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Archibald vs Rambo - AAR


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This is on a knife edge. Cairo's now down to one. My Italian transport in the Atlantic survived AGAIN!!! I now have an Italian and a German corps sitting on the Canadian coast about to debark.

Cairo's down to one, though he can reinforce back to five if he can afford to spare the MMPs. The Yugoslavs also surrendered this turn.

In Great Britain I killed a corps in Sussex. My air is now up to L2 - chucking all my French booty into jet research has paid off.

Amazingly, my panzergruppen has moved three hexes (one of them a mountain) and taken an unguarded Manchester. I don't know who's more surprised - me or the British. I might even pull this off yet.

[ January 13, 2003, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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This is UNBELIEVABLE. Out of supply tanks move across England, around my troops, no problem, what a joke. I banged the HQ down to strength-1 & the game allow him to reinforce upto strength-8? What the hell (heaven) is with the that? He has Manchester & Canada now.

I just killed the other HQ-Rundstedt. That tank move is soooooooo HUGE.

I'm still in shock seeing the Axis-minors roll Yugo by themselves.

What else? I can't get any readiness help.

USA 37%

Russia 60%

in July 1941 w/ Manchester in Axis hands! He's been on the Island for 4-turns!

When I play the Axis, Russia goes 55%, 65%, 72%, 80%, 88%, WAR, when I do nothing. It's been stuck on 60% for 5-turns!

[ January 13, 2003, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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June 22 1941 - I take Canada. The Yanks will go berserk immediately, but it knocks 30 MMP off British income. With Manchester gone and London cut off, they're now at 65 MMP a turn.

Russia still at 65% - perhaps because I've not taken London and I've not attacked a neutral since the Low Countries.

Cairo knocked down to two again. Every MMP will be precious for the Brits now. Italians also knocking 5 MMP a turn off Britain in the Med, leaving him with a net income of 60.

[ January 13, 2003, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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July 1941. I kill a British corps in Kent and knock another two down to half strength. He's bleeding to death. With only 66 MMP left after my Italian subs have finshed, it'll be all he can do to rebuild his existing corps.

Cairo's still holding out. The Russians and Americans are waking up, but at least I've got a solid line facing them. Still anxious though.

[ January 13, 2003, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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I'm a little frustrated. I'm playing a damn good Allies & that one-tank-move was sooo huge. It went from him being cut-off; to me being cut-off on the Island. This has been one of my best Allied plays too against a real opponent.

What's pissing me off is I've killed alot of Axis pieces.



at least 3-armies


half of dozen corps

all the German navy

1-italian navy, & banged heads with them

killed some italian ground units in France (army & corp)

Plus he has tech-2 jets after rebuilding 3-air units!!!!!!!

come on Russia!

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Sometime in July '41 I think. The Russians are in and have started pushing at Rumania and hitting my motley allied army on the Polish border. They've a transport on the Black Sea coast, but so far it's nothing I can't handle. He's sending Russian transports via the Baltic like there's no tomorrow.

In great Britain I knock out another corps around Surrey and start knocking down London. By the end of the turn the corps is at entrenchment zero and strength five. He can build another corps adjacent to London, but I think he's had it.

The US have joined, but I've three turns grace before they arrive.

The Spanish came in at the same time as the Russians. They 're moving towards Gib to start harassing the fully entrenched strength three air unit there. The battle of attrition round Cairo continues.

[ January 13, 2003, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Russians attack on the Romanian border. Can I get some dice rolls? I have HQ, 3-air, 2-armies, all supplies & under leadership. What do I get? 3-damaged air, 2-damaged armies, & what happens to the German corp sitting in the river? He goes to strength-8 after those 5-attacks! What a joke. I hate playing the Russians.

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Well the Russians took Copenhagen - I can live with that. More importantly I took London and the Brits surrendered.

Holding fine on the Ostfront. He's sent so much to try and save Britain that it's lost it's punch.

I forgot to move the Finns back again in all the excitement (I'd not mentioned that had I?) and the Soviets landed between most of them and Helsinki.

I can sweat it. the important thing is I took out the UK.

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September '41 - The hammer and sickle flies over Edinburgh Castle - for now.

His transports in the Baltic have gone into reverse and have cut off the Finnish port. Goodbye Finland...

The Americans are massing off Canada as expected, but it's served it's purpose.

Otherwise it's all a series of redeployments reinforcements and research, research, research.

[ January 14, 2003, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Yes, England is history. I made one-ground move error during SeaLion. I didn't think his tank had enough movement to take Manchester, so I left it empty to counter-attack. I made another ground-error regarding supply. I tried to cut of Manchester & his units, but when the turn switches, he would get the ZOC anyways.

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It's October, I think... He's evacuated Edinburgh and I've recaptured Copenhagen with the remainder of my air fleets.

Canada will fall this turn, but Finland is somehow still holding out.

He's slowly falling back in Byeloriussia and the Ukraine. He's trying to get me to come forward and lose my entrenchment so he can hit me. I'll wait till I'm ready.

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Finland and Canada are gone. My income is 505 MMp per turn for germany, and 125 MMp for Italy. even without Britain, the allies are still out producing me. Worse yet, the Soviets now have L2 aircraft.

I even the batting by declaring war on Vichy. I surround both Marseilles and Algiers so that that can only be reinforced to five. Having said that, can they be reinforced at all now Britain's gone?

[ January 13, 2003, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Vichy falls. With Britain gone, the minors can't be reinforced. That's interesting. smile.gif

My air fleets engage his around Riga and do some damage. I think he may be gearing up to invade Sweden. I advance the Ostfront by one whole hex. Wow!

[ January 13, 2003, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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08 feb '42 - It's turning into a race to snap up all the minors as I thought it would. He went for Sweden and took Stockholm with his usual efficiency. Surprisingly, the Swedes didn't throw the towel in.

A huge air battle developed over Riga as I try to knock the army garrisoning it out. My five L2 air fleets took on his five. I must have hurt him. The army goes down to three, but he holds. I straighten the German line to take in the hexes south and south west of Riga.

German income now up to 573, which is a lot better.

Norway next...

[ January 13, 2003, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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