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To Rambo, and this community (lock it soon)


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First off, this is a great game and a great community. Second;, we have this contest going to determine who is the best of the best (though really it's just bragging rights. The game is so good as I believe no one can win constantly: It's a matter of averages.)

Summary: I am in the second round against Waltero. We Play. It's close and I am not doing as well as I would like. We get disco. I put out an AAR.

Rambo says he's kicking my ass as allies as Waltero (in a post). Waltero sends a note out here, saying I put out an AAR he never played. (I'm playing Waltero, who is actually Rambo, lying)

Do you get it? Do you follow? I follow.

I hate to cross lines, break bridges. But I have to now. Rambo, I thought you were wild and fun and crazy and an excellent player (and you are), but now, to me, you are a stain. I can't say you cheat. That would be impossible to prove and actually it doesnt matter. I can't say you lie, but I can, actually, since you posted it yourself.

It's the game, Rambo. Winning or losing, who cares? I sleep well at night, always. I have had to sacrifice for the cause of my integrity. And Integrity, to me, is all that matters.

Why do you lie? Why so intense on proving yourself here? Why is this so important that you will decieve and lie and accuse and well, I don't know the words, but the thought is masturbate yourself to excellence in this house?

Yes, I get sanquine. Yes. I puzzle about things. Yes, I get erudite. I'm just thinking and thinking. And I can't find the why.

In all our games, so far, I concede. BE happy

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I have watched this for some time now, and I see something very disturbing.

I used to play Dungeons and Dragons a lot when I was younger. High school, early 80's.

We had a fellar we played with that attempted to kill himself when his PC (Player Character) was killed in the game.

He wasn't the only one.

It's that some people attempt to derive their entire sense of self worth from a game. Thus when things go against them, their self esteem falls and if it goes to far...

Well you know what happens.

Rambo is exhibiting a lot of traits similiar to these people. So either he enjoys getting everyones dander up or he has some self esteem issues. I truly hope it is that he just enjoys aggravating people.

The cycle is repeating itself with PC games. I have a friend so addicted to Everquest that he is throwing his life away. He'd rather stay shut up in his house playing the game non-stop without sleeping.


Rambo you are the only one who will truly know which you are. Someone who enjoys annoying people or someone who should seek some help.

SC is a great game. But it should not define your life or who you are.

I know this is hereacy in some circles, but it is truth:

"Strategic Command is Only a Game"


You may now burn me at the stake. :cool:

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I used to play Dungeons and Dragons a lot when I was younger. High school, early 80's.

We had a fellar we played with that attempted to kill himself when his PC (Player Character) was killed in the game.

Konstatin V. Kotelnikov --- Mom wouldn't let us play D&D with the potheads in the 80's. Especially with the Russian kids.

This could be the funniest thing I've ever heard.

1) I'm a suicide maniac

2) I'm Hubert

3) I'm Waltero

I'm just Rambo guys.

Hugs & Kisses


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I'm sorry Rambo, I gave you credit for more intelligence than you obviously have.

Read my post again and try to understand. If you don't I can explain it to you. It has nothing to do with you being suicidal or not as you have not exhibited any signs of that.

Read closely the part about self worth.

P.S. The Rambo movies are some of the WORST pieces of cinematic garbage ever to come out of hollywood.

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Read my post again and try to understand. If you don't I can explain it to you. It has nothing to do with you being suicidal or not as you have not exhibited any signs of that.
If it has nothing to do with me, why are you telling me the sad, sad, sad story? Are you trying to preach to me?


I got saved when I was five years old.

Far as Rambo movies sucking...Of course you don't like them. You're a Russian Communist. The world likes to tell us Americans what's wrong with our culture, life, & religion as they beg to come into our country.

And the crowd cheered,"USA...USA...USA...USA"

And the congregation said, AMEN

Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Legendary post

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Well, now it goes spam.

Konstatin, it would be easier to reply to you, if you had less letters and stuff. CvM, is easy to get. So I will abbreviate, since this will be locked away soon....

CvM: Lets get you out of the way. The Russian War against Finland almost mattered, but it didnt.

K: To me, and to you, it just doesn't matter. It is not key. Rambo tries to make it key and i buy into it. But then a lie, and I am dissillioned (sp)

My frank thoughts are, and I can say this, since this thread will be locked by moon tomorrow., You read way too much into this.

Rambo plays well. I don't know if his girlfrient is his right hand, or his left hand, or both.

Rambo actualizes on us. He actualize on the forum. He feeds on this. It is not bad. It is, however, pathetic.

It;s a game!

It is a great game. Rambo could lose his job over this infatuation.

I could too.

He is insane. I am close. It's the game.

Hubert, be happy

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Everyone, take a good hard look at the topics that now populate this forum. For every one that is game related, there are many that are not. Some of you moan about how the game needs to be better advertised, and here, on the forum that would help the image of the game, the same people put up ridiculous posts like this one and the many others that now infest this forum. Let's put a moratorium on the stupidity for a while by at least acting semi civilized or if nothing else, semi-housebroken. Newcomers would be put off from the game right quick if they are forced to separate the wheat from the chaff that plagues this forum... If you must throw verbal mud at one another, use email and keep it out if here!.. So please, grow the hell up and let us move on to some productive threads about SC and SC2...

[ December 28, 2002, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: J Wagner ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

I hate to jump on a guy when everyone else is. But i would like to point this out to u guy. The original rambo was a story telling the way americans treated a true American Hero. IT actually tried to show the error of our beliefs of a time when the soldier was blamed for the Polititions Mistakes. IT took America 20 some odd years to figure that out and admit it. The hippies had it right and the soldier (TRUE blue Americans) Paid the ultimate Price. It had nothing to do with Someone being a communist. (That is the reason we involved ourselves in the "cough" Coflict. Qoute "to stop the rampageing Communist expansionist hoard" But the movie Was an attempt to Make a point which u have obviousley missed. Unless u don't remember the first one.


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Now that's a post I can get on board with.

Rambo First Blood was a fine movie exactly as stated, exactly for the reasons stated.

The other two films were commercial filth though.

And to add to the comment about discouraging new players, you are already doing it.

I have chatted with persons who even now have dumped the game, and specifically because of THIS forum.

They have not been impressed with YOU guys enough that they don't want YOUR game.

I might someday own SC2 if there is ever a creature. But odds are I won't spend a lot of time on furthering the game specifically here.

The forum moderators for reasons of their own choice, have decided it is policy to leave you guys to slit your own throats. Not sure of the wisdom of this action, but you will reap whatever results are due you.

So there it is guys.

This forum is all you have made it, and right now you are not making it much.

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I personally thing this form is going pretty good compaired to other forms I have seen. This form you have people posting every minute while on other forms at other sites they may have 1 posting every 2 hours. Yes, we agrue somtimes, but we're just expressing our opinions. There are not many other forms out there that are active enough to have the tournaments we are able put on. Not to mention most of us are willing to help other players with game tatics, ect, where at other site's forms that would never happen. This posting is pretty much directed at JWagner and Sarge.

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My only reply to your comment Comrade, is that the boards I frequent such as OOTP, Championship Manager, Matrix, SAAP, Paradox, have all the redeeming qualities that you feel are here. This forum is not an island unto itself that it stands out any better or worse than the sites I have mentioned. However, the personal sniping that goes on around here far exceeds anything that I've seen at other forums...it happens, sure, but not at the pace that occurs here...I guess that's the benefit of quick replies on this board huh?

[ December 28, 2002, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: J Wagner ]

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Forums seem to represent their owners. This one has a distinct BTS flavor which came about when a relatively small group of players gathered around and waited for a full couple of years between the opening of the forums and the release of Combat Mission... that's why the culture here is a bit freewheeling. The rules, both official and unofficial bear that out. Good? Bad? I dunno, it's just how it is. I enjoy these forums better than the ones suggested by J Wagner and The Sarge.. Different strokes, I guess. That doesn't make the Matrix forums (for example) bad, just not an ideal fit for me (and I'm a rabid UV player and praise Matrix every chance I get for bringing back some classics and updateing them and makinhg such outstanding new classics).

edit: Because the Raiders dominated today, and I've been celebrating since the first quarter... Homefield throughout... THe Road to San Diego goes through the Black Hole (with apologies to our non US friends who are wondering what I'm on about).


Commitment to Excellence

[ December 28, 2002, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]

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This forum is actually pretty tame compared to some. I hit several reenactor boards on a daily basis and those can be ugly. Those boards are host to all sorts of bickering, petty tyrants, people calling for event boycotts for XYZ reason, others advocating that less authentics should be forced out of the hobby, and such.

There is a good amount of decent information you can find on this board. I myself used to stick to historical lines of thinking, and there were so ideas that I picked up here that I tried such as france invading the low countries. A pre-emptive strike on Italy. Britian taking Iraq. And so forth.

Stuff outside of historical lines. Gamey ideas as people say. Great ideas, interesting ideas and even some silly ideas. Makes me wish I had more than a couple hours a week to play the game.

Also they read the ideas posted here and if they are good the incorporate them into the game. That's a nice touch.

Even with it's problems, I wouldn't let this board turn you off to the game. The game itself is great. Most of the bickering revolves around competition. You'll always have that, it's a part of human nature. Nobody wants to lose.

I have never played a game where someone hadn't said "You can't do that" and sent everyone scurrying for the rule books. Even in simple games such as monopoly, battleship and chess.

A friend of mine taught me a simple phrase "F.I.D.O" which stood for F$@# It Drive On. Sometimes easier said then done.

It's just a game. That is all. Sometimes you win, some times you lose. Nothing to get upset over and nothing to allow to run your life.

Well I better get back to watching the Badgers piss their season away.

Keep the faith.


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