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New PBEM Tournament Part II !


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Terry (Axis) vs. Reepicheep (Allies) - Late 1941:

(Yes- I got the date messed up in previous AAR's; I keep forgetting about it while playing my turns. Sorry about that!)

Russia is preparing for war, and should join next turn (think I got readiness wrong last report as well- I know it is 98% right now). Level-five German air fleets destroyed the US level-one air fleet that had just operated to Alexandria, though the level-five UK air fleets intercepted valiantly, and no doubt did immense damage. A level-two Italian air fleet was attacked next turn by a UK air fleet that had not participated in the fight; and another Italian air fleet intercepted. Neither enemy unit was killed, but I suspect both were damaged heavily. The Italian army near Alexandria was also attacked, and equal damage was traded.

All enemy units then moved away from Alexandria- UK interests in the eastern Mediterranean have been saved for the moment. I am looking forward to the MPP boost for the UK once Russia enters the war. smile.gif

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gavrok said--

No problem with the posting of turns if it's possible.....as long as any spectators dont helpfully point out the glaring opportunities missed by me
i dont think anyone would stoop quite that low, would they? as an example i submit for your viewing pleasure...my aar i played with jj regarding spain recently. if anybody was going to say " "now listen dork-boy, what are you doing moving all of your guys out of spain??!!"that would have been the time they would have said it! :D

now forget all the distractions...forget the millions of viewers awaiting each of your strokes on the keyboard....AND GO!

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I don't think anyone read it after we started putting the photos inside the URLs, which is a pity because there was a lot of great stuff in the second part.

Moving those units out of Spain would have been okay as long as they weren't lost and were also able to get back into their own country after France fell. You were still learning. That was your last learning game. From now on it is you who give the lessons.

Now you are a beast -- a BEAST !!


[ August 07, 2003, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I think the bigger risk is me missing glaring opportunities rather than spectators 'helpfully' pointing these out.

The way I see it is as follows;

1) people are too generous to critically analyse my errors

2) If there are people out there like that I plan to overload them with the wonderful tactic of committing so many error they'll get rsi with all the typing

3) forthcoming opponents will underestimate me and be very generous in the bidding phase.

Therefore there is no issue letting all view these battles despite the posibble erros I mai mace.

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Terry (Axis) vs. Reepicheep (Allies) - Late 1941/Early 1942?:

Barbarossa has begun! Germany, Italy, and Finland declared war on Russia; and Axis forces poured into the red frontier, overwhelming most of the border armies. Also, the Russian Baltic fleet was annihilated by the German navy.

Odessa held; and a hasty Russian defensive front was established, running from Riga to Odessa. The Germans have a significant technological advantage, by the way- level four infantry, and level five jets. Tanks are fairly even, I think.

Meanwhile, at Brest, an enemy rocket detachment was pounded by naval guns and airplanes, though little damage was done; and Commonwealth forces prepared to assault.

[ August 07, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Reepicheep ]

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Terry (Axis) vs. Reepicheep (Allies) - Late 1941/Early 1942?:

I'm still getting too caught up in the game to notice the date. redface.gif

A carrier was lost in the Atlantic due to an intercepting enemy air fleet- took a risk on attacking the rocket at Brest. I imagine the enemy air fleet took quite a hit, though- as the carrier was four-stripe and level-five jets, if only half-strength.

Naval bombardments continued on Brest, while a UK corps and the Canadian army landed and attacked a German corps. US transports lined the coast. (Much of the German navy has been spotted in the east Baltic near Russia, by the way.) Light enemy forces counter-attacked the intitial invasion, inflicting moderate damage. One US army landed, helping cut off Brest- and the rocket was knocked down to five-strength.

Meanwhile, Axis forces assaulted further into Russia, a single UK air fleet intercepting valiantly (and probably doing about 400 MPP's worth of damage in two turns). An enemy breakthrough was achieved near Odessa; but it was quickly contained. Odessa is almost cut off, however. Amazingly, a Russian level-zero air fleet went head-to-head with a level-five German jet in an unforeseen intercept against an enemy strategic bombing raid, and was not destroyed (and even did a bit of damage).

A Russian counter-attack along the front, primarily exploiting a large opening near Riga, will hopefully slow down the advance.

By the way, a probe near Tobruk revealed a German army garrison. And Italian ships were spotted headed for Gibraltar, and the Atlantic. Not all of the Kriegsmarine is in evidence near Russia, and it is suspected that some elements are steaming towards the invasion fleet as well.

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Terry (Axis) vs Reepicheep (Allies) - Christams 1941

Quick recap so far:

Campaign started on track with Denmark, Poland and the Low Countries taken turn 2. The French proved far more of a problem with Reepicheep mounting an aggressive forward defense backed up by Commonwealth Carriers and Infantry. German losses were 3 Armour and 3 (or 4) Infantry. The defence took me by surprise as I've only played a few games and normally the French 'run for the UK' at the first sign of trouble.

The Italians found the going easier - Greece quickly fell and a Commonwealth assault on the Italina Navy was aborted after early losses due to concentration of Italian airpower in the 'heel'.

The French resistance meant that the conquest of Vichy (2 turns) and Spain (4 or maybe 5 turns was slow). Another trick here (that i hadn't seen before but all you hardcases probably use) was transferring the garrison at Gibraltar (which was about to get creamed) over North Africa. This delayed me further as I couldn't leave a possibe easy entry point for the Yanks. I'll remember that for the future as it does but a turn!

In the meanwhile Norway was picked off and an airfleet for carrier exchange took place in the channel.

The Axis advance in North Africa was slow because of the allied tactics and the main hinderance was lack of long range aircraft. Tech investment of 3 had yielded nothing but hey thats the way the game goes! It wasn't really possible to take out the 3 airfleets the UK had there so it was left to destroying allied shipping except for the carrier. Big strategic flaw as UK has Iraq.

Barbarossa not stunning - the late entry gave 1800 to the Ruskies and the US already in the war. However, despite little geograhic movement the Russian casulties have been high and no Axis lost. UK and Free French operating in the Motherland and the less said about my luck against the UK and Russian airforce the better|!

At same time Allies launched mini D-Day against Brest using 4 US Inf, 1 Canadian Army and 1 UK Corp. Supportd by the usual 5-6 battleships and a carrier. The idea was a good one to divert Axis from Russia but probably too large for a raid and too little for an invasion. The Canadian, UK corp and 2 US Armies were lost, along with the Carrier and a destroyer. Axis losses were confined to an Italian destroyer that intcerpted.

Overall, I think the game is up for grabs at this point. Reepicheep has played a better Allied than I could and has bought time and Iraq; the UK and US have been bloodied and whittled to very little offensive power at this time.

BTW what date does this round end?

BTW the suggestion of 'viewable' playing is fine by me. It'll be like Pop Idol. Whose going to be Simon Caldwell?

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Terry (Axis) vs. Reepicheep (Allies) - Late 1942/Early 1943?:

We're around turn 84 or so in this game. The Russians have increased AT tech to level three, making for a stiffer defense. Axis air power on the East Front is still muted somewhat by the threat of level-five UK air fleets, making for slow, though steady, progress. The Russians have moved back to a second line. Four cities and a mine have now been lost, and I expect at least one more mine to fall shortly. No Axis units have yet been lost on the East Front.

Elsewhere, naval probes of enemy sectors have been generally repulsed, though an Italian battleship was sunk in the Atlantic- while a US battleship was lost. My UK Mediterranean carrier was nearly sunk by an Italian sub, but escaped.

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Rannug, Axis (real name Gunnar) beats Jollyguy in round II.

Briefly, I'll explain how the game played out, then offer my suggestions on improvements to balance the scenario.

Here's how the game played out:

Poland held on turn one, and I dow'ed the LCs on my first turn, but didn't take it, but did take it in turn two. We then fought in the LCs and France for an extended period, aided by two advances in French anti-tank. (this led to an observation that perhaps the French are lucky on research like the Italians seem to be, except you seldom get to see how the French do in normal 39 scenarios.) I put all my British research chits on jets.

I was able to evacuate all three French airfleets and an HQ to England, and after Paris fell set a trap around Brest, where by now I had level four jets which the Axis didn't know about, as I kept them out of action and fully reinforced when it was clear France was doomed. After Paris fell in late 40 or early 41 Gunnar moved numerous airfleets toward Brest, where I sprung my trap. I used my French airfleets for intercepts, and my level four fighters and carriers to finish off two of his airfleets. I then moved my jets around London to establish air control over France, and sold my jet chits and bought long range air.

Eventually Gunnar took Greece. I started creating intercepts over France in an attempt to bleed the Axis, so Gunnar had to move his airfleets out of range until his tech caught up. Alexandria held.

The game proceeded in this fashion until mid to late 41. I had been researching long range air for over a year, but never got another advance, but Gunnar did. This time it was his turn to turn the tables on me with a trap, and he took out two of my three British airfleets with his superior range. Russian readiness was inching up as he moved on Egypt. I evacuated all but one rear guard corp to Baghdad, giving me a Canadian and British Army down there, supported by the HQ evacuated from Greece, plus several corps.

Then, with Russian readiness climbing, Gunnar pulled a delayed Sea Lion, throwing everything into it. By now his Italians were also up to level four jets, and he simply pounded the British Isles. He was short on land units though, and had to use the Swedes to fill out his landing force. He landed around London, which triggered Russian and American entry the next turn.

I sent out corp scouts, and found both Bucharest and Stockholm un-garrisoned. He was able to garrison Bucharest, but not Stockholm, which I took. I sent the two Russian battleships toward Oslo, to delay his reinforcement of Scandanvia. However, the Brits were simply getting blasted by multiple advanced air units, while Beirut was also getting hit. I operated a Russian HQ and three units to Baghdad, and took out a couple Italian armies and stabalized that front, but by now the Italians were up to level five jets, and the Germans were beginning to press in Russia, and had been able to reinforce Norway. I was hoping the Swedes would surrender before he took Manchester, but they didn't, and he moved in. He also took out my two non-HQ supported US armies that I had landed in England in the process. I had no way to evict him from Manchester, so England would surrender eventually.

He had a substantial advantage in units and tech all across the board, including still sizeable German and Italian navies. That's when I called the game.

Suggestions for Game Balance:

I like this scenario. I would suggest these changes:

1) Increase Russian readiness to at least 20, perhaps the standard 30.

2) Set the Axis minors to random. This will force a delay in Axis attacking Spain.

3) Move enough Axis units that they can't hit the LC's effectively on turn one, and enough French units so they can. This will leave open a Dutch Gambit for the Allies, which IMO is crucial in slowing down the beefed up Axis.


All-in-all a good game, a good opponent, and a good scenario! My thanks to the organizers of this tourney. Playing these mods improves one's skill level, as you need to think outside the box and see the game from a broader strategical perspective, and how the changes effect gameplay.


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. . . And a great summation. Really enjoyed reading it. During the past few months, Gunnar has been teaching me a lot about playing the game.

Thanks for the suggestions, they are very useful. The reason the minor nations are set to historical is with some of the countries activated that are starting in this version the others won't enter at Random.

I've still go this version of the Z-Plan but have been developing another where Sweden, Yugoslavia and Greece do not start. The only minor activated is Iraq. It's Germany and Italy vs Poland, UK, France and Iraq. Both Germany and France have understegnth units near the Low Countries. U. S. A. is still at zero but the USSR is at 30%. disorder is playing the Axis against me in a PBEM League game and, as the Allies I believe this one, largely the result of input from the tournament and from e-mail suggestions, is a big improvement.

I'm not sure if I've sent it to you and, as you haven't got an e-mail envelope I can't do so now or I would. Even if I sent you an earlier version, please drop an e-mail and I'll send you the most recent scenario.

Anyone who'd like this update is invited to also send me an e-mail at:


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robotanim.gif DANGER! DANGER!

only 1 week left before round 3 will begin(semi-finals).

if you have a game that will not be decided by then.....IT'S TIME TO PUSH IT!

but we do have a back-up plan regarding games undecided. DrSmith7.jpg

Dr. Terif has graciously decided to look at any undecided games and decide the winners for us. WHAT A GUY! (applause!)

please post here (or e-mail terif directly) so games can be finished up.

unable to find the GANG OF THREE (or four) on the rules comittee, i have shot through a rule change (straight to the chicken) for the championship round. it will require a small program download for that round!! consider this a warning in advance. :D

only winner of round 2 i am aware of is RANNUG, as axis. should be 3 more winners.

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"...should be 3 more winners."

Just credit it to whoever has the Axis in those games. There, I said it and I'm glad I said it! tongue.gif

"But JJ, Doctor Smith says the scenario is balanced!"

That's your problem, kid, you listen to Dr. Smith too much!


[ August 24, 2003, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I think the Terry/Reep game will probably go to adjucation- Terry is on vacation, and I'm not yet ready to surrender yet. smile.gif

The Russian front is stabilizing somewhat, though the Siberians have not yet been transferred. The efforts of UK air fleets and US ground forces in Russia have had quite a bit to do with that.

Not sure I can stop the Axis, but I think there is a small possibility of it.

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i would like to concede my game against gavrok for i don't have time to finish it..

i'm really sorry to end it this way but i really don't have time.. anyway it was fun playing the tournamet and i wish my oponnent the best of luck in the next round.. the delays were mostly my fault so this is the only fair thing to do..

ok people have fun smile.gif

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If you want me to adjudicate your game:

Send me your last two moves (if possible) + passwords to my e-mail address in the profile.

Also tell me if you want me to post the adjudication here in the forum or not. If I hear nothing about this from you, I guess it is ok and I will post it here (+ send it to you via e-mail).

Good luck for your games, perhaps they can be decided in the last few hours smile.gif

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