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Only Yoda would know! Low Country recapture bumps Italian readiness!!!!

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3 years later & Terif still knows more smile.gif

If the Allies capture Brussells (liberate it), & then the Axis recapture it, Italian readiness increases!!!

Did anybody honestly know this? I sure didn't, never seemed like a factor. YodaTerif baited me into take Brussells! RAI lost to this, ouch! Well, it didn't mean I was going to win, just meant I would lose, that sucks.

-Darth Legend

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This is just basic stuff that is written in many help threads for new players and known since the beginning of SC - but with time some players obviously forget some things from the early days again ;) .

Every surrendered nation gives 5% readiness to Italy - this is no secret and nothing a veteran should surprise ;) -, that´s why it raises from 65% to 80% after Poland, LC and Denmark have surrendered (3x5) smile.gif .

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Originally posted by Terif:

This is just basic stuff that is written in many help threads for new players and known since the beginning of SC - but with time some players obviously forget some things from the early days again ;) .

Every surrendered nation gives 5% readiness to Italy - this is no secret and nothing a veteran should surprise ;) -, that´s why it raises from 65% to 80% after Poland, LC and Denmark have surrendered (3x5) smile.gif .

So, if it is basic then where is your mandatory link that u use to do? Where can I read that the 5% can be repeated time after time and that it is not a one time event?

You write topics on "help for the beginner/immediate players" but keep the expert tips for beating up players like Rambo and other experts. Then after u have used the trick, u post it in your "help for beginner/intermediate" topics to get credit.

Normally (to proof a point) u use to write like this:

This can be shown here http://www.yodatips.com

and that can be shown here




[ May 30, 2005, 05:06 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Simply go to the first page of the Battlefront forum and have a look at:

"! FAQ/Strategy & Tips/Suggestions: NEW PLAYERS PLEASE READ "

Even there it is mentioned and I remember several other threads where it is mentioned too - many players even use it to bring in Italy sooner by attacking Norway/Sweden first...So if new/intermediate players know this, then Veterans have no excuse not knowing it except the laziness to read threads for new players or their age... :D .

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Terif, u must think i am stupid or something.

Everyone knows that surrendering nations give +5% Italy. That was not the point.

The point was, could u get 5+5+5+5 retaking the same country over and over again?

The answer is YES, and THAT we did not know.

Don't pretend like u do not understand. You beat Rambo in a game with this knowledge and still act like you do not understand what we are talking about? Rubbish!

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Bugs HAVE to be revealed to keep the game honest IMHO. But certain legit moves/tips/tricks/strategies a certain player knows...well...the others will have to discover them through experience...playing against that certain guy, right? smile.gif

I am sorry Zapp but you are not 100% right here - we all know that not the DOW itself raises the percentage of Italy's readiness but actually capturing that minor. Re-capturing LC is, well...a sort of LC capturing smile.gif

Yes, Terif could have pointed out this but no one can blame him for not doing it, since it is not a bug.

I wonder what another player would do if he discovered let's say a game breaking strategy/move/trick - would that guy have informed Terif or actually would have tried to beat him using that? Try to be honest when answering to this to yourselves, guys :D

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Ok, the boundary between strategy and flaw is not so sharp sometimes.

Say, I whine about this 5+5+5 recapture thing. In worst case that makes me a whiner.

But, what about the definition of "lying"?

Lying is when u say something despite knowing that it cannot be true.

If i come here complaining (or whining) and Terif say "Even there it is mentioned and I remember several other threads where it is mentioned too" depite knowing it is not, then he is either VERY stupid (for not understanding what this topic and all the replies is about) or he is lying.

[ May 30, 2005, 05:41 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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You are pushing it too far, Zapp.

This thread is not about your forever-fight with Terif, it is about discussing the implication of a certain move/strategy.

Admittedly Terif kept this trick for himself. So what? Is it a confirmed bug? No. Every player has the option of sharing his strategies or not. Well if he is a bug-abuser, yes he is to blame, but this is not the case.

Just admit he is the best because he put so many time and patience in studying every game aspect - why on earth would he be compelled to share with every player his findings? Maybe these tricks are his trumps and he has all the right in the world to use his trumps. Ppl will learn his tricks the hard way - they will lose a game to this trick, maybe - so what? The guy has over 1k games played so far - plenty of time to search for cool tricks, eh?

Remember a long time ago he put a nice begginers' FAQ on this site. Basic stuff, just to help ppl start with the game. Not advanced strategic or tactical tips - after all it is the joy of every player to discover them thru experience. Once in a while he reveals a nice move/strategy/tip on this forum. And I can confirm that if you ask him about a specific move/attack sequence/whatever in private, he will definitely help you.

I can understand that this guy is the prize of every SC-er alive. What I do not understand is why ppl keep trying to come up with lame excuses for not being able to beat him.

And you're trying to say that he is either a liar or a bug-abuser or whatever - give me a f*cking break!!! Does he have to babysit everyone?

Zapp, come to your senses - the fact that 90% of the players NEVER encountered this situation (or maybe we did but it slipped unnoticed) does not make Terif a jerk you're trying to present here.

And btw, did you answer to my 'rhetorical' question? I guess not. I will remind that:

"I wonder what another player would do if he discovered let's say a game breaking strategy/move/trick - would that guy have informed Terif or actually would have tried to beat him using that? Try to be honest when answering to this to yourselves, guys..."

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What is wrong with the world today?

Why is lying so highly acceptable and why does ppl don't recognize a lie?

Has the 20th Century Politics and Politicians changed the word now meaning "Lying means that you describe the truth in a different way"? :rolleyes:

So, I might have whined a little, does that justify lying?

[ May 30, 2005, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Hellraiser. The day Rambo and I discovered in a game something wrong about London interceptions we found out about the AA-Bug.


That day we told the whole world about it, wrote it here on forum.

Likeweise, the old general interception flaws I told about right away


and the carrier vs air interception flaw still there after 1.06 patch


I said also, maybe I am whining here. So be it.

Does the bible say, "Whining is a Sin"?

The topic name was clear, Rambo's initial post was clear. Terif's answer was not a lie???

[ May 30, 2005, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Was it a lie?

The fact that you and Terif interpret a certain rule more strictly or more relaxed doesn't make you a dumbass or Terif a liar.

Every surrendered nation gives 5% readiness to Italy

I guess you can find this in many thread over this forum smile.gif

Unless the game developer confirms that this recapturing thing is a bug, it is and will be a legit trick. There maybe more non-bugged tricks in this game that Yoda and perhaps others know about - this doesn't make them liars/jers/whatever, by any means.

You still did not answer to that question of mine smile.gif

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Hellraiser. I indirectly answered your question by saying that I right away revealed things that I thought was gamey. If you with "another player" mean "is there anyone out there that could have kept it for himself" then I ofcourse answer Yes.

However, things as rounded odds, HQ support, tech strategies and stuff I do not feel obligated to "reveal" since that knowledge is spread everywhere. A distinction between hidden gamey tricks and betwen common known moves is not always easy to make, so perhaps I am whining.

"Every surrendered nation". If Axis has LC (retaken x times), Poland and Denmark, how many surrendered nations does Germany have? 3

HR, would YOU assume this meant u can repeat it to gain +5 several times for same nation? You answer that smile.gif

What about the Plunder? Should u not get plunder twice too? :D

[ May 30, 2005, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Hellraiser it makes no sense to discuss ....there will always be the same answers and outcome. Nothing changed since 2004.

Other ppl dont have a cooperation like we and some other players have. We also shared our ideas and strategies and learned to counter certain strategies in common training lessions.....leading to far better games between us.

For some guys here in battlefront competition is first priority, to kick ones ass either by playing or if not possible by arguments....leading to always the same topics and same kind of discussions. I did not involve in this kind of discussion anymore as i m fed up with it .....ok ok this one is an exception :D


Over and out --> Dragonheart ;)

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That plunder thingy may be the real bug here LOL

So basically Terif should bitch about not receiving plunder everytime he recaptures a minor smile.gif

As long as I have the strong feeling that almost every SC player would use such a trick to beat Terif, without informing him first, don't expect him to reveal 100% of his knowledge learned by spending many hours playing and testing stuff.

Unless it is a game breaking bug, in which case I would the first to blame him.

In this respect I would like to address Terif this question:

- Terif, do you consider this trick to be a game breaker? And please explain the reasoning if you decide to answer my question. Thanks.

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

Hahaha, yes Dragondirt. You surely learnt SC much better after I had beat you 7 games in a row. As far as SMACKTALK, not my fault you entered this topic tongue.gif:D

7 times?? :eek: I think you messed something up....you lost 7 games ag rambo, your rekord ag me should be 3 times beside this fact i think that i won 7 times ag you before your winning streak was starting. ;)

But as master of finding old treads you can prove me the contrary and i will shut up and pray to my master. :D

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Originally posted by Dragonheart:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zappsweden:

Hahaha, yes Dragondirt. You surely learnt SC much better after I had beat you 7 games in a row. As far as SMACKTALK, not my fault you entered this topic tongue.gif:D

7 times?? :eek: I think you messed something up....you lost 7 games ag rambo, your rekord ag me should be 3 times beside this fact i think that i won 7 times ag you before your winning streak was starting. ;)

But as master of finding old treads you can prove me the contrary and i will shut up and pray to my master. :D </font>

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