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AAR [ISCL] - Hall of Fame Classic : Rambo vs Condor (RAMBO WINS)


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Spring 1942 --- Game is saved

- Not alot of combat, mostly build-up by both sides. Germans have retreated to natural boundaries.

- German DOW on the Swiss. US Troops march from the LC to take shot on the Italian infantry. German LF is most likely in the center of the board, no intercepts.

- Western Allies have LC, Paris, French mine, & the West side of the Rhine. Naval units sail towards Brest in numbers. Italian navy last spotted sniffing Canada.

- UK has 4-carriers. US Air Force covering the LC/English Channel.

- Russians have reclaimed all their land with German withdraw.

- Communist Russia also headcracked Finland.

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- Legend continues to slam the Nazis with large amounts of Russian Air. All those turns of saving MMPs suddenly getting drained by both sides.

- Western Allies begin pinging Brest. Italian Navy steps out to meet me there. German Navy was sunk back in the old days when I controlled the LC.

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1943 ---

- Game is a slugfest in Russia. Germans send the kitchen sink, & sting the Russians. I lost 3-Air, & got a bunch of other stuff damaged. The Reds back off to Riga.

- Western Allies land in Brest again. Italian Navy does not exist. Killed LF Nazi flyer near Paris. Resistance in France looking weak again.

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I cant do many things, always way behind in tech. Russian&USA with AT level 4 and im not even catching up. Russian got jets level 4 first and took Sweden, as soon as i got jets level 4 and managed to get Paris again i employed 10 AFs in the russian front, 10 vs 10 dogfight and i killed 3 of his AFs with no casualties. Now russian troops are retreating and the allies prepare another invasion in the west. I will let em be till, my AFs wont fight in a long time.

I think its time to reconsider tech limits as long as no patch is in the way. Its obvious that old strategy AT+swarm of armies is the optimum. Tanks became useless and rockets too.

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Game ended Autumn 1943.

1) Russians more getting dinged up in the South, but still held their land. AT+4 made it tough for Fritz to get many kills on my units.

2) Fritz did counter strong against the Motherland, but lacking MMPs, couldn't get the Nazi war maching rolling.

3) Western Allies had France under control & Spain was dropping next.

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