trips a day for five or six years and a devotion to Miles Davis recordings -- anyhow, that's how I got here. miles%20davis.jpg

Miles, May he be swinging Cool and Free in that Great Celestial Jam Session.


With principal keyboard soloist and founding member, J. S. Bach.

-- Swing in Peace!


[ December 17, 2003, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I like Miles Davis.. but not that much.. and so far as acid.. I much prefer 'shrooms, much easier on my stomach, and less exciting. So I guess I am doomed to just be myself.

Well so long as i don't end up a slogan sputtering buffoon like Master Offal, things aren't that bad.

But, I do heerby formally and cordially relinquish the title of troll. I am just not cut out for that type of work... ( too many suspected brain cells is what i heard).

What's for lunch?

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Today's special is grilled Trol Terry-uccchhhiee!-- :eek:

To like Miles a little is great, a lot of people never understood him at all. Actually, he had many different styles. He said he was afraid to play ballads because he liked them too much!

Being what you are is fine; I never considered you a trol. It's good that those two bozos wandered in so we could see the genuine article again. :D

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This is so silly. I wish people would take off their blinders and see the big picture. The USA has made a lot of mistakes in the past, but so has every other major power since the dawn of recorded history. When this country steps off the leader stage, falls, or decideds that OUR poor, sick, and uneducated are more important than the rest of the world's, our citizens will get the chance to criticize whatever other country with high ideals decides that they can make a difference.

I would love a glimpse of what the world would be like if America was as evil as so many people claim they are. Maybe we would have constructed a big glass dome over our nation and nuked everyone else back into the stone age while our population sipped on a starbucks coffee and ate a Big Mac :D

A little back on topic, maybe we should have gone with the Patton plan and allowed the Nazis to fight with us Against the Soviets. Without that little thing known as the cold war we could have spent the money needed to build the glass dome and make everything run off of oxygen :D

[ December 17, 2003, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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I play quarters, and it is always interesting. This one time at band camp... Master Offal was laying face down... we all snuck up and stuffed the flautist up his ass, you would not believe the surprised look the flautist gave us, when she woke up.

Despite what you might have heard about me, I am actually an accomplished quarters football player.. I once went for for 4 games without giving up even one touchdown, everyone else in the public school was suitably impressed. smile.gif

Of course we were playing Canadian rules, you know wider longer field and only 3 downs, it's a whole other game you know... LOL tongue.gif

[ December 17, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]

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Precisely why so many historians have dedicated so much research to this underappreciated part of the war, and why it remains one of it's most fascinating areas of study.

"Where's Martin? We've got to get this place locked up before the Trols return!"


[ December 17, 2003, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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