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According to our latest power rating we could also make a rating for certain sequences during FW for each active player.

France campagne (allied side)

1. Zapp

2. Avatar

3. Rambo

4. Terif

5. Sombra

6. Hellraiser

7. Liam

Short note: This rating is who causes me the most losses and troubles during france. The problem with Zapp defence is that you have almost won when you get france whilst Terif save alot of units. So this rating is not an absolute rating but only values the french campagne itsself.

French campagne (axis side)

1. Terif

2. Rambo

3. Avatar

4. Sombra

5. Zapp

6. Hellraiser

7. Liam

Pre-Barbarossa phase (allied)

1. Terif

2. Avatar

3. Rambo

4. Zapp

5. Sombra

6. Liam

7. Hellraiser

Pre-Barbarossa phase (axis)

1. Terif

2. Rambo

3. Avatar

4. Sombra

5. Zapp

6. Hellraiser

7. Liam

Barbarossa (only axis side)

1. Terif

2. Avatar

3. Zapp

4. Sombra

5. Liam

6. Rambo

7. Hellraiser

Midgame to Endgamephase (axis)

1. Terif

2. Rambo

3. Zapp

4. Avatar

5. Sombra

6. Liam

7. Hellraiser

Midgame to Engamephase (allied)

1. Terif

2. Zapp

3. Avatar

4. Rambo

5. Sombra

6. Liam

7. Hellraiser

Ok these are my votes dont be pissed with me :D

I did not like to rate myself. ;)

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Different players are definitely better at certain periods of the game, also dependant on the side.

I don't really like rankings though, because they're like IQ tests; they're not very reliable/accurate sometimes. In any case, I was suprised to see me so high in all fields. Given that my IQ ranges from 120-160 depending on the test I take, I see nothing here to brag about.

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Avatar is so damn right.

I, for example perform quite bad during the late game phase > mid 1942.

This is because I do not have enough experience in long games. Recently I lost a game to Sombra after playing almost flawless the axis standard strategy.

Mistakes like allowing partisans to f*ck up my supply lines in Russia and a VERY bad timing of troops redeployment to face the western threat made me lose a game that was 99.9% mine. Sigh ...

I need longer games, really...

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A lot depends on what strategy you're using and how everything else falls into place. I seem to detect at times when a player is having a bad streak. Or they're just not focusing like usual.. Maybe they've yet to adapt to new strategies or maybe they're just unlucky with a few old ones.<need modifications then I suppose????>

If Poland doesn't end early enough and Denmark isn't taken quickly then France will proceed slowly. Plus if LC doesn't fall you can hang it up... So you've a lot of little factors.

Alternatively if You're Allied, if you can't get the 2 Entrenchment and a little luck Delaying the Axis, 5-6 Air and Manstein is Formidable. You're delaying effect has to be to June at least and you can't lose too too much as UK will be under threat. Ireland is a bad option for Longterm Allied Play...<I just started playing Allied dedicated 2 weeks ago>

Different strategies in different hands.. Last night I played a game against Rambo and I performed quite well not losing a single German Unit<1 corps correction> knocking out Paris around July and after I didn't really aim at Barbarossa the way I should've. I sent in enough armor and Armies to be repelled almost by the 3rd turn I was in full retreat. 6-7 Vital Axis Units sat banging Brest while the Main Theatre for that "moment" was being ignored. Simple Errors... I could've easily killed all of the Russian Armor and Frontline Units and still had Portugal/Iraqi/Greek Plunder to invest plus 10 Corps/Italian Navy/weakened UK Navy/etc... for Western Coast Defense Often players succumb to errors and it requires constant play to reinforce what to do and what not to do. I believe a person should learn from errors.. The best way... SO many times I've relocated a Unit off the Russian Border and lost a game. That extra 2 or 3 Turns meant a lot!!! The little things you can live without but the ones. Last Night I finished up with Terif, losing a Carrier I lost the will to fight. Plus his Axis vs my Allied is really really painful in the CookieCutter Phaze. I knew better than to toy with him, but I kept trying to feeling as if I was playing another player but I forget, HEY<!> this is Terif, adjust!!! It's hard sometimes though... Good to play many players, or you get settled to easily.

It's hard to not take Paris, if you really know what you're doing. I've found that the Key lately is the HQ and letting the Allies attempt to trick you and steal things.. Make them pay be ready with counterpunches.. You can leave France till Sept or Oct and win. I've done it vs Rambo and other players

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