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AAR "Limit" Game: Shaka (Axis) vs Oak (Allies)

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The drums of war sound once again.

Here are the House Rules for a "Limit" game. We are playing with Free French ON and Carriers.

Limit House Rules

Unit Limits

Nation ......... Air* ..... Ground**

Germany ....... 4 .......... 35

Italy ............. 2 .......... 08

British ........... 2 ......... 12 (1 less if Free French On)

French ........... 2 ......... 14

US ................ 2 ......... 16

Russia .......... 3 .......... 41

* Ground units are only Armies and Corps.

** Air units are only Air Fleets, not Strategic Bombers.

Standard Options except

Free French option Off

Optional, as still being worked on

UK Carriers are replaced by Battleships. An additional one (1) str point Strategic Bomber is given to UK.

PS... my compliments to Iron Ranger. You are correct, the Free French option should be off. I've tried it and it works. However, I still have a hard time getting around your Siberian Transfer option. We will see.

Based on additional analysis, the US totals will be reduced to twelve (12) at a later point.

[ August 10, 2003, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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September 3, 1939 ... Italy 65%, US 0%, Russia 30%

Army Group West has been formed on the border with Benelux (aka Low Countries). Rundstedt is in command of XIX and XVI Panzers, XII and XI Corps. Luft IV and II are available for support.

Army Group East, under Bock, has opened hostilies against Poland. 4th, 3rd and 8th Armies (Ge), with Luft I and II support have overrun Pomorze Army on the border. VII Corps (Ge) attacks Modlin Corps, causing 2 damage, none in return. 10th and 14th Army (Ge) attack Lodz Army, causing 7 damage, each taking 2 in return. VIII Corps (Ge) attacks Krakow Corp, causing 3 damage, 1 in return. II Corps (Ge) trips over the river and bumps into Lodz Army.

German submarines in the Atlantic proceed to sink British merchantmen (26 MPPs). Canada DoWs against Germany in support of United Kingdom.

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Sept. 17, '39

Italy: 71%; USA -7%; USSR 30%

Axis does not DOW Denmark; Allies DOW Ireland.

Interestingly, Axis moves 2 tanks + Rundstedt west while keeping 1 air in the east to attack Poland.

Allied fleet goes sub hunting and attacks Dublin. Polish troops surround Warsaw while Polish air attacks Bock.

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October 1, 1939 ... Italy 71%, US 0%, Russia 35%

Army Group West rolls over Benelux, XI Corps (Ge) races for French border. Newly transferred Army from the East is left to take the Benelux surrender.

Army Group East eliminates a Polish Corps and Army outside of Warsaw. Three (3) Polish units left, one is in Warsaw, one North and one South. And the Polish Air.

German submarines in Atlantic sink British merchantmen (18 MPPs). Irish receive no help from Germany.

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This game, Shaka seems to be focused on taking France quickly. He continues to move more forces west while making good gains against the Polish forces. Poland is down to 3 corps and an air fleet (that attacks Bock again).

One German sub is found and attacked (down to 3 strength). Dublin is attacked. French move armies up to the LC border to face 2 tanks, an army and a bunch of corps.

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October 29, 1939 ... Italy 76%, US 0%, Russia 35%

Army Group West, with Luft support, eliminates a French Army. XI Corps (Ge) leads a race down the French coast, ending up 100 miles Northeast of Paris.

Army Group East eliminates another Polish Corp, Warsaw is almost completly surrounded.

German subs in the Atlantic continue to sink British merchant ships (13 MPPs).

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1st German sub is sunk; 2nd is attacked but dives to avoid destruction.

French troops abandon the Maginot line to form a defensive circle around Paris. And, the Axis reinforce the Dublin corp.

This game is starting off very different from the previous one. The Axis are making a strong push on France, as well as Poland. Both attacks are going well and France will fall much faster than the previous game. So far, no DOW on Denmark.

Also, the Allied air fleets are no where to be seen and have not been intercepting German air attacks on France.

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November 26, 1939 ... Italy 76%, US 0%, Russia 35%

French defensive lines collapse and some units flee to England while others defend Paris. Army Group West probe along the coastline was successful in pulling units away from Paris front, but resulting front line attacks by two (2) Panzers, one (1) Army and two (2) Luft still see French defenders (str 1).

Army Group East eliminates the Warsaw defenders and the last of the Polish Air. Poland surrenders.

Lost contact with one German sub pack while the second has been pinned against the US coastline.

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The 2nd Atlantic sub is sunk.

Dublin corp is knocked down to 3 (by carriers, BB and air) after being reinforced to 8.

Defense around Paris is tightened. Germany knocked an army down to 1. It was pulled back and replaced by an army at strength 8. Things are looking bad for the French.

As Shaka will have, no doubt, noticed from the Report, one reason for the weaker defense of France is that I decided not to disband the French air fleet and use the MPP to buy corps.

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January 7, 1940 Italy 81%, US 0%, Russia 35%

Army Group West sends XXII Corps (Ge), XVI Panzers (Ge) and XI Corps (Ge) in an encirclement of Paris. Captured within the pocket are six or seven French Corps. The French replacement frontline Army was eliminated in combat.

The second and last German sub pack in the Atlantic has failed to report in.

[ August 11, 2003, 03:58 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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Feb. 4

Germany surrounds Paris, with a German tank and corp moving to the west to cut off further retreats. They also kill another French army. A newly built Rommel HQ is spotted.

The UK kills the Dublin corps and takes Ireland. The Allied air continues to stay far from the action in France.

The French attack the Rundstedt HQ (with minimal damage inflicted) and build a corp to strengthen the Paris defense. I debated whether to build the new corp in Brest (to be evacuated to England and become Free French) or next to Paris (to strengthen its defense). I chose the latter.

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March 3, 1940 ... Italy 85%, US 7%, Russia 40%

XXIII Corps (Ge) captures Bordeaux. XI Corps (Ge) meets resistance in Brest from the 1st Army (Canadians). Two (2) French Corps North and Northeast of Paris are overrun. Paris itself attacked and has three (3) Corps defending, South, Southwest and Southeast of Paris. Paris is defended by an Army.

DoW upon Denmark, followed by naval bombardment of the Danish defenders.

[ August 11, 2003, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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March 17

A German corps moves next to Brest (occupied by the Canadian army). The corps is then vaporized by the Allies, attacking with 2 carriers, a bomber and 2 Allied ships (1 British battleship and 1 French cruiser).

The 3 French corps defending Paris, in a fit of passion, abandon their posts to attack the Rommel HQ (knocking it down to 8) and a nearby German corps (no damage caused).

Italy joins the Axis.

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March 31, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 40%

While the French press may describe the attacks by some French Corps as "a fit of passion", it may be more appropriate to describe them as "drunks who tripped over Rommels HQ".

Army Group West uses VII and XII Corps to penetrate the Paris fortifications. XVI Panzers and 8th Army use the assualt lanes created to overwhelm the Paris defenders. 4th Army enters Paris and hits a defending French Corps from the flank, while 8th Corps and XIX Panzers hit them from the front. France falls.

XI Corps (Ge) is shattered by naval and air strikes outside Brest.

3rd Army and naval gunfire pound the Danish Corps, but they are still holding on (str 1).

Italy joins the Axis alliance and enters Marseilles and Toulon.

[ August 11, 2003, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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April 14

France falls early, and things are quiet after the Fall.

Italian corps in Sicily moves south to spot the Free French air in Malta. The air in Malta then tries to attack the Italian sub, which dives.

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A general observation: This game is going very differently from the previous one between Shaka of Carthage and myself. Shaka has gone to great lengths to avoid the long delays in taking France and Poland that he encountered in the last game. Also, he has avoided the extensive battle over and around Brest that was a key feature of the previous game, and seems to be moving on Egypt early rather than late. Shaka seems to have learned from his mistakes, although I'm hoping that he will make some new ones smile.gif

At the same time, I have decided to keep the French air (putting it in Malta) and to have the Allied air harass the Axis far less early in the game. This will allow the UK to spend more in the early stages on building and researching, as compared to reinforcing.

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June 16, 1940 ...US 14%, Russia 45%

Norway has become a protectorate of Germany. 8th, 10th Armies and I Nordic Corps enter Oslo to assume thier new duties.

6th Army (Ge) supported by Luft, engages 1st Army (Can) for control of Brest.

Italian Navy probing Egypt has found two (2) UK Corps, Air unit and a Strategic Bomber around Alexandria.

Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).

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Allied air strikes back at the Axis this turn. UK air in England attacks the German army next to Brest, knocking it down to 8. The French air in Malta attacks the Italian corps in Sicily (both take a hit) and the bomber & air fleet in Alexandria attack the Vittorio Venetu battleship, knocking it down to 1 (why can't I ever finish off these Italian battleships?)

Italian transports spotted swarming into the eastern Med.

And, I shouldn't forget to mention that a UK corps unloaded into Bergen.

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June 30, 1940 ... US 14%, Russia 45%

Bergen (Norway) invaded by XXX Corps (UK).

6th Army (Ge) with Luft support, reduced Brest defenders, 1st Army (Can), to 1 str.

Italian Navy bombard Malta Air located east of Alexandria. Alexandria itself has a strategic bomber, west of Alexiandria is Gibrilater Corps (UK), and east of Malta Air is XIII Corps (UK). Syrian Corps (FF) is NE of Suez. XXIV Corps (Itl) north of Suez in transports, 10th Army (Itl) N, NW of Suez in transports and 5th Army (Itl) in transports in reserve. Vittorio Venetio BBBG (1str) retreats for repairs.

Italian submarines sink British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).

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