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My, you ARE new to this board, aren't you? :D Anyway, as a serious answer that's basically impossible. The kind of people who gravitate towards games like this and CMBO/BB are NOT the kind of folks who steer away from dicussions of history/ideology/anything else. Usually heated ones. tongue.gif

Nice idea, but... kind of lacking in the reality department.

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The two hunters were in the forest. One of them falls down, and appears to have a heart attack. The other hunter, in a panic, calls 911 on his cell phone.

"Operator! I am out in the forest and my friend just fell over! I don't think he is breathing! I think he is dead!"

"OK, sir, lets just calm down. First, lets make sure he is actually dead, ok?"

Pause. A shot rings out.

"OK, operator. Now what?"

Jeff Heidman

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Frank Sinatra is in Vatican City. He tells his agent that he wants to go visit the Pope. His agent says:

"It's not easy to meet the Pope. You need to make an appointment way in advance."

Sinatra replies:

"Hey, I Frank friggin' Sinatra and I want to see the Pope!"

His agent, exasperated says:

"Look, every morning after Mass, the Pope comes out to the square and visits with the people. Go to the square, stand in front, and when the Pope sees you, he'll greet you and most likely invite you in."

Sinatra likes the idea.

The next morning, Sinatra is out in the square, and standing next to him is a filthy, smelly, hobo. The Pope comes out ot meet the people and immediatley sees Sinatra. He walks up and as he approaches, Sinatra offers his hand. But suddenly, the Pope walks right past Sinatra, goes up to the Hobo, puts his arm around the bum and whispers softly in his ear. He then moves on.

Sinatra is emabarrased and pissed. He sees his agent later in the day and says:

"How do you like that! Me, Frank Sinatra, ignored by the Pope so he can talk to some stinking Bum!"

His agent pleads:

"You have to understand the situation Frank. How would it look for the Pope talking to someone as rich and famous as you, and ignoring a member of the downtrodden. He has sympathy for the poor, you know that. Look, for tomorrow, why don't you dress in dirty rags, don't shave, and look your worse. Stand in the square looking that way. When the Pope sees you, he'll come to you. You tell him who you are, and he'll then invite you into the Vatican."

Sinatra likes the idea.

The next day, Sinatra looking his absolute worse is standing in the square. The Pope comes out and imediately sees him. The Pope, without hesitation walks up to Sinatra and puts his arm around him. He then whispers in his ear:

"Hey! I thought I told you yesterday to get your smelly ass outta here!" :D

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We'll considering that Jeff has already told the funniest joke in the history of jokes perhaps we should refrain from telling jokes.....Come to think of it, I wonder if that Frank Sinatra one was on the master list....Oh yea, I came across one last night "how many Corps does it take to stop the Germans on the Eastern front?".......All of them!!!

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A young Roman soldier saunters into a bar.

He approaches the bartender, then raises his right hand and extends the first two fingers in the "V" sign.

4 older veterans at a nearby table see this and one leaps up and yells:

"Why you young whippersnapper! These 3 others and me take offense! We have fought the battles brave -- and here you are, coming into OUR bar and insulting us!

What are you, some kind of cowardly whelp, making that ridiculous "peace-sign?"

The young man is startled, then smiles. smile.gif

"Easy, old friend. I was merely ordering 5 beers. One for me, and a round for you and your legionaire buddies."

(... Roman numeral "V" = 5... )

To make a larger point, extensive research (and common sense) has shown that ~90% of communication is body language and facial expression. We each "read" the small but telling clues in another's face or posture.

For hundreds of thousands of years, this was the ONLY way to determine where we stood in the grand or tribal scheme of thngs (not discounting mono-syllables or music).

On a forum, it is usually impossible, truly, to KNOW what another person is ACTUALLY intending simply by reading a two-dimensional series of words.

Sure you can add one of those "smile or anger" faces, but that is pretty vague. Besides, you may exhibit one, when you actually mean to disguise a truer emotion.

And, there are those moments when personal stress will cause us to say something other than what we intended. Sometimes it is really hard to "take back" an impolite sentence, especially if we are immediately attacked.

So. I propose that if anyone has a "problem" with any another's statement or opinion or APPARENT criticism... just... ask.

ASK. What do you mean? Or, would you clarify? Or, could you elaborate? Etc, etc.

Does that "V" sign mean that you foolishly refuse to "fit in" with the rest of us war (game) veterans?

Or, is it a well meaning and highly personalized -- we each have a unique style, and there is absolutely not a "better" method of expression -- attempt to share information or even be communal?

This is no knitting-club O hell no, where we all need to be pretty please polite, and so I will always advocate free thinking, free expression, and freewheeling debate.

But, and I remind myself most especially, that it is damn near IMPOSSIBLE to know another person just from scanning a few lines on a computer screen.

Sometimes it's true that you can get a good idea of who/what/why that person is, or was, but the old expression still rings true:

"Don't criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their moccasins."

(... or, legionaire's sandals) smile.gif

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A Englishman, an Italian, and a Russian were sitting around in cafe one day, talking about the travel habits of their compatriots.

"When we Englishman travel," said the Frenchman, "We like to drive our Austin-Healys through the country side."

"Ha!," said the Italian. "We take our Ferraris on our excursions and people just love them!"

"Well," began the Russian, "when we Russians travel, we like to take our T-72 tanks."

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Trying to remember a line from the movie version of "The Cheap Detective". The mistress of a fanatical Nazi agent is speaking:

"Last night he made me play a game called Stuka. I had to be Poland. All night long I kept waking up to the sound of bombers overhead." :D

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Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

To make a larger point, extensive research (and common sense) has shown that ~90% of communication is body language and facial expression. We each "read" the small but telling clues in another's face or posture.

Time to play psych-grog (note following smiley): smile.gif

Your fundamental point that a great deal of communication is non-verbal is correct, but the "90% of communications is body language" figure has been quoted so often it's become part of popular culture.

Firstly non-verbal is more than just "body language". Eg tone, inflection, pace of speaking, which are parts of the auditory communication.

Secondly 90% is too high. Just to quote one of the more commonly quoted researchers, Birdwhistle, estimates perhaps 35% of a communication is verbal, 65% non-verbal. http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/jwbates/computerfordiversities.htm

I'm not sure whether my post is in any way personal ideology or political banter, but it certainly has nothing to do with Strategic Command (note second smiley). smile.gif

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Ok while we are talking lunatic fringe, lets discuss the merits of email over face to face in the meta game.

Face to face, you get to play turn after turn.

Email you get to play a turn whenever. Whenever you opponent decides to play his next one that is.

Face to face, you get to learn subtle strategies that are never discussed in the manual. Such as the top heavy girl friend missing key lingerie on a hot day.

Email, you don't have care what his girlfriend is doing during your turn.

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